Friday, August 5, 2011

Dare To Tell (Survey)

What type of day are you having? The past 24 hours have been eye opening, to say the least. Consequences of actions taken have come back to bite me in the ass and my life is fixing to change in a major way (and not in a positive manner)... It SUCKS!!!

Was there anyone who "made your day"? Not really - I've been alone most of the time.

Are you liking how you look today? I like how I look all the time - I KNOW I'm a sexy ass beast!

Do you have anyone crushing on you? I have someone who loves me - and that's all I care about..

Have you ever eaten a bug? Most likely.

Are you vegeterian? Hell no - I love my meat!

When was the last time you kissed someone? Far too long - don't nobody love me any more..

Have you ever had something stuck between your teeth, but no one decided to tell you? Probably, but can't remember any specific time..

Are you a mother or a father? Technically, I am neither, but I have been called a "mother f*#@er" many times and I've served in the role of a "father figure" for a couple of people on some occasions.

When was your last paycheck? March, 2010 - yeah, I've been unemployed that long..

How many pets do you have? None at the moment (I want a kitty)

What kind of toothpaste do you use? Crest or AIM - have both in the bathroom and just depends on which one I grab first..

Are you closer to being rich or poor? POOR (and getting poorer all the time - thank you, Mr. President!)

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I do have a big old Care Bear on my bed - why do you ask?

What was the last gift someone gave you? Not a physical gift - it was just being there when I needed someone, but also knowing when to back away and let me have my time to myself..

Do you appreciate that person? Far more than they'll ever know.
Are you on any type of drugs? Some pills & shots for my diabetes is about it - could use some nerve pills right about now too - or a case of Bud Light - that'd work too..

Are you in love? I am (and it surprises me too, but he's an amazing guy and probably the only thing that keeps me going & fighting sometimes when I'd much rather just say fuck it and give up!)

Have you ever been in love? Yes - it took a while, but Cupid's arrow finally shot me in the ass..

Do you even believe in love? I do..

How many things are you really thinking about right now? Several things - about how people are going to react, how my life is fixing to change, how unfair I feel some things are, and how I'm going to get my ass out of this hole (again) and get things right - but all of this actually revolves around one thing.

Did you talk to anyone you didn't like today? Yeah - I don't particularly care for a certain legal official right at the moment..

Do you like picnics? I actually do - haven't been on one in a while though.
Have you finished school yet? My school days are long behind me..

What is/was your worst subject? I was actually pretty good in all my subjects IF I liked or at least respected the teacher. Give me someone to motivate me and I was a top notch student. Give me a teacher who was boring or just phoning it in and I usually responded with as much enthusiasm or care as they seemed to show. And if they had an attitude, that didn't go over too well either.

What's your father's middle name? Friel

Are you American? Yeppers..

Who are you voting for? Not sure who's running yet - so can't make a decision until I know the candidiates. I like Ron Paul, but he won't be the Republican nominee. I do know who I won't vote for though.

Do you like Bush? Nah, I'm gay - I try to stay away from that stuff... lol.

Was his name even worth capitalizing? Oh, that "Bush"... my bad! Yes, I do like him and his name should be capitalized. He had his faults and I don't agree with a lot of things he stood