Later that evening, at dusk, in the living room at Collinwood, Quentin and the students from the school have gathered and have gotten together with Barnabas, Dani Moonstar and Mantis to discuss their strategy.
"So where are Miss Harkness and Daniel?", Bradley asked. "The kid didn't weasal out on us, did he?"
"Agatha is at the school working on something that I asked her to do", Quentin noted. "Daniel is helping her out."
"Well, his powers of talking to the birds and squirrels wouldn't be much help against a vampire anyhow", Bradley joked.
"He talks to squirrels?", Dani asked?
"Every morning", Bradley laughed. "He's got a regular little squirrel army that convenes every morning on the east lawn waiting for him. It's crazy!"
"Excuse me", Barnabas cleared his throat to get everyones attention.
"So what we shall do now is coordinate our efforts to find this rogue vampire before anyone else is harmed or worse", Barnabas said. "But before we do that, I want to know if there have been any new developments to report?"
"Well, I talked to our young vampire's family and a couple of friends", Dani spoke up. "I got a list of places that he liked to go and spend time at. A few abandoned houses, some caves and what not. I would suggest that at least some of us focus our search in these places and see if there is any sign of recent activity or habitation."
"That's a good idea", Barnabas agreed.
"This one also had some ideas to follow upon", Mantis added. "I tried to use my abilities to speak to the plants to do a search, but to no avail. So Jacques and I combined our powers and did an empathic scan of the area and we found some areas devoid of emotions not so far away."
"They were kind of lke empathic black holes", Jacques noted. "Definitely weird."
"That'll be another area we need to check out", Quentin remarked.
"Willie, Bradley and I did a quick search of the grounds here at Collinwood to make sure no one was lurking about", Akiko noted.
"That was a good idea", Jacques remarked.
"So what are the plans for tonight", Akiko asked.
"We are going to coordinate our efforts and split up in groups searching different areas. If James is still in the area... and I think he is, we should be able to find him", Barnabas replied. "And I want to make it known that I am still not happy about involving you students in this effort. If Quentin and Dani hadn't suggested it and worked those drills with each of you in the Danger Room earlier today, I would never allow it."
"That blood sucker went after Mrs. Stoddard", Bradley spoke up. "We have to get him!"
"Where is Mrs. Stoddard anyhow?", Jo Ann Steen, aka Streak, asked.
"She's upstairs in her room laying down", Quentin said. "Dr. Hoffman is with her and will be remaining here with her and Willie tonight."
"Don't you think we should have someone stationed here at the house with Dr. Hoffman and Willie to protect Mrs. Stoddard, just in case that dude comes back", Mickey Silk spoke up. "I was just thinking that he might decide to take another crack at her."
"The kid has a point", Quentin said to Barnabas. "Especially since he's apparently already been invited in. He can come and go as he pleases now if he chooses too."
"You're right", Barnabas agreed. "And I want Mickey and LInk to stay here and help Willie protect the house and Elizabeth."
"What? I didn't mean... ", Mickey started to complain, but looks from Quentin and Barnabas quickly quieted the lad.
"I picked the two of you for a reason", Barnabas said. "And this is not a task to be taken lightly."
"Why us?", Link asked, also clearly dejected at being stuck on guard duty at Collinwood.
"Because protecting Elizabeth... and Julia is very important to me. And I know that Mickey, with the powers of the Poltergeist, should be sufficently able to repel any attack on this house, especially when combined with your powers, Link"
"That makes sense", Link agreed.
"But let's get one thing clear", Quentin told the two young men. "If there is an intruder here at Collinwood, you are NOT to engage them. Your priority is to protect Elizabeth, Julia and Willie and contact us, as soon as possible. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir", Poltergeist agreed.
"As for the rest of us, we'll split up into two groups.
And so two groups were formed. The first was Quentin, Mantis, Jacques and Streak. The second was Dani, Bradley, Akiko and Vapor. Barnabas would search on his own .
"We'll patrol the old part of the village, down near the industrial section", Quentin said. "There are a lot of old abandoned warehouses down that way, especially near the docks, that would make great places for our vampire to hide."
"Our group will check out all of James old haunts and hang-outs", Dani remarked.
