Several days had passed and things were slow around Avengers Castle. Union Jack had been checked out by the medical staff after his battle with Sabretooth and was discovered to have cracked ribs. Hercules had an encounter with The Wrecking Crew that tore up a sizable amount of Manchester, England before the demi-god was able to defeat the four villians and place them in custody. Black Widow had captured the infamous Black Fox as he had tried to steal some of Britian's Royal Jewels that were on loan to the British Museum and on display. Spitfire was spending a good deal of time in her role as a member of the House of Lords and had uncovered a bribery-scandal that infiltrated a good deal of the British Parliment. Vision was was continuing to research the creature that Hercules had encountered, in attempts to discover exactly what it was and more importantly, where it came from. Issac Christians was becoming somewhat of a media darling and spent time making the rounds on the English TV rounds.
"So what did that man ask you on that TV interview, Issac?", Spitfire asked.
"He wanted to know if I had groupies", Issac laughed. "I'm 84 years old. What would I do with groupies?"
"Give them to me", Union Jack joked.
"You're welcome to them", Issac laughed. "I have to admit that this whole celebrity has been a bit of a kick though."
"The Son of Zeus has long known the idolation of millions", Hercules said. "If thou need any advice on how to handle the masses..."
"Nah", Issac smiled. "It's just taking some getting used to. When I was with the Defenders, we never really made any headlines..."
"But thou are no longer with the Defenders, noble champions of justice though they were", Hercules said. "Thou art an Avenger and where this noble assemblege goes, thus the media do follow."
"It does take some getting used to", Spitfire agreed.
"Jackie, I was offered a movie role... as a nanny for some kids. That just ain't right!", Issac said.
"A gargoyle as a nanny? I'd watch it!", Union Jack interjected.
"I would too", Issac admitted. "But I'm not sure if I'd want to be in it. This whole celebrity bit is getting crazy. Too crazy for my taste."
"I remember Simon... Wonder Man, feeling the same way when he first became an Avenger and was offered TV roles. But he adapted and has become quite an accomplished actor and action star", the Vision said as he entered the room.
"But look at Wonder Man", Issac said. "He's a natural movie star type. I don't think people have Wonder Man in mind when they're trying to put me in movie roles."
"Simon is a unique personality", the Black Widow said as she joined the conversation. "And you are too, Issac."
"Enjoy it, Issac", Spitfire said. "And if it gets too annoying, just use the image inducer when you go out in public."
"I don't want to have to hide who I am... or even what I am", Issac said. "I'm just finding this celebrity bit a bit unnerving."
"It's the price one pays for being an Avenger", Vision said. "Even I find it uncomfortable at times!"
"You do?", Spitfire commented.
"Indeed!", the Vision replied. "We all value privacy to some degree. Even a synthezoid."
"I didn't mean to imply", Spitfire started to say, but the Vision cut her off.
"We're all human to some degree", the Vision said. "It took me a long time to realize that... again."
"So are you considering the movie roles, Issac?", Union Jack asked, trying to change the subject.
"Not really", Issac laughed. "I enjoy the talk shows and meeting people, but I'm not much interested in movies or tv or any of that stuff."
"So far, you've done an excellent job representing us on the talk shows", the Black Widow added.
"I like it", Issac said, "but as I was telling Jackie and Joey earlier, some of those questions are a bit... embarassing."
"Journalists today are not nearly as respectful as they used to be", The Widow said.
"Calling thou media hounds journalists is being very giving", Hercules said.
You should see them when they're covering the political scene in London", Spitfire smiled. "A pack of wild hounds is better behaved."
Suddenly, an alarm ripped through the air, startling all of the Avengers from their casual moment.
"That's an A-1 priority alarm", the Widow shouted.
"I'm routing the communications alert to this room", the Vision said.
A big video screen on the wall flashed to life and there was the face of Dane Whitman, aka The Black Knight..
"Avengers, thank goodness", Dane said. "I need help, stat!"
"What's going on, Dane", the Widow asked as she and her team mates gathered around the big screen.
"Major problems... ", Dane replied. "as in rock monsters.... golems. We're being overrun. I've put down a couple, but there are too many..."
The screen went blank.
"Dane... Dane", the Widow screamed. "Damn it!"
"I've traced the signal", Vision said. "And I've got the coordinates."
