In an office at stately Falsworth Manor.
"I appreciate the offer, Miss Falsworth... but still, I'm just not sure", a young man clad in black said to his hostess.
"Joey", Spitfire said, "You're one of our nation's top heroes. Just imagine the good you could accomplish as part of the Avengers."
"I have thought about it... and I'm honored, but I don't have any super powers", the young man known as Union Jack said.
"Neither does the Black Widow... or Captain America... or Hawkeye. Powers are not a requirement", Spitfire responded.
"I know", Union Jack replied. "But to work alongside chaps like Thor, Hercules, Iron Man... Where would a guy like me fit in?"
"I wondered the same thing when I joined the Invaders back in 1942", Spitfire said. "I had powers, but working with Captain America, The Torch, Namor and my father, the original Union Jack... it was overwhelming to say the least."
"So you understand", Union Jack said.
"I understand, but I found my place, as you will. You do so much already as Union Jack. You could do so much more as part of the Avengers.", Spitfire said.
"I'm just not sure, Lady Crichton", Union Jack said.
"Lady Crichton is for when I'm playing the socialite or politician", Spitfire said. "I'm Jackie or Jacquiline or Spitfire.. whichever you prefer. You've known me far too long to get all formal on me like that. And I'm asking you... give us a chance."
"OK, Lad.. Spitfire", Union Jack responded. "I'm still not sure about this, but I'll give it a try.... for you."
"No, for yourself", Spitfire smiled. "Now come on. Let's go call the Widow and give her the good news."
"Bah", said Hercules as he stared at the computer moniter.
"That the son of Zeus be forced to endure such a boring event as moniter duty", Hercules sighed. "Tis a fine night for the Prince of Power to be out among the fabled pubs of England and speading joy and merriment among the mortals."
A loud buzz came from the console as a face popped up on the screen.
"This is Allistair Stuart of W.H.O. calling. Is anyone there?", the face said.
"Speak", Hercules replied. "Tis the son of Zeus that answers."
"Hercules, this is Allistair Stuart. What are you doing on moniter duty?", Allistair said.
"I am not sure", Hercules replied. "Fair Natasha insisted that I become more familiar with yon machinery and communications devices."
"Is she around", Allistair asked. "The Widow, I mean?"
"No", Hercules mummered. "I am the only Avenger currently on grounds. What an unfair world this is at times!"
"Well, please give her a message for me when she returns", Allistair said. "We've got a problem here that we need a little help with."
"What kind of problem", Hercules asked.
"Brutal killings. Murder. Sixteen people so far. And we're stumped as to exactly what is doing the killings", Allistair said.
"Thou means who?", Hercules clarified.
"No, I mean what. Every victim has been ripped to shreds as if by a lion or tiger. But there are no tracks showing a wild animal. And no signs of a wild animal. Just bloody, butchered bodies", Allistair explained.
"I see", said Hercules. "Have thou tried using animals for tracking yon beast?"
"Of course", Allistar said. "But we keep coming up with nothing. There is a scent, but then it seems to just vanish. And honestly, we're stumped."
"Hmmm", thought Hercules. "Send thy information on to our computer and thy Prince of Power shall relay thy news to the Widow."
"I'm sending it now", Allistair said. "We would really appreciate any help the Avengers can give us."
"And thou shall have it", Hercules said. "So swears the Scion of Zeus."
After clicking off the moniter, Hercules sat and pondered the situation for a moment.
"I shall send this information over to fair Natasha's communicard", he thought to himself. "But for now, thy Prince of Power shall investigate himself."
Hercules got up and headed for the transporation hanger. Then stopped.
"But first, thou shall make a phone call."
Hercules walked to the phone and dialed a very special number.
"I just hope that thy noble ally is available", he said as he dialed a number.
Roughly an hour later..
Allistair Stuart was talking to one of his W.H.O. investigators when he heard the small whir of a motor approaching. He watched as a small sky-cycle landed and the Avenger, Hercules approached him.
"Hercules. Thank goodness", Allistair said. "I'm glad you're here. Are the rest of the Avengers coming?"
"They have been notified", Hercules said. "but for nonce, thou have only thy Prince of Power."
"OK", Allistair said. "So here's what we've got. Let's go look at the murder scene while we talk."
"Lead thy way", Hercules said.
After about thirty minutes of conversation and careful investigation by the demi-god Avenger, Allistair asked Hercules, "What do you think?"
"I think thou were right to summon the Avengers", Hercules said. "For whatever creature reaked such havok, 'tis not a normal animal."