"And I'll stay on patrol for the rest of the town and the old cementaries", Barnabas replied. "But remember, if you find our vampire, avoid confrontation if possible. If there's one vampire of his kind, there is usually more. And he can lead us to any others."
Dani reached into a bag and pulled out a handful of small items.
"These are SHIELD issued ear-wigs", she explained as she handed them out to everyone. "So we can keep in contact with each other and back each other up quickly."
"Everyone be very careful", Barnabas warned. "And students, make sure you listen to Quentin, Mantis and Dani. They are in charge."
"Everyone do a weapons check and make sure you have the wooden stakes and crosses we gave you", Quentin said.
Everyone checked and nodded as they made sure they were properly armed and ready for anything.
"If everyone is ready, let's go", Dani said.
And with those words, the teachers and students of the Stoddard Institute departed to search for their missing vampire foe.
Several hours passed without incident and Dani and her group, consisting of Bradley, aka "Black Wolf", Akiko, code-named "The Rose" and Alicia, aka "Vapor" had searched and crossed off the majority of hang-outs and places on Dani's list. Taking a short break, they stopped by an old, fenced in cementary.
"So far, it's been a bust", Dani sighed.
"I wonder if any of the others have had any luck?", Vapor asked.
"They have to had more excitement than we have", Bradley scowled unhappily.
"I'm glad we haven't found any trouble", Vapor said.
"What is it, Akiko?", Dani asked, noticing that the young Japanese girl was staring out into the cementary.
"I think I see some movement", Akiko said. "Over at the far end of the cementary."
Quickly, everyone was alert and primed as Dani took control.
"Everyone, be ready for anything", she said. "Bradley, shift to your wolf form and see if you can move over closer to that area that Akiko has pointed out and give us an idea of what's going on."
With a smirk and a nod, Bradley quickly began to morph and change from his usual form of a strapping, muscular, handsome young Indian to that of a large, gray furred wolf. Moving silently and quickly, Bradley set off to circle around the cementary and vanished from sight.
"What should the rest of us do", Vapor asked.
"While Bradley circles around, we will move slowly and steadily towards that area from the front. Everyone be alert and stay quiet", Dani said.
Silently, the three women moved through the cementary and approached the site where Akiko had spotted movement. And there, standing over a partially opened grave, they spotted two tall young men and a slightly frumpy woman.
"Excuse me", Dani spoke loudly, startling the three figures. "Is there a reason you're standing out here in the dark?"
The three figures turned around and glared at Dani, Akiko and Alicia.
"Just waiting for dinner", the frumpy woman smiled. "And here you are!"
"Ummm... I thought we were just hunting one vampire", Alicia said.
"Oh crap!", Dani muttered.
Quentin and his group, consisting of Jacques, Mantis and Streak continued their search of the business district.
"I still don't see why I can't just run ahead and check these places out", Streak complained as they exited a large, abandoned warehouse that had checked clean of vampires or any signs of recent occupation.
"What would you do if you found a vampire?", Quentin asked. "Or even worse, a group of them?"
"Turn around and get the hell out of dodge", Streak said honestly, causing Jacques to supress a snorting chuckle.
"We're better off searching as a group", Quentin reminded the impatient young girl.
"This one knows that you are bored, young one", Mantis remarked. "But it's not wise to face the unknown alone. We should stay together."
"I'm sensing something up ahead", Jacques broke in. "I can't identify if for sure, but it's like an emotional void... a black hole."
"Like we sensed earlier", Mantis asked.
"Exactly", Jacques answered.
"Where's it coming from?", Quentin asked.
"That building up there on the left", Jacques noted.
"Do you sense anything Mantis?", Quentin asked.
"No, but my son's powers are far stronger than this ones", Mantis answered.
"Everyone be ready for anything", Quentin said as he approached a door to the building Jacques had pointed out. "Because we're going in."
With Quentin leading the way, the group quickly made their way into the building. Moments later, they came to a large room that showed signs of occupation.
"Bingo", Quentin said. "We've discovered their nest."
"Yeah, but where are the vampires?", Streak asked as she looked around the vast room.
"Right here, chicky-poo", a voice echoed out.
Quentin and the others spun around quickly. Standing there, blocking the doorway were eight young thugs.
"Vampires?", Jacques asked.
"Yep", Quentin said grimly. "Vampires!"