"Everyone to the Quinjet.... now", the Widow said. "We've got an Avenger in trouble. Let's go!"
The Avengers moved as one and hurried towards the Quinjet and within moments were headed out to help their one-time teammate.
A few minutes later, the Quinjet zeroed in on the coordinates provided by the Black Knight's communicard and quickly came in for a landing.
"Spitfire and Vision, scan the area and see if you can find any sign of the Knight", the Widow ordered as they exited the Quinjet.
Suddenly, the noise of a battle clammered through the air and rushing through the air came the Black Knight, as if he'd been tossed.
"Dane", the Widow shouted.
"Got him", Gargoyle said as he moved quickly with a big sweep of his wings, flying forward and catching the Black Knight just before he slammed into a wall.
"Thanks", the Knight said as Issac caught him. "One of the creatures caught me by surprise", he explained.
"Yo Sir Knight", Hercules shouted as he moved past Issac and The Black Knight to confront a large, bulky creature that looked as if made of rock.
Hercules barreled into the creature with a powerful shoulder and sent it flying to the ground, where it quickly rose up to attack again.
"Dane", the Widow asked the Knight. "What are these creatures? What's going on?"
"Golems, but they're not alive. They're artificial creatures", The Black Knight said as he used his ebony blade to take the legs out from one of what was now nearly a dozen of the monsterous creatures. "I was visiting a friend and these things just appeared as if out of nowhere."
"Do you think it's just a random coincidence that they attacked you or deliberate?", Spitfire asked as she streaked by, using her super-speed to create a mini-twister that engulfed one of the rampaging monsters.
"Not sure", the Knight said. "My friend summoned me to help her investigate a goon named Diablo and these monsters look like his kind of creation."
"Diablo as in Estefan Diablo, the supposed master of the elementals", Union Jack asked as he parried with another of the creatures, using his speed and athletics to stay just out of the reach of the monster's arms.
"You know him", the Knight asked.
"I met him a couple of years ago when he tried to take over a small town in Scotland", Jack replied. "I thought he was dead."
"Doesn't look like it", Gargoyle said as he used his bio-mystic blasts to force back another of the creatures.
"We can discuss him later", the Widow said. "Right now, we need to take out these creatures before someone gets hurt!"
"I can not detect any kind of power source or life energy from them", the Vision said. "It's as Dane said. They are artifical creatures and not alive in the slightest sense."
"What's keeping them moving", Spitfire asked as she sped by once more. "If they're just clay and mud brought to life, how are they able to move and fight?"
"Most likely a combination of magic and alchemy", The Knight answered as he sliced the arm off another of the creatures.
"It matters not", Hercules bellowed as he punched another of the creatures with an earth-shattering blow that caused the creature to crumble. "They are no match for the Prince of Power!"
"Maybe so", the Widow said as she used her Widow's sting to blast a hole in yet another of the creatures. "But they're dangerous and there are a lot of them. We need to take them down before they overwhelm us with sheer numbers."
"We need to find a way to take them all down at once", the Vision said as he plunged his etheral arm into the chest of one of the creatures before partially solidifying it, causing the monster's chest to explode.
"Is it just my imagination or are there more of them", Spitfire said.
"You're right", Union Jack said. "Whenever one is destroyed, the pieces are growing and forming into new monsters."
"So we're getting more monsters", The Knight said. "We have to find a way to stabilize the creatures and stop new ones or else we're in big trouble."
"Be it one monster or a hundred", Hercules bellowed as he slammed two monsters together. "The Scion of Zeus shall never falter!"
"We need to contain the creatures rather than break them up", the Widow said. "Any suggestions?"
"I've noticed that my bio-mystical blasts seem to weaken the creatures", Gargoyle chimed in.
"Perhaps if we were to attempt to combine our powers", the Vision said as he solidified his arm and caused another monster to pause and crumble in pain. "I'll use my solar beams while you generate your enery blasts."
"Worth a shot", Issac said as he blasted another monster at the same time Vision used his solar blasts on the creature.
The stone-like Golem froze up and screamed before undergoing a transformation where it's artifically created body began to quiver and shake. But unlike the previous damage done by the Avengers, this time the creatures did not reproduce to create more creatures. With a loud popping noise, it imploded and dissolved into a puddle of goo.
"We did it", Issac said.
"Indeed", the Vision agreed. "Apparently, the combination of our energies changed the chemical compound of the creatures and it ceased to exist."
