Back at the castle, the Avengers chairperson, The Black Widow, Union Jack, The Black Knight and their guest, Sharon Ventura gathered in the Assembly Room to discuss the current events. Ventura explained how she was cured of her Thing-like mutation by Doctor Doom. And then, when she refused to betray the Fantastic Four at Doom's request, he later ambushed her and caused her to mutate into a hideous creature. She fled from her allies in the Fantastic Four in her anguish and sought a cure for her mutation wherever she could seek it, but to no avail. And then finally, she woke up one day and was human again, mutated back to normal.
Feeling that she wouldn't be welcome back with the Fantastic Four, Sharon went on to explain how she moved to Europe to put her life back together and has been working as a freelance detective and investigator. Acting upon a tip from a reliable source, she had been investigating rumors of the return of the villian known as Estefan Diablo, a citizen of Spain who she had encountered as a member of the Fantastic Four. Then, roughly two nights before, she was attacked by two of those rock-like creatures. Sharon explained how she managed to fight off the creatures and escape, but just barely.
"That's when I knew that I was in over my head", Sharon explained. "I realized that I needed help."
"And that's where I came in", Dane Whitman interjected.
"Exactly", Sharon agreed. "I thought about calling the Avengers for help, but given my past and history with Ben, Reed, Sue and Johnny, I wasn't sure how well that would go over. Then I remembered that I had heard about The Black Knight... Dane being here in Europe."
"We had met a few times during those poker games that the Thing used to hold at the mansion", the Knight explained. "And would always end up losing our shirts and consoling ourselves in cold beer afterwards. I think Ben cheats!"
"He's been playing poker since he was a small kid", Sharon explained, defending her former partner.
"No one is that good that often", Dane complained.
"Can we get back to what you were saying?", the Black Widow asked.
"Sorry", Sharon said sheepishly. "I realized I would need help tracking down Diablo so I decided to call the Knight and ask for his aid."
"And I've never been able to refuse a damsel in distress", the Knight threw in.
"We talked for a bit and I shared with him what information I had gathered and we decided to split up to investigate... to see if we could get a line on Diablo. We planned then to meet tonight, compare notes and make a plan of action", Sharon continued.
"And while waiting for Sharon to show up, I was attacked by the big, bad monstrosities with a big mad on. That's when I called the team for help", Dane finished.
"That's all well and good", Union Jack interjected, "but mind if I ask something. No doubt that Diablo is an evil soul and needs to be locked away, but I'm sensing that there is more to trying to find Diablo than just trying to lock him up."
"Is it that obvious?", Sharon asked.
"I too feel as if you're holding something back", the Widow said. "We want to help you, but you have to be straight with us."
"I think I can answer that", the Vision said as he came into the room in his etheral state, phasing through the walls. "I just finished talking to Reed Richards. He suspects that Miss Ventura may have searching for a permanent cure to prevent ever returning to her formally mutated state of being."
"You talked to Reed?", Sharon asked.
"Of course", the Vision stated matter-of-factly. "Since most of your history is part of the Fantastic Four, I felt it would be most practical to go directly to the source, which is the team itself."
"I can't believe you did that", Sharon said angrily. "I didn't want to involve Reed or Ben or..... damn!"
"Smooth move, Sherlock!", the Black Knight said to the Vision.
"I didn't mean to uspet you", the Vision said. "But Dr. Richards was very helpful. He even offered to come here and lend his aid. He and his team have been very worried about you, Miss Ventura."
"Even after I went to Doom.... betrayed them", Sharon said quietly. "Even Ben...?"
"The Fantastic Four are not the type to hold grudges", The Black Widow said, putting her hand on Sharon's shoulder. "You did what you felt you had to do and in the end, you refused to betray them to Doom."
"I don't know... I just...", Sharon said quietly, speaking uncertainly.
"We'll discuss this later, Vision", Black Widow told the synthezoid Avenger. "Let's get back to this discussion. Can you go on, Sharon?"
"Yeah", Sharon said quietly. "To answer Union Jack's question, Reed Richards is right. I was looking for more than to just put Diablo in jail. I need to find someone to make sure that this reversion back to my human form.... that my days as a monster are over with. I couldn't bear to go through that again."
"But... Diablo?", Union Jack asked.
