Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(Retro) Just Some Things To Mention - 9/19/03

Just Some Things To Mention - 9/19.03

What up all? I just feel like rambling about a few things I've seen in the news and just thought about.. So bear with me....

Today is National Talk Like A Pirate Day! Shiver me timbers!!

Grandpa Munster - Al Lewis made the news a few days ago. He had the bottom part of his left leg amputated and all the toes on his right foot as well. There was something about an emergency by-pass he had in June and the blood clotting caused problems and the docs were worried about Gangrene setting in and amputated.. He is 94 years old.

I just mentioned this cause I always liked the Munsters even if it was just a bad rip off of the Addams family.. It's sad to hear that Grandpa is having it so bad these days, but hell,, just 2 years ago, he was running for Governor of New York, so he's lived a very active and full life up to now.. I guess it's just caught up with him..

AOL-Time Warner is dropping the AOL from it's name and will now just be Time Warner Inc. I guess that's better than calling them the corporate SOB's who destroyed WCW and made Vince McMahon the "biggest man in Sports-Entertainment today!".. Corporate politics and wrestling just don't mix..

After all the news about Johnny Cash and John Ritter passing away, it's been much overlooked that actor/singer Sheb Wooley passed away too a couple of days ago. He was a Western actor, but is best known for his song "Flying Purple People Eater".. Rest in Peace, dude.. That one song has brought many a smile to many a face.. You did good!!

Are N-Sync still together as a band? All I ever hear is Justin this and Justin that... But I never heard anything about them supposedly breaking up.. So are they still together.. And does anyone really care?

Mick Jagger is in his 60's and still has more energy and puts on a better live show than 99.85% of the performers out there..

And good as Mick is, if you ever get the chance to see Alice Cooper or Reba McIntyre (that's a combo there, ain't it?) LIVE - go do it.. I've been to alot of concerts over the years and Alice is the most theatrical and spectacular stage show I have ever seen.. It just totally rocks.. And Reba is awesome. I didn't even much like her till I went to the concert.. But the whole show was just fantastic.. You get a chance, check them out..

And AC/DC too!! That was the loudest show I've ever been too..

I guess that's enough for now.. Later all..


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