Back at the Stoddard Institute...
Agatha hung up the phone and turned to Daniel and the housekeeper, Dolly Donahue.
"That is certainly most disturbing", she said with a frown.
"What's happening?", Daniel asked.
"I was talking to Julia and the phone line went dead", Agatha said.
"Well, this is rural country", Dolly mentioned. "And phone lines being down is quite common."
"Not for me", Agatha said. "I detected an aura of mystical energy just before the line died. Something is happening."
"So what should we do? Contact Barnabas or Quentin and have them check out Collinwood?", Daniel asked.
"I need to stay here and finish the project that I've been assigned", Agatha sighed. "And I'll need your aid, Dolly for I fear that speed will be of the essence."
Dolly Donahue just nodded as Agatha turned to Daniel.
"You need to get to Collinwood to determine the situation and act as necessary", she said to the young man.
"No", Dolly said. "He's just a child!"
"He's a child of the gods", Agatha said. "He was raised and lived among the very land of Olympus itself and the blood of Diana, goddess of the moon, runs through his veins. He is extremely capable and I have the strongest faith in him."
"I don't like it", Dolly said bluntly.
"Nor do I", Agatha said. "But I can not leave right now and must finish this spell I'm working on. And we must learn what is happening at Collinwood. Daniel is our best option."
"Can't you just cast a scrying spell or something", Dolly asked.
"Normally, I could and would", Agatha explained. "But this task is taxing even my powers and I can't even spare the magic for a basic teleportation spell, much less a scrying spell or telepathic communication."
"I hate to interupt, but how am I getting to Collinwood? It's a twenty-five minute drive and I don't even have a drivers license yet", Daniel asked.
"And speed is of the essence", Agatha smiled.
"I'll drive you", Dolly said.
"No", Agatha said. "As I said earlier, I'll need your help here, Dolly."
Dolly just frowned.
"But your ride is here, Daniel. Look out to the yard", Agatha said.
Daniel went to the window and looked outside and there, in the front yard of the Institute, was a winged stallion.
"That is Dani Moonstar's horse, Brightwind", Agatha spoke. "That is the stallion she rides as a member of the Asgardian Valkyrie. Go speak to Brightwind. He will recognize the Olympian blood in you and take you where you need to go."
"He is beautiful", Daniel said. "But I know the legends and once a winged stallion has accepted one person as it's rider, no other may ride in their place. Especially if it's one of the Valkyrie's horses. Brightwind will never allow it."
"He will", Agatha said soothingly. "Just use your ability to speak the language of animals and explain it to him. He will understand."
"If you say so", Daniel sighed.
"Now go to Brightwind and go to Collinwood. Be cautious and brave and aid our fellows. I shall follow as soon as I can", Agatha said.
"Okay", Daniel said and with that, he went out to the large winged stallion, who walked right up to him as he stepped outside. Daniel stroked the large animal's mane as he spoke to him in the language of horses and gods. With a snort and a nod, the large stallion beckoned Daniel to climb aboard and take his place on the animals back. And then, with a loud neigh and spreading of the wings, the large winged stallion rose quickly into the air and headed off into the night sky, carrying Daniel to the stately estate known as Collinwood.
The blonde vampire exploded in a cloud of dust as Dani Moonstar pierced it with an arrow.
"I think that's all of them", Dani said quietly
"I took care of this one" Bradley smiled as he morphed back into human form.
"As did Vapor and I with this one", Akiko said as she gave her friend a high five.
"So that's three of them", Vapor said.
"Yeah, but none of them are the one we're looking for", Dani said.
"And this was way too easy", Bradley snarled. "It doesn't feel right."
"Look out", Akiko yelled to Dani as she cut loose and let fly with several throwing stars from the pouch she wore on her side.
Dani moved quickly and the throwing stars nailed a young male vampire who had jumped from the bushes to attack Dani. He fell to the ground and screamed in agony and pain as smoke rose from his body and the sizzling sounds of skin burning echoed through the night.
"Throwing stars dipped in holy water", Akiko explained.
"So it looks as if we have a prisoner", Dani said. "Now we can figure out what is going on."
"Go to hell, squaw!", the vampire sneered at Dani.
"Been there and done that", Dani smiled grimly. "Now, do you want to tell us what's going on?"
"I'm not saying anything, bitch", the vampire spit out once more.
"I think you will", Bradley said as he looked at the vampire laying there on the ground. "Or else you'll be dinner."
And Bradley smiled at the vampire as he morphed into his other form, that of a large, giant wolf.
"Bradley, stand back", Dani said. "Vapor and Akiko... you too! I'll deal with our young vampire."
The three students stood back as Dani approached the vampire.
"So what are you going to do, Squaw? Make me a blanket? Smoke the peace pipe?", the vampire laughed.
"I could", Dani smiled. "But instead, I'm going to take this wooden arrow and plunge it into your hand. And then take another arrow and stake it through your other hand. And then...."
"Torture me", the vampire laughed. "You're supposed to be heroes. You're supposed to be better than that."
"Oh, I'm no hero", Dani smiled. "I'm a person who's sick of being screwed with and tired of waiting for answers."
The smile on the vampire's face quickly vanished.
"Okay, I'll tell you. Doesn't matter since you're going to die soon. All of you!", he laughed.
"Talk", Dani said. "Now!"
"Yeah, we were sent here to detain you... hopefully kill all of you", the vampire said. "While our Master takes care of that traitorous vampire, Barnabas Collins and wipes out his entire line."