"I know it's a long shot", Sharon agreed. "But he has the knowledge and resources. I can't help but think that this is all a curse. That Doom's punishment is still taking place and that he somehow caused my mutation to change me back to normal... just so he can torture me again with uncertainty and a fear that one day, I'll wake up and be that... that monster again. I couldn't live with that. I'd rather die."
"No need to go there", Black Widow spoke quietly. "If there's a way to make sure that your condition is stabilized... and to keep it that way, the Avengers will help you any way we can."
"You mean.... thank you", Sharon said with a sad smile.
"I'll call Dr. Pym immediately", the Vision said. "If anyone is capable of helping Miss Ventura with her situation, he would be the one."
The Vision lightened his density and moved upward, phasing his red and green body through the ceiling.
"Oooh", Sharon shivered. "Doesn't that creep anyone else out when he does that?", she asked.
"You get used to it", The Black Widow smiled.
"I never did!", the Black Knight injected.
"So this all leads us to something else", Union Jack said. "You were searching for Diablo, but based on the creatures we fought tonight, I don't think it's Diablo we're dealing with."
"That's right", the Knight said. "Diablo is an elemental alchemist and prefers to use creatures based on all four of the main elements which are water, fire, earth and air."
"But these creatures were simply rock and earth", the Widow said.
"And Vision did an analysis of the creatures after we beat them and there were no traces of any chemicals", Union Jack added.
"So it's not Diablo?", Sharon questioned.
"Not likely, but you've apparently gotten too close to someone who views you as a threat. And they sent these creatures to take out you and Dane", the Widow said.
"If it's not Diablo, then who?", Sharon asked.
"We don't know, but we will find out", the Widow said grimly.
"I'll run a search through our data bases for anyone who's M.O. fits", Union Jack said.
"Do that", the Widow said. "And we'll continue investigating using all of our resources."
"I suggest, if it's OK with you Natasha, that myself and Sharon stay here at the Castle for the duration until we get this matter figured out", the Knight said.
"Of course, Dane" the Widow said. "You're always welcome and it will be far more practical for Dr. Pym to help Miss Ventura..."
"Call me Sharon... please", Sharon injected.
"For Hank to help Sharon here at the castle anyways.", the Widow concluded.
"So what now", Sharon asked.
"Go get settled. I'll have Curtis show you to a room and you can relax a bit. Meanwhile, I'm going to contact a few persons I know and see what I can find out."
"Thank you", Sharon said once more.
"It's our pleasure", the Widow said. "Now let me give you a tour of the castle so you can settle in."
"Me too", the Knight smiled. "This is actually my first time here at this headquarters. I like it. Very nice."
"Of course, Dane", the Widow smiled. "Let's go!"
Several hours later, after the Black Knight and Sharon Ventura had settled in comfortably, Sharon was sitting in the massive library, looking through the vast selection of books. Finally selecting one, she sat down to relax in the quiet and read for a while. A tap came at the door.
"Excuse me", a voice said quietly. "May I come in?"
Sharon looked at the doorway and there stood Issac Christians, better known as The Gargoyle.
"Please do", Sharon said, putting down her book. "The Gargoyle, right?", she asked.
"Call me Issac", Issac said. "I was wondering if I could talk to you a bit?"
"Sure", Sharon said. "What about?"
"Well", Issac said with some hesitation. "I just think we have a lot in common and... it's hard to explain."
"A lot in common?", Sharon asked. "How do you mean?"
"How much of my history do you know", Issac asked.
"Very little", Sharon admitted. "Just that you were a member of the Defenders with Iceman, Angel, Hellcat and a few others and then you vanished from sight for a while, only to resurface here with the Avengers European team."
"Well, there's a lot more to it than that", Issac smiled. "I looked at your file in our data banks and... well, let me tell you my story."
"Your story?", Sharon asked. "I don't understand..."
"You will", Issac said. "Let me tell you how I became The Gargoyle."
Issac went on began to tell Sharon Ventura how he was human once and how a misguided plea to a demon known as the Six Fingered Hand transformed him, placing his soul into the body of a Gargoyle. He was forced to fight the heroes known as the Defenders, but ended up as their ally, betraying the demon who had given him his power. In revenge, the Six Fingered Hand used it's incredible powers to permanently trap Christians in the body of the Gargoyle. After much time spent in anguish and regret, Gargoyle, with the help of his friends in the Defenders, began to accept his fate and even revel in the form of the Gargoyle.