Barnabas Collins moved quickly through the night as he searched through Collinsport and the surrouding lands. Already, he had discovered several hidden caves and crypts that had shown signs of recent occupation. Rendering these chambers useless to further occupation through the use of Holy Water that he had sprinkled liberally throughout the area, he now flew, in his bat form towards Collinwood. Something was not right. Barnabas had a crawling feeling in his guts that there was far more to all if this than just one vampire coming home and it greatly disturned him. And not for the first time, he was regretting getting the students from the Institute involved.
"They're extremely capable and powerful youngsters", he told himself, "but Quentin and I should have handled this ourselves. It's still far too dangerous for them."
With a heavy sigh, Barnabas continued his flight through the night sky for a few moments when he spotted something on the ground.
"That looks like one of the Sheriff's cars?", he thought as he flew down towards the object he had spotted. "But there is no reason for any deputies to be out here."
Barnabas flew down, still in the form of a large bat and circled around the car. It was indeed one of the Sheriff's cars parked, but there were no deputies around. The car was empty. Barnabas landed and assumed his human form as he looked around the car, trying to figure out why it was parked here alone. And then the scent hit him... of human blood.
Quickly, Barnabas used his keen vampiric senses to follow the blood scent just a short ways where he found, in a small, hastily covered ditch, two bodies, stripped down and naked, and dead, drained of their blood. Barnabas recognized the two bodies as deputies from the Sheriff's office. Barnabas quickly surveyed the scene and then, making a note of the area, changed back into his bat form and took off into the air. He had to get to Collinwood and quickly.
Meanwhile back at Collinwood, Willie Loomis and Mickey Silk, aka Poltergeist, played chess while Dr. Julia Hoffman, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and the young mutant, Lorne Lincoln, aka Link sat on the couch engaged in conversation.
"So what are your plans after you finish school, Link?", Elizabeth Collins Stoddard asked the young oriental lad.
"I really don't know, ma'am", Link replied. "I'd like to head back to Los Angeles and maybe see if I can make a difference there, helping people."
"If I never see L.A. again, it'll be too soon", Mickey remarked from his seat while waiting for Willie to make his move.
"Mickey had some bad experiences there", Link explained. "We both did. But I still would like to go back sometime."
"Then you're own your own", Mickey shot back once more. "I'm not going back."
"Well, I've only been to Los Angeles once", Elizabeth remarked. "And that was so long ago. But I found it to be a fascinating place."
"I've been there a few times myself", Julia added. "And I'm with Mickey on this one. If I never go back, it'll be too soon."
"You didn't like it?", Elizabeth asked.
"Not at all", Julia said. "The smog and the traffic were both terrible. And those people are crazy. No offense to either of you, of course", she said to Mickey and Link.
"None taken", Link said with a smile. "It does take some getting used to, but I grew up there. Mickey is from Boston, so he had a harder time adapting."
"You're from Boston, Mickey?", Julia asked. "I didn't know that."
"I was born in Boston, but we moved to California when I was five... my parents and I. And I lived in San Francisco until I turned thirteen and these powers... this poltergeist, started showing up."
"Where are your parents now?", Elizabeth asked. "If you don't mind my asking."
"I really don't know ma'am", Mickey said. "I went back a few years ago to find them and they were gone. No forwarding address either."
"They just left you?", Julia asked.
"Well, from what we were able to find out", Link stepped in, taking over the conversation when he realized that Mickey was beginning to be upset. "they probably thought that Mickey was dead. He was abducted, as was I and several others, by a group called the Secret Empire, who wanted to use our powers in their plans."
"Oh my, that's horrible", Elizabeth said, her hands rising to her mouth to cover her expression of shock.
"It turned out okay, thanks to Spider Woman, Tigra and a few other heroes who found and rescued us", Link finished.
"And now you're here with us", Julia said in an attempt to change the subject after noticing that Mickey was starting to get upset.
"Yeah, I guess", Mickey remarked. "Sure would be nice to know if my parents were alive or dead though."
"That probably wouldn't be hard to find out", Elizabeth smiled at the young man. "I could easily hire an investigator to find out."
"Or we could just have Mantis or Barnabas use the Avengers resources... or have Dani use her SHIELD contacts to find out", Julia noted.
