Thursday, April 5, 2012

Alphabet Survey - April 5, 2012

Alphabet Survey

1. A is for age: Are we talking physical age or mental? I'm old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyhow and far too old for the sexy-ass guy across the street (but I'd love to get w/ him for about an hour or so and blow his freakin' mind). And if you want a number, if I was a dog, I'd be 6 1/2 in human years.

2. B is for beer of choice: Right now, I'd love to have almost any kind of beer - I need a night of sloppy, intoxicating relaxation (preferably with a sexy man or two for company). My brand of choice for this epic moment would be Bud Light.

3. C is for what you can't wait for right now: For the night to come so I can hide in the darkness from all the B.S. and despair this sick and crazy world keeps throwing in my direction.

4. D is for your dog's name: I don't have a dog. However, we do have a hyper-active feline named "Goldy" who terrorizes the household several times a day. She's lucky that she's cute... lol.

5. E is for essential item you use everyday: Obviously, that would be my computer. It's my means of escape from the madness that surrounds me and my only solice that keeps me from giving up and wanting to go away forever.

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Aside from the long-term usuals (RAW, American Idol), my new favorites that make me laugh often (or go W.T.F?) are Big Bang Theory and Celebrity Apprentice.

7. G is for favorite game: Truth or Dare - wanna play? I dare you!!

8. H is for Home town: I was born in Ohio and spent the first dozen years or so of my life in Raleigh, but so far as I'm concerned, my hometown is and will always be 'The Burg.

9. I is for instruments you play: Hearts, emotions and feelings (and the skin flute... lol)

10. J is for favorite juice: Apple is okay and so is Cranberry, but nothing beats an ice cold (partially frozen) glass of Orange Juice...

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: A certain lying, two-faced, hypocritical, piece of crap biatch - she knows who she is...

12. L is for last food you ate: I just finished eating a Zero bar.

13. M is for marriage: Marriage is a wonderful institution of committment and love and I'd love to get married one day, but unfortunately, since I live in NC, there are people who don't think I should be allowed to get married to the person I love. It's okay for them and their friends, but because the person I love just happens to be of the same gender, our love doesn't deserve the same respect or priviliges. And that really really sucks!

14. N is for your name: I have been called many names over the years (many of them are unprintable) but generally, most people just call me "Doug"..

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: It seems as if everytime I go to the hospital for any reason, I end up staying overnight (and more often 8 - 9 days at a time) - I did it twice last year and most likely, it'll be happening again soon if something doesn't change soon.

16. P is for people you can't live without: Cal (the man that I love), my family, my friends and I guess this damn cat... lol

17. Q is for quote: "If you don't cheat, you're not trying" - Booker T on "Tough Enough"...

18. R is for Biggest Regret: So many to choose from - can I pick just one? How about allowing a certain person that I care for to be around the wrong people even though I knew that it was a mistake and no good would come from it - and I was right. I failed to protect the one that I love and we've both been paying for it ever since.

19. S is for status: My heart belongs to a certain special someone, but since we can't be together (for now), my body is available for your intimate pleasures (and just like Wolverine, I'm the best there is at what I do - don't believe it? Prove me wrong!)

20. T is for time you woke up today: A few minutes after 6am this morning - today was working up at the Food Bank day.

21. U is for underwear you have on now: A pair of black and gray boxers - wanna see 'em? Just ask!

22. V is for vegetable you love: I love potatos, but are they fruits or vegetables? French fries rule! And I put ketchup on almost everything, but that's a fruit too. I can't think of any actual veggies that I really love? Well, I liked Christopher Reeve... lol.

23. W is for worst habit: I think it might be procrastination, but I'm not sure. I'll get back to you with this answer later on... lol

24. X is for x-rays you've had: Lots and lots of them. And a step-dad Ray too - he was an awesome guy!

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today? Chicken nuggets and ketchup for breakfast - it was delicious. But I still have to wonder, what part of the chicken does the "nuggets" come from? I have an idea, but that's really kind of disgusting to think about.

26. Z is for the zodiac sign: In the American astrological stuff, I'm a cancer. And with the Chinese Horoscope, I'm a horse. And in the Happy Days horoscope, I'm a "Potsie". That's kind of

1 comment:

  1. I believe you are a Potsie! So funny! There are way too many things above to comment on, even if I go alphabetically. LOL! That Chris Reeve crack made me roll my eyes! <3