Then there came a time that his body and soul were taken over by an evil sorcerer who used Issac's form to cause great harm to many, including several of his teammates. Issac was aware of all that was happening, but unable to escape the evil one's magical control until an effort by hs friends freed him. More regret and self-pity overwhelmed him. That led him into a battle against a demon who sought his body. Christians was transformed back into his frail, human body. After much battle and effort, Christians was able to switch bodies with the demon, reclaiming the body of the Gargoyle while the demon became trapped in Christian's own human body. Issac was forced to slay his own human body to destroy the evil demon's presence and save the world.
After he finished, Issac turned to where Sharon Ventura had sat, quietly listening to his tale.
"Wow", Sharon said quietly. "That's incredible. So you're trapped in that body forever?"
"Yep", Issac said. "My human body is destroyed and this is my body now. A hideous, yellow, bat-winged gargoyle."
"I'm so sorry", Sharon said.
"Don't be", Issac smiled. "I played the game and this is the hand I've been dealt."
"But how do you.. ", Sharon started to ask.
"Deal with it?", Issac finished her question. "I just do. I know I'm trapped in the body of a monster. But look at the good I've been able to accomplish using this body. I've got friends and a family here that care about me. I could mope and be depressed and want to die, but I'd much rather live."
"You must think I'm such an idiot for the way I feel", Sharon said. "I'm so horrified... scared of being that creature again. Of being that monster."
"Nope", Issac said. "I think you're very brave. You've dealt with things that would break anyone... and you're still standing."
"But I betrayed my team to Doom. I fought against them and drove them away", Sharon continued.
"You did what you felt was necessary when you went to Doom", Issac said. "And much like I did with the Six Fingered Hand, you chose the right decision in refusing to betray your team-mates. Doom sought revenge by turning you into that monsterous creature, much like the Six Fingered Hand trapped me in this Gargoyle's body. But you're still alive. You're still strong and still fighting the good fight. So they haven't won. Don't let them win."
"But...", Sharon started to say, but Issac stopped her.
"Just remember this, OK? Whatever happens, you're not alone. The Avengers will help you. The Fantastic Four will help you if you let them. And I will be here for you too."
"Gargoyle... Issac... I.", Sharon started to say, but Issac put his finger to his lips to hush her up.
"Just think about it", Issac smiled. "You're not alone. Dr. Pym will be here tomorrow to see if he can make sure your reversion to human is permanent. And no matter the results, be they positive or not, we'll help you and be here."
WIth that, Issac stood up and with a small salute and a smile, walked out of the room, leaving Sharon Ventura alone with her thoughts . Sharon pulled her legs up, curling up in the chair, staring straight ahead and thinking, "He understands.. I'm not alone."
The next morning at breakfast, the Avengers gathered for their monring feast.
"So what's on the agenda for today, Natasha", Gargoyle asked the Black Widow as he reached for another plate of eggs.
"Barring any emergencies", the Widow replied, "I hope to reach some of my old spy contacts and see what they know about this person that Sharon was pursuing, the one she thought might be Diablo... and see if we can get a lead on where Diablo might actually be. Also, I think we have some training sessions scheduled for the Dungeon for this afternoon."
"What about Dr. Pym?", Sharon asked. "Is he coming today?"
"Hank confirmed that he will be flying in this afternoon", the Widow said. "He had some projects he needed to finish first, but he'll be here later today."
"Do you really think he can help make sure I'm going to remain human and not transform anymore", Sharon asked.
"Believe me", Black Knight answered. "Hank Pym is probably the world's top biochemist. Anything Doctor Doom did, I'm positive he can undo."
"Will you be assisting Dr. Pym when he arrives, Dane?", the Widow asked.
"Not unless he asks", Dane said. "I'm a pretty fair scientist myself, but compared to Hank, I'm strictly small potatos."
"So what do we do until he arrives?", Sharon asked.
"How about a work-out in the dungeon", Black Knight said. "The rest of the team will be using it later today, but we can run some drills and break a sweat now if we'd like."
"I haven't worked out in proper fashion in so long", Sharon smiled. "I think I might like that."
"We can run some basic drills and work out some of the rust for both of us", the Knight smiled. "Anyone care to join us?"
"I wish I could", Spitfire said. "But I've got a meeting with a liberal stuffed shirt up at the House that I can't put off much longer."
"How about you Gargoyle... I mean Issac", Sharon smiled at Issac Christians.