"Do you think they could?", Mickey asked.
"It can't hurt to ask", Julia replied.
"Excuse me, but Miss Harkness is on the phone", Willie interupted.
"Thank you, Willie", Julia said. "I'll go speak to Agatha."
As Julia left the room to go to the phone, the sounds of wolves howling in the distance could be heard outside.
"What's that?", Mickey asked nervously.
"Just dogs", Willie said quickly.
"Maybe we should go take a look", Link suggested.
"No", Willie said quickly. "We all stay here together. It's too dangerous out there."
Then a knock came at the door.
"What was that?", Mickey asked nervouslly.
"A knock at the door", Elixabeth answered.
"But who can it be?", Mickey asked.
"Should I answer, Elizabeth?", Willie asked.
"Vampires don't knock, do they?", Link asked.
"It's the Sheriff's office", a voice came out from outside the door. "The Sheriff sent us here to help protect you folks!"
Relaxing, Mickey went to answer the door. "I'll get it!"
"Mickey... no!", Willie shouted as Mickey slung open the door and there stood two Sheriff's deputies.
"Hey there young fellow", the older of the two uniform clad officers remarked. "The Sheriff sent us here. Can we come in?"
"Yeah, sure... come on in", Mickey said as Julia walked back into the room.
"What was that noise I heard. Was someone at the door?", Julia asked as she walked back into the room, stopping at the sight of the two uniformed officers.
"Hey look Julia, the Sheriff sent a couple of deputies to help protect us", Mickey said with a smile.
"I see that", Julia sighed.
"Yes ma'am", one of the deputies spoke. "The Ma... the Sheriff was really worried about you people up here all alone and told us to come here and keep an eye on everyone. He'll be coming up here himself in just a little while."
"I see", Julia said grimly as she looked at the two men.
"Isn't that wonderful?", Elizabeth smiled. "The Sheriff is such a thoughtful man sometimes, when he's not being infuriating, that is."
"I'm surprised the Sheriff didn't call ahead and let us know you were coming", Julia questioned.
"He's just busy", one of the deputies answered hastily. "He probably just forgot!"
"Most likely", Julia agreed as she glanced at Elizabeth, Willie and her two students. "Well, while we wait for Sheriff Jackson, I'll go into the kitchen and make some fresh coffee?"
"None for me, thanks", one of the deputies smiled. "I don't drink coffee. It makes me too jittery!"
"Do you need a hand, Dr. Hoffman", Link asked quietly as he eyed the two officers.
"I think I might", Julia said.
"Don't be too long", one of the deputies smiled at Julia and Link.
:While you go get coffee", the other deputy smiled, "We'll sit here and wait for the Sheriff and get to know these fine people!"
"We won't be long", Julia smiled grimly.
Julia and Link went into the kitchen.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking", Link quickly asked Julia as they stepped into the kitchen area.
"I am", Julia said. "Did you see their response when I called the Sheriff by the wrong name? They didn't bat an eye."
"So what do we do?", Link asked.
"We don't want to provoke them or start a battle", Julia said. "Not while Elizabeth and Willie are in the area and could get easily hurt."
"Mickey and I could probably take them", Link said.
"Let's don't find out. I'll make coffee and try to keep them distracted and occupied. You need to sneak out of here and find Barnabas, Quentin or Dani."
"Can't we contact them with our cell phones or the ear-whig devices that Dani left?", Link asked.
"No", Julia sighed. "Dani didn't have enough of those ear devices to leave any here. And I didn't want to alarm anyone, but the phone went dead when I was speaking to Agatha a few moments ago... just about the same time those officers knocked."
"Coincidence?", Link asked.
"I doubt it", Julia said.
"So I'll sneak out and try to find the others", Link asked.
"And I'll cover for you", Julia said. "Say I sent you to the celler to find something."
Suddenly, one of the Deputies came walking into the room.
"You're taking a long time and we were getting lonely", he snarled. "So let's all head back into the living room where we can all be nice and safe and comfy... NOW!"
"We were just coming along now", Julia said, casting a look to Link to just play along for now, their plans for him going to find how now not possible.
Link caught the look and, with a sigh, picked up the tray holding the pot of coffee and the cups.
"Let's go back to the living room", he said quietly.
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