Thursday, April 5, 2012

Forty Questions (Survey) - April 5, 2012


1. Do you know anyone in prison? I know several people who have prison records, a few people currently incarcerated and even a few persons who work as Correctional Officers (and he's a sexy beast that I'd love to bl.. never mind) - I'm a person who knows people... lol

2. Have you ever logged onto a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush's Facebook? I'll plead the 5th on that one - on the occasion, if I'm infatuated (or in major lust) with someone, I'll check out their profile / page with great frequency.

3. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? It's been a couple of weeks now - I keep forgetting to buy jelly (strawberry preserves) when I'm at the grocery store. Someone needs to remind me.

4. Do you have a desk in your room? Not in my actual bedroom - it's too small (reminds me of some guys I know) but I do have a work area set up in the living room (where my computer is currently at) and I also have a big ass desk in the spare bedroom here at the house from when it used to be my office (and most likely soon will be again)..

5. Have you ever gotten naked at a party? Nope, but I've gotten naked a few times after leaving the party... or after most everyone else has left. Hell, sometimes getting naked IS the party... lol

6. What kind of car insurance do you have? No car insurance because I don't have a license and don't drive... damn it!

7. Are you named after one of your parents or grandparents? Not really, but sort of... my middle name is the same as a man who was my Mom's ex and may or may not be my biological father. Don't know for sure and to be honest, I don't really care.

8. Does your first significant other still live in the same town as you? Yeppers - the first one that matters anyhow. And guess what - we're not what one can call "great friends" but we are friendly and get along.

9. Do you throw up gang signs? Nope - why should I? I don't even like Iced Tea or Skittles... lol

10. Have you ever broken a rib? Nope - not yet!

11. Would you rather be a girl or a guy? For some reason, I think life would be much easier if I was female, but I like being a man. That's what I am and what I prefer to be.

12. Who is the most spoiled person you know? Any person that I decide to commit to because I'll do anything I can to make his life as good as I can and I'll spoil him rotten and rock his world....

13. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? I've found true love, I believe and I wouldn't trade Cal for any amount of money. I just want him. BUT if it doesn't work out for some reason or if life continues to throw these fastballs at us, just give me the freakin' money. It's not as good as true love, but with that much cash on hand, it'll be pretty damn easy to rent some "love" to get through the hard times with.

14. Have you ever had sex in church? Yes!

15. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend a marine?? Nope, but I did use to have a friend who ended up joining the Marines. Damn, he was (and is) HOT!!

16. Do you watch the Grammy's? Nah, I don't much like Awards Shows - they bore me!

17. Would you ever work for the border patrol? Sure - have 'em give me a call and make a job offer - we can work something out.

18. Which one word would describe your last relationship: Unique

19. Would you rather date someone 2 years older then you or 20 years older then you? Two years older - I don't care about age, but I don't want to date someone old enough to be my Daddy... Now if I'm twenty or more years older than my "man" is, that's okay... lol

20. Have you ever had a eating disorder? Nah, I have no probs with eating... lol

21. Do you have a porn collection? Yeppers - want to watch and see? Let me know and we'll talk... lol

22. How many proms have you been to in your life? Two - Junior and Senior..

23. Have you ever been in a inter-racial relationship? Yeppers - race doesn't matter to me - it's the person who counts. Now all I need is an Oriental, a red head and a midget and the circle will be complete.

24. Is your birthday on a holiday? Nope - missed it by about fifteen minutes. Damn it!

25. Are you old enough to vote? Yeppers and I haven't missed an election since I turned legal..

26. Do you have any friends or family in the War right now??? I've got some friends who are overseas in Afghanistan - most of the people I know though have already come home..

28. Do you worry about global warming? Nope - not really!

29. Do you like polar bears? I love polar bears - they're cute (and drink Coke).

30. Have you ever been cheated on? Yeah, but in all fairness, he was cheating on me with his wife... so does that count? Hmmmmm?

31. What kind of birth control do you use? I only have sex with other guys - no chance at all of babies popping up.

32. What slang word(s) do you call marijuana? Pot or grass..

33. Are you an atheist? Nope - I absolutely believe in a higher power..

34. Did you lose your virginity to your neighbor? Yeppers - twice - to my best friend at the time (next door neighbor) AND his sister.. lol

35. Did or do you think your childhood dreams will come true? Some of them already have (or are in the process of doing so) and others... well, the ship has sailed.

36. Do you wear your sweetie's clothes? We have on occasion wore some of the same clothes... yes!

37. What's your opinion on gold diggers? Screw 'em - 'nuff said!

38. Are you a country or city girl/boy? I'm far more country than city, but truthfully, I don't think I feel the stereotypes of either title - I defy labels. I'm just me.

39. Is your car a 2002 or higher? Nope - my Blazer (which I can't legally drive - damn it) is a 1997 model..

40. Do you floss daily? Nope - not every day. I do brush at least three times a day though..

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