"Who sent you?", Dani asked.
"The Master", the vampire laughed.
"Who's the Master?", Bradley asked, snarling at the vampire.
"The Master", the vampire repeated.
"Screw it", Dani said and quickly plunged a wooden stake into the laughing vampire, who quickly exploded into a cloud of dust.
"We need to contact Quentin and his group and get to Collinwood... NOW!", Dani said to her group.
"Already on it", Vapor said, waving her cell phone at the others. "I'm calling Jacques now."
"Bradley, shift to wolf form and get to Collinwood as fast as you can", Dani said. "The rest of us will follow as quickly as we can."
"On it", Bradley said as he morphed into his wolf form once more.
And with a quick howl to his friends, the large wolf quickly vanished into the night.
Quentin, Mantis, Jacques and Streak were standing around, comparing notes after disposing of their vampire attackers.
"Well, that was fun", Quentin smirked. "But did anyone else notice what I did?"
"None of these vampires were our friend, James", Jacques noted.
"So now what, boss?", Streak asked Quentin.
"I'm not sure", Quentin said. "I guess we continue to patrol and see what we can find. Maybe Dani or Barnabas have had more luck."
Jacques reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, which was buzzing, as the others continued to talk.
"Quentin, I just got a call from Vapor. Her group just took down some vampires over at the big cementary", Jacques said.
"Is everyone okay", Quentin asked.
"Everyone is fine, but they managed to catch and interrogate one of the boogers before he poofed away and it seems that this is all a part of something bigger. Major threats against Barnabas and the entire Collins line by someone called The Master", Jacques relayed.
"The Master?", Mantis asked. "Why does that sound familiar?"
"I don't know", Quentin said, "but I think we need to get to Collinwood and quick."
"Dani has already sent Bradley on ahead and her group will meet us there", Jacques said. "Want me to teleport us there?"
"Yes", Quentin said. "But to the old house. And have Dani and her group meet us there."
"What about Link and Mickey and Dr. Hoffman", Streak asked.
"And Elizabeth and Willie", Jacques added.
"I don't want to rush the house and place them in any greater danger than they might already be", Quentin said. "It's better we're coordinated before we act."
"Dani says that they'll meet us at the old house", Jacques said.
"Fine", Quentin said. "Jacques, teleport us there please."
"Yes sir", Jacques said. "Everyone grabs hands."
And with a big flash of light and a loud popping noise, the four vanished from sight.
Daniel held his breath as he rode the flying stallion through the air. As they approached Collinwood, he signaled to the great beast and brought the winged horse to a landing near the Collins family crypt.
"Wow, that was a rush", Daniel thought to himself as he climbed off the horse. "Now how do I find out what's going on at the big house without attracting any attention?"
Daniel looked around for a few moments and spotted a large nest at the top of a nearby tree. And he smiled.
Back at Collinwood, the two Sheriff Deputies had continued to keep Julia, Elizabeth, Willie, Link and Mickey together in the living room.
"How much longer must we wait for the Sheriff to get here?", Elizabeth asked one of the deputies.
"The Master will be here very soon", the deputy sneered.
"The Master?", Elizabeth asked.
"They're not Sheriff deputies, Elizabeth", Julia said bluntly. "They're vampires!"
"What?", Elizabeth said. "You don't mean..."
"Surprise", one of the deputies smiled, his face changing into that of a high browed, hideous creature.
Mickey quickly stood up, but Link stopped him.
"Not now", Link said. "They have the advantage. Stand down, Mickey!"
"Listen to your friend", one of the vampire deputies smiled as he grabbed Willie by the neck. "Unless you want this human piece of meat dead!"
"So what do you want?", Julia asked as she signaled Mickey and Link to sit down.
"Want?", the vampire sneered as he shoved Willie into a seat. "We don't want anything. But the Master... that's another story!"
"Master?", Link asked. "Who's that?"
"He's exactly what we said he is... The Master", the vampire explained. "He wants to meet the famous Collins family. Especially Barnabas Collins."
"What does your Master want with Cousin Barnabas?", Elizabeth asked.
"Why don't you ask him?", the deputy smiled as there came a knock at the door.
"Go let them in", he said to Willie. "And no tricks or everyone in here dies!"
Willie looked up at Julia for some idea of what to do.
"Go ahead Willie", Julia said.
With a nod, Willie walked to the door and opened it slowly. There stood an ancient, decrepit old man and a large group of young vampires.
"Hello young man", the Master spoke. "May we come in?"
Williw gave a panicked look back towards Julia and Elizabeth who just nodded.
"Sure, come on in", Willie said as the Master and his minions, including the fledgling vampire known as James strolled past him and quickly filled the living room.
"Search the house", the Master quickly barked out orders to his vampires. "Make sure that there is no one else here."
And then The Master turned and looked towards Julia and Elizabeth.
"So you are the Matriach of the Collins family", he smiled at Elizabeth. "And you are the lover?", he said to Julia.
The Master walked around the house for a few moments and turned quickly.
"So where is the legendary Barnabas Collins?"
Suddenly, there was a slight scratching at the window that caught the vampire's attention. He turned and gazed towards the windows.
"Squirrels", he smiled. "How sweet. Though I've never known them to come up on a windowsill like that. Must be something in the weather." Turning back towards Julia and Elizabeth. "Now let's talk about Barnabas."
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