"Unfortunately, I can't", Issac sighed. "I have an interview with some reporter in an hour."
"The joys of being a sex symbol". Union Jack laughed. "I'll be glad to join you two if you'd like."
"That'd be great", Sharon smiled.
"And I think Hercules is out by the pool. We can get him too.", the Knight said. "He always enjoys trashing expensive equipment."
"Fine", the Widow said. "You all go have your fun and I'm going to go see what my contacts have for me. We can all get together this evening and see what has developed."
"Sounds like a plan", the Knight said as he got up from the table. "Let's go change into our work clothes and I'll meet you guys down in the dungeon in twenty minutes."
"OK", Sharon smiled as she stood up.
"See you there", Union Jack said.
"Crazy kids", Issac smiled at Widow and Spitfire as their three comrades exited the room.
"Yes, they are", Spitfire agreed. "I wish I was going with them to work out. That pompous ass I'm supposed to meet is such a royal pain."
"The thrills and joys of politics", Issac laughed. "I remember when I was still human and the Mayor of Christiansboro, I had one guy on the City Council that always annoyed me so much. He was a definite pain in the butt."
"So what did you do?", Spitfire asked.
"Well, we had this function that was being attended by all of the big whigs of the state, The Governor, a Senator, several congressmen, and so forth. And we all had to make speeches that were being covered on both the radio and television. I had a friend distract him and I switched the notes that he had prepared with a speech of my own choosing", Issac remembered.
"No, you didn't?", Sptifire laughed.
"Yeah, I did. Instead of his prepared speech, his notes instead contained the Kinsey Report on Sexual Behavior.", Issac smiled. "And when he got up on the podium to read his speech, the look on his face was hilarious."
"And how did his speech go?", Spitfire asked.
"He didn't miss a beat and gave one of the best speeches I've ever heard. That jackass only had the cards for show and had already memorized his speech."
"No", Spitfire laughed.
"Yeah", Gargoyle grinned. "All that and it didn't do a bit of good."
"Did he ever realize who tried to sabotage him", Spitfire asked once more.
"I think he knew", Gargoyle laughed. "But he didn't hold a grudge. And we actually went on to become good friends in the end until he passed on."
"Well, I can't see myself and Lord McAllistair ever being friends. Just being cordial is hard enough.", Spitfire smiled.
"Lord Chester McAllistair?", Issac asked?
"That's the one", Spitfire frowned. "Do you know him?"
"I saw him on television once giving a speech about dealing with terrorism here in the UK", Issac remembered. "He is a pompous ass! And you've got to meet with him today? I pity you."
"I pity myself. Would it be a bad thing to hope for an Avengers emergency so I can skip this meeting?", Spitfire asked hopefully.
"It would be bad", Issac agreed, "but in this case, I don't blame you."
Spitfire let out a big sigh.
"Why me, Lord? Why me?"
Later that afternoon in the Avengers Medical Facilities.
"I can't thank you enough for flying here to Britian to look at me, Dr. Pym", Sharon said as Dr. Pym once more drew a vial of blood from her arm.
"I'm glad to be able to help", Dr. Pym smiled as he closed and sealed the vial. "And call me Hank."
"I know it's probably too soon to know, but do you have any thoughts? Am I truly free of Dr. Doom's revenge?", Sharon asked.
"I can't say for sure, but I examined all of the material that Reed Richards had accumulated on your body back when you were mutated on the flight over here", Hank explained. "And based on those tests that Reed took, as well as the examination we just completed, it appears that Doom's revenge on you was only meant to be temporary."
"Temporary?", Sharon asked.
"Yes", Pym said. "How long did you remain in that mutated form before you reverted back to human?"
"For almost 13 months", Sharon said. "I was kept sedated at the Plaza for several weeks, and then joined the Wizard and his group for another week. And then vanished, hiding out first with the Mole Man who offered me sanctuary and then out to Arizona where I was provided shelter by an old friend, Wyatt Wingfoot for the rest of the time until I woke up human again."
"And how long have you been back in human form?", Pym asked.
"For just over a year now", Sharon replied.
"My theory is that Doom's chemicals that changed you were never meant to be permanent. He only wanted to torture you, to make you suffer for your precieved betrayal of him when you refused to turn on Reed, Ben and the others. And then, after a certain period of time, the chemicals would burn themselves out and you'd revert back to human once more", Hank said.