"Avengers, direct the monsters towards Vision and Issac", the Widow shouted to her team as she used her Widow's line to jerk one of the monsters towards Vision and Issac, who quickly combined their energies once more to vanquish the enraged creature.
"Got it", Union Jack said as he grabbed a creature and monkey-flipped it towards the waiting heroes.
"I'm on it", Spitfire chimed in as she used her speed to force three of the monsters back in the direction of where Vision and Gargoyle were blasting away at several of the creatures.
"If a combination of energy is what it takes to change their compound", the Knight said, "maybe a combination of my Ebony Blade and your Widow's sting will have the same effect, Natasha."
"We can try", the Widow said as she used her sting to blast a creature while the Knight impaled it with his enchanted blade. The monster reacted by shuddering and imploding into a pile of goo.
"It works", the Knight said. "Hey team, direct some of the creatures this way as well."
"Yeah, you just don't want Vision and Issac to hog all of the fun", Union Jack grinned as he kicked one of the rock monsters towards the Widow and Black Knight.
"Ho! I have a gift for thee", Hercules shouted as he tossed several of the creatures towards the heroes who quickly used their abilities to put the creatures down.
With teamwork and precision, the Avengers quickly marshalled their forces and put down all of the creatures, but one.
"We should attempt to capture this last one for clues", Vision said.
"Agreed" the Widow said as she used her Widow's line to snare and wrap around the creature. "I've got it snared, but my cable won't hold it for long."
"We need to find some way to contain the creature", the Black Knight said.
"I think I see a solution", the Vision said grimly. "There is a construction site near here. Issac, come with me."
"OK", Gargoyle said as he and the Vision took off into the night air. "Be right back."
"Watch out! He's busting loose", Union Jack said as the creature snapped the cable that had been holding him secure.
With a violent, jerking motion, the rock like creature broke free of the cable that had been confining it's movements only seconds earlier. Moving almost too quickly to follow, the creature moved forward and managed to clip both Union Jack and the Black Widow with glancing blows, sending them flying.
"Joey? Natahsa?", Spitfire said as she quickly responded and moved to catch the flying body of the Black Widow before she could crash into a brick wall of a nearby building. "I've got the Widow. Someone grab Joey", she yelled.
With a speed that defied his size and bulk, Hercules moved and managed to catch the youth known as Union Jack before he could be hurt further either.
"I've got the lad", Hecules said. "Are thou OK", he asked.
"Just got the breath knocked out of me", Jack said as he pulled himself together and moved to get to his feet.
"What's happening now", the Black Knight asked.
As the heroes regrouped and composed themselves, all of the piles of goo that had been spread around the area that had once been creatures began to bubble and move towards the remaining rock creature.
"That goo... it's merging with the creature and...", the Black Knight exclaimed.
"It's getting bigger...", Spitfire finished the sentence for the Knight.
"Avengers, regroup and let's get ready to take it to this creature before it gets too powerful to handle", the Widow said as she re-adjusted her Widow's stinger setting and moved them to maximum power.
"It looks as if there have been some changes in our brief absence", the Vision said as he dropped down from out of the sky.
"Vision, where did you get to", the Knight asked as he drew his sword, preparing once more for battle.
"Myself and Issac Christians traveled to a nearby construction sight to secure materials to build a temporary holding facility for the creature", the Vision replied. "But it appears we may have taken too long."
"Where is Issac anyhow?", Spitfire asked?
"I'm right here", a voice rang out.
The heroes looked up and there was Issac Christians, aka The Gargoyle, carrying a large container full of steel beams and other assorted building materials.
"Allow me to give you a hand with that", Hercules spoke as he reached up to take the huge container from the straining Gargoyle.
"Thanks", Issac said.
"I don't think we've got enough material to hold that thing", Union Jack said as he moved quickly out of the way of a bludgeoning fist from the enraged creature.
The heroes glanced at the creature who had now grown to almost 15 feet in height and was now well over 1000lbs.
"Damn, he's big", Issac said.
"Let's forget about trying to capture him", the Widow said. "We need to take him down before anyone gets hurt or any more property gets damaged."
"I'm taking an analysis so we can still follow up more later", Vision said.
"Fine", the Widow said. "You do that. The rest of you, Attack Plan Rings of Saturn."