"So do you think you can track it", Allistair asked.
"I may be able", Hercules said, "but I'm sure my associate will definitely be able."
"What associate?", Allistair asked.
"I think he means me, bub", a voice came from the darkness as the click of a lighter lit up a cigar.
"Wolverine", Hercules exclaimed with a smile. "I wasn't sure you'd get my message."
"You got me just as I was fixing to head back to the states", Wolverine said. "But I figured if I've got Greek gods calling my cell, it'd probably be in my best interests to answer."
"I shall not keep thee long", Hercules said. "I only need thy aid in tracking whatever creature perpetuated yon slaughter of poor souls!"
"I hear ya, bub", Wolverine said as he walked up to one of the bodies and began to survey the scene.
"I'm picking up a faint scent", Wolverine said grimly. "It's light, but I can track it, Let's go Herc!"
"Lead thy way, friend", Hercules said.
After a couple of hours, Wolverine and Hercules had reached an area by the docks, full of old warehouses and abandoned buildings.
"It's very faint, but I've still got it", Wolverine said. "I'm not sure what we're tracking, but it's definitely not human."
"Whatever this creature might be", Hercules said, "it will fall tonight at the hands of Hercules."
"I hear ya, bub", Wolverine said. "That was a pretty nasty sight back there. No one deserves to die that way."
"Agreed", Hercules said. "I'm just glad you recieved my plea for assistance."
"How did you know I was in the area?", Wolverine asked.
"I knew that you had visited with your friends at Muir Island a few days ago", Hercules explained. "And I just decided to take a chance that you were still nearby."
"Well, as I said earlier, you just managed to catch me. Another twenty minutes and I'd have been on the Blackbird headed back towards Weschester", Wolverine said.
"The luck of the gods was with me", Hercules smiled. "Art thou still tracing yon creature."
"Tracing it and found it", Wolverine said, stopping suddenly. "Right in there", Wolverine said, pointing towards a seemingly abandoned warehouse.
"My thanks then, friend Wolverine", Hercules said grimly. "And now that thou have tracked the creature to it's lair, it's time for the Prince of Power to do thy part and destroy yon creature."
"Need a hand, Herc?", Wolverine asked.
"I think I can handle this from here on in", Hercules said as he moved towards the front of the warehouse.
"If you say so", Wolverine grinned as he leaned back against a wall and lit up yet another cigar. "But I'll stay here for a few more minutes... just in case."
Suddenly, a large creature leaped forward from the darkened warehouse towards Hercules. It appeared to have the head and claws of a lion, yet huge bat-like wings spread forth from it's back.
"By my beard", Hercules exclaimed as the creature lept towards him, knocking him to the ground. The creature lept again at Hercules, slashing at him with it's wings and claws, but doing little damage aside from keeping Hercules off guard and unable to focus his attack.
Hercules managed to block most of the monsters attack, but the huge and vicious beast managed to graze his teeth across the throat of the ever-increasingly angry Prince of Olympus.
"That is enough", Hercules bellowed as he threw a mighty punch with all his power into the stomach area of the creature.
The creature went flying back several hundred feet, but quickly rebounded and was back on it's feet preparing to attack again.
Another huge leap by the creature, but this time Hercules was ready and ducked under the creature, grabbing it in a vice-like full nelson with Hercules mighty arms around the neck area.
"You got it, Herc", Wolverine cheered on from the sidelines.
"Verily", Hercules said as he applied the slightest amount of extra pressure to the creature, cutting off the blow flow to the brain and the creature slumped unconcious in his arms.
As he felt the creature go limp, Hercules released his hold on the beast.
"What kind of creature is this?", he asked Wolverine as Logan stepped up to inspect the unconcious form laying at Hercules feet.
"Not sure, but it's what killed those people", Logan said. "The scents of the bodies are all over this thing."
"I shall summon Allistair Stuart and his people to come and contain this creature. Now that it has been defeated, we must discover what it is and how it came to be", Hercules proclaimed.
"You do that", Wolverine said. "But if you're not needing me anymore, I'm going to take off. If I push it, I just might make it to Weschester in time for breakfast."
"My thanks friend Wolverine", Hercules proclaimed. "The son of Zeus is forever in your debt!"
"You guys help us out and we help you out. That's how its done", Wolverine smiled. "Next time you're in New York, give me a call at Xaivers. We can go out bar-hopping!"
"I shall", Hercules smiled. "Again, my thanks!"
"See ya, bub!", Wolverine said as he walked off towards the woods.
"And now, let me call Allistair Stuart and have yon beast imprisoned", Hercules thought to himself as he reached for his communi-card. "And then, I shall seek out the nearest tavern and drink until the sun comes up, entertaining the masses with glorious tales of the adventures of thy Son of Zeus."
Black Widow banged her gavel on the table.
"I realize that this meeting has been a bit long", she said, "but we're almost through."
"Tis fine, Lady Natasha", Hercules said. "For Avengers business shall naught be rushed!"
"By the way Hercules, have you heard anything back from W.H.O. about that creature you captured the other day?", the Widow asked.
"Nay", Hercules said. "Only that it is secure and no longer a threat to the mortals!"
"Hmmmm!", the Widow said. "I'll have to contact Allistair to see what W.H.O. has learned. We certainly don't want anymore of those creatures running around."
"Absolutely not", the Vision said. "I would like to examine this creature myself and see if I can cross-analysis it with any creature in our records."
"That'd be fine Vision", the Widow said. "When I contact Allistair, I'll make the arrangements."
"Very well", the Vision said.
"How goes the hunt for new members", Spitfire asked.
"Well, we've been joined by the Vision and by your friend Union Jack", the Widow said.
"And we're happy to have 'em", Gargoyle added.
"Indeed we are", Widow said. "But I'd still feel more comfortable with one or even two more veteran presences as part of the team. We've got an excellent team, but even with Vision, Herc and Issac, we're not on the high end of the power spectrum."
"Too bad Sandman didn't want to come aboard", Issac said.
"Yes", the Widow said. "I talked to Sandman yesterday and while he's glad to help us if we need him, he's happy working for Silver Sable."
"The Sandman has been both ally and foe to the son of Zeus", Hercules said. "His power would be welcome."
"Well, there's no crying over spilled sandy super-heroes", Spitfire said. "So what's next? A recruiting drive?"
"Nope", the Widow said. "We've got a great team in place and we can handle anything that comes up. We just do our best. That's always been more than enough."
"Well said", Issac agreed.
"I'm pretty good friends with Captain Britian", Union Jack mentioned. "I could talk to him if you'd like."
"I thought that the Captain was a member of Excaliber", Spitfire said.
"He is", Union Jack said.
"Well, we're not going out to steal members from other teams", the Widow said.
"It was just an idea", Union Jack said.
"And it's a good suggestion", the Vision said. "But the Captain is already affiliated with a team."
"Don't worry", Spitfire said. "There are lots of other heroes out there and we'll fill our ranks soon enough."
"Yeah", Issac agreed. "You won't have to be the new kid for long."
Union Jack let out a big sigh as the Gargolye grinned at him.
"Anyhow, if there is nothing else", the Widow said, "I think it's time to adjourn this meeting. Go get some rest guys and girls. Meeting adjourned!"
The Widow banged her gavel and the meeting broke up.
"So Vision", Gargoyle asked. "Are you planning on staying here in Europe with us for long?"
"We shall see, Issac Christians", the Vision replied. "I prefer to be where I can be of the most use to the team."
"Well, we're glad to have you here", Issac replied. "It's good to have one of the major league guys as part of our group."
"You've had some very prominent members", Vision agreed, "but some stability was needed."
"Having you here, as well as Joey join the team should help us out quite a bit", Issac said.
"We now have sufficent power available for any major threats and are on par with both the New York and West Coast based teams", Vision said.
"If you say so, Vish", Issac said. "But I'm kind of inclined to agree with the Widow that we could still use one or even two more regular members."
"It can't hurt", the Vision agreed. "But we can not accept just anyone for the sake of accepting someone. Qualifications must be discussed and...."
"Yeah", Issac interupted. "So what are you up to now, Vision?"
"I'm going to go cross-reference information on the creature Hercules captured and see if I can determine it's origins.", Vision said.
"Sounds like fun", Issac said.
"And what, Issac Christians, are you... up to now?", Vision said.
"Heading down to the dungeon to run a few drills with Spitfire and Union Jack", Issac said. "And then I think I'll be watching an all night Buster Keaton film marathon."
"Sounds enchanting", the Vision said.
"Care to join us in the dungeon", Issac asked. "I know I could use some coaching and I'm sure that Spitfire and UJ would like it as well."
"Maybe some other time", Vision said. "I would like to get started on tracking down on where that creature originated."
"Okey-doke", Issac said. "Talk at you later, Mister Vision."
Issac walked off towards the elevators as the Vision watched. Then quietly, without a word, he dematerialized and headed through a wall towards the Avenger's computer room.
The next morning...
The Black Widow, Spitfire and Issac Christians were sitting at the breatfast table, enjoying a well-balanced breakfast to start the day.
"These omlets are delicious", Spitfire smiled. "I wish I could get someone at Falsworth Manor who could cook as well as Curtis."
"He's pretty good in the kitchen", agreed Issac.
"Well, you're always welcome to come here for breakfast or any meal for that manner", the Widow told Spitfire as she sipped her coffee.
"I'm already here at the Castle far more than I'm at my own place", Spitfire smiled. "My staff is starting to talk."
"Well, maybe we can ask Curtis to go over to Falsworth Manor and give your people some tips", Issas injected.
"That might work", Spitfire agreed. "My staff is loyal and most of them have been with my family for a long time, but a little outside influence and direction couldn't hurt."
"If nothing else, he can share some of his recipes for those delicious omlets", The Widow agreed.
"Actually", a voice rang out as Curtis entered the room, "I got that recipe and most of my other recipes from Edwin Jarvis, over at New York."
"Jarvis?", the Widow said. "I should have known."
"I spent several weeks under his exclusive direction before being allowed to come here to serve the team", Curtis explained.
"He wanted to make sure you were up to par?", Issac asked.
"Indeed, sir", Curtis answered.
"Well, I think I speak for everyone here that you have done an excellent job, far and beyond the call of duty.", the Widow smiled.
"Thank you, ma'am", Curtis said.
"Good morning, Vision", Spitfire and Issac said as the Vision joined them.
"Good morning everyone", Vision said as he took a seat at the breakfast table. "How was the Buster Keaton marathon, Issac?"
"It was good", Issac replied. "How was the computer cross-referencing?"
"What computer cross-referencing", Widow asked.
"I ran the details of the report that Hercules filed a few days ago concerning that creature he captured... and cross-refererenced it with the report from the Weird Happenings Organizations. Then I spent last night cross-referencing those reports with the files we have access to, via our computer system", the Vision explained.
"Oh", the Widow said. "Did you find anything?"
"I did", Vision said. "An obscure reference dating back several thousand years that was discovered on the walls of a pyramid in 1912."
"And...?", Issac asked.
"And nothing", the Vision said. "I intend to follow up on my discovery and see if anything of any importance shows up."
"Ummmmm... OK", Issac said.
"Just keep us informed, Vision", the Widow said.
"I will", Vision replied. "And now, if you'll excuse me..."
The Vision slowly dematerialized and vanished as he phased through the floor towards the lower levels of the castle.
"Well, that was...", Spitfire said.
"Interesting", Issac injected, finishing the sentence for her.
"The Vision is a very... unique... personality", the Widow said quietly.
"Yeah", Issac agreed. "All that sci-fi mumbo jumbo, only to say that he's still looking for stuff."
"But there are few better in a rough or dangerous situation. He's an excellent Avenger", the Widow quickly said.
"No doubt about that", Spitfire agreed. "But he just takes some getting used to."
"He's changed so much from what I remember", Issac said. "When I was with the Defenders and Hank McCoy tried to get him and the Witch to join, he was like a whole different person."
"He is a different person", Widow said. "He was totally disassembled and rebuilt and then everything with Wanda fell apart."
"No wonder he's different", Spitfire said. "To endure so much..."
"Yeah, I guess. I know I went through some major changes after getting stuck in this Gargoyle body and the Vision has been through so much more...", Issac said.
"But we're lucky to have him here with us", the Widow remarked. "And maybe,we can get him to loosen up a bit and be more like the old Vision we knew before."
"That'd be nice", Issac said. "I wonder if he still likes to play chess?"
"I believe he does", the Widow said.
"You know who Vision reminds me of", Spitfire asked.
"Barnabas", both Issac and The Widow replied at the same time.
"You see it too", Spitfire asked.
"Both have had tragic lives and are so similar in so many ways", The Widow said.
"They've got a lot in common", Issac agreed.
"I think I'll invite Barnabas over to the Castle soon. I think he and Barnabas would hit it off and be able to relate really well", Spitfire said.
"The Vamp and the Vision", Issac said. "That would be so weird."
"So says the Gargoyle", Spitfire smiled.
"Touche", Issac smiled. "Now, does anyone want some more coffee while I'm getting some?"
"No thanks", Widow replied.
"Me neither", Spitfire smiled. "Too much coffee makes me jumpy and with my speed, that might not be a pleasant sight."
"Could be fun to see", Issac laughed.
"Or not", Spitfire said.
"Or not", Issac agreed. "No coffee for the ladies. Gotcha!"
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