"So you think this change back to human is permanent?", Sharon asked.
"I think so", Pym replied. "Unless you were exposed once more to the same chemicals again, but that isn't likely to happen."
"No, it's not", Sharon smiled. "But you think... you're not sure?", she asked.
"On something like this, one can never be certain. Doom's intellect is amazing and he's capable of anything. He and only he could say for certain if this cure is permanent. The best I... or Reed or anyone else can do is merely speculate.", Hank said, placing his hand on Sharon's shoulder for support.
"I understand", Sharon replied quietly. "So Doom's revenge continues to haunt me."
"You can't let it hold you back", Pym replied. "If I understand Doom's psyche correctly, and I think I do in this case, part of his punishment for you was to change you into that creature, knowing that eventually, you'd revert back to human. And then, the real torture begins because you would be hampered with fear of when it would end and if the return to humanity is a charade, fearful of changing back into that monsterous form again."
"So you think all of this is just part of Doom's revenge and he actually expected me to be plagued by fears and insecurities of losing my humanity again? That's so... evil. That's so cruel!", Sharon replied.
"That's Doom", Hank Pym said grimly. "I'll keep running tests, but I think your body has stabilized and you shouldn't have any worries about switching back into that monsterous form again."
"I just wish we could be sure", Sharon said quietly.
"I'm as sure as I can be", Hank replied. "If you were going to continue to morph into that other form, I think it would have happened within a short period of time after you turned back human. Seeing as how you've remained in your natural form all of this time, I think any possibility of you transforming again is practically nil. But again, only Doom would know for sure if it's truly permanent."
Bzzzzzzt! A buzzing noise echoed through the room and a video-moniter opened up on the wall, revealing the face of the Avengers chairperson, The Black Widow.
"Hey 'Tasha. What's up?", Hank said as he and Sharon turned to the screen.
"Hello Hank", the Widow said. "Sorry to bother you and Sharon..."
"No problem", Hank said. "We were just finishing up."
"Excellent", the Widow said. "Sharon, would you please come by the library when you can. I think I may have discovered some information you should here."
"Great", Sharon said. "I'll be there shortly."
"Go", Hank smiled at Sharon. "We'll talk more later."
"Yes", Sharon said. "Thank you, Dr. Pym.... Hank."
"No problem", Hank said. "I just wish I could be more positive and offer you more hope."
"You did your best. It's just something I have to live with, I suppose", Sharon replied.
"But I will keep working on this", Pym smiled. "And if there is any way to make sure that you'll stay human, we will find it!"
"I appreciate that, Doctor", Sharon smiled sadly. "And now, I guess I'd better head down to the library."
"Do that", Hank said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'll talk to you more later."
Sharon Ventura got up and walked out of the room, headed towards the library to meet with the Black Widow, as Hank Pym and The Black Widow, still on the video screen watched her leave.
"So what do you think, Hank?", the Widow asked.
"She's an amazing young lady", Hank smiled.
"I meant about her situation", the Widow smiled. "Do you think her fears of mutating again are well-founded?"
"Where Doctor Doom is concerned", Hank replied, "nothing can be said for certain. I think her body has stabilized and she should remain free of the fear of changing again to that mutated form. At least I hope so."
"And what about the rest of her... her mental issues?", the Widow asked.
"She's extremely intelligent", Pym replied. "And given her past history, she's got it all together far more than anyone should have a right to."
"Whatever doesn't kill only makes one stronger", the Widow smiled.
"Exactly", Pym said. "She's tense and emotional, but very resiliant and strong. I don't think we have anything to worry about with Sharon."
"Thanks Hank", the Widow smiled. "For coming out here, examining Sharon, and everything. Are you sure you're not ready to make a permanent move to Europe?"
"Nope, I'm fine with the Whackos", Hank smiled. "You've got a great team in place and if Dane and Sharon stay on, as I suspect they might, I'd only be a third wheel with this group."
"You, Hank Pym, could never be a third wheel for any group of Avengers", the Widow laughed. "I'll see you later."
"OK, Natasha. See you later.", Pym responded.
And with that, the Widow's video screen image faded. Dr. Pym reflected for a moment and then with a quick sigh, turned and went back to work with the blood samples and reports he had completed on his earlier patient, Sharon Ventura, determined to see what he could learn in his efforts to aid both Miss Ventura and the rest of the team.
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