With that order, the Avengers moved into position and began to marshall their forces in a joint attack on the creature. Spitfire and Union Jack quickly moved to crowd control to keep civilians out of the line of fire and safe from harm. The Widow used her stings to disorient and blast away at the rock-creature who simply shrugged off the blasts. The Black Knight moved in and managed to hack away at the creature for a few moments before being knocked away by a strong backhand. Hercules and the Gargoyle moved in next and used their combined strength to grapple with the monster and attempt to secure him. And the Vision, who had flown high above the scene of battle, increased his mass to nealry it's maximum as he dropped in a dead fall from the sky, crashing hard into the monster, just as Issac and Hercules lept away.
A loud crash rang out and the sound of the impact echoed across the area, shattering windows and causing shock waves that shook the foundation of the area itself.
For a moment, there was silence and no movement. And then, slowly, a green and yellow figure emerged from the rubble as the Vision stood up, brushing himself off.
"Wow", Spitfire said. "What a crash. Vision, are you OK?", she asked.
"I am unharmed", the Vision said. "But I believe our foe is not quite as fortunate."
"That's one way to put the boom on those creatures", Issac joked as he moved closer to take a look at the remains of the artificial rock-creature the Vision had just crushed.
"Vision, get a sample of that creature's remains", the Widow said. "We can analyze it back at the castle."
"I'm still trying to figure out what those creatures actually were... and what did the Knight do to engage their wrath like that?", Spitfire asked.
"Good questions", the Widow agreed. Turning to the Knight, the Widow asked, "Dane, what's going on exactly?"
"I'm not sure", the Knight explained, "but I'll tell you what I know. I was here to meet an associate of mine who was investigating a possible link to a criminal named Diablo. While waiting for my associate to rendevous with me, I was attacked by several of these creatures. I managed to hold my own for a bit, but the numbers began to overwhelm me and I used my communicard to call in the troops."
"I just realized something", Union Jack chimed in.
"What?", the Knight asked.
"This doesn't seem like Diablo. Are you sure he's the one you're looking for?", UJ asked.
"What do you mean?", Black Widow asked.
"Usually, when you fight Diablo", Jack explained, "you fight creatures representing all four of the major elements - water, land, wind and fire. These creatures were simply mud and rock."
"Zounds!", Hercules exclaimed. "Thy youth is correct!"
"You're right", the Knight agreed.
"And I can confirm that as well", the Vision said. "I just did a brief analysis of the chemical compound of the remains of the creature. I can find no trace of any chemicals that someone like Diablo would use to animate his creations."
"And since Diablo relies on alchemy and there are no chemical traces....", the Widow said.
"Then it's not Diablo behind these monsters", Gargoyle said.
"But if it's not Diablo, then who?", Spitfire asked.
"That's what I need to find out", the Knight frowned.
"Not you... we", the Widow said. "This is an Avengers matter now and we're going to find out who sent these creatures after you and how... and we're going to put a stop to them."
"This contact of yours", Union Jack asked. "Where are they and how do they fit into this?"
"I don't know where she is", the Knight admitted. "She was supposed to meet me here and is usually very punctual." The Knight pulled a small cell phone from out of his belt. "Let me try and call her."
"No need to call, Dane. Here I am", spoke a voice as a young woman moved towards the Avengers through the group of onlookers that had gathered.
As the woman stepped up, Dane Whitman introduced her to his team-mates.
"Folks, this is my contact, Sharon Ventura", the Knight said.
"Sharon Ventura, as in Ms. Marvel, formeraly of the Fantastic Four?", the Widow asked.
"The one and the same", Sharon admitted. "My time with Ben and the others was so short, I'm surprised you remember me."
"Pardon my bluntness", the Vision said, "but weren't you physically mutated into a She-Thing creature."
"I was", Sharon admitted, "but as you can tell, I got better."
"Let's save the questions for later", the Black Knight suggested. "How about we all retire to somewhere more private to discuss this rather than here in public."
"Sounds good to me", the Widow agreed. "Spitfire, stay here and help the authorities with their reports and the mop-up. Come back to the castle as soon as you can. As for the rest of us, we'll head back to the castle and attempt to figure out what exactly is going on."
"Gotcha, boss", Spitfire agreed as she sped off to deal with the local authorities. The rest of the team quickly boarded the Quinjet and in moments were headed towards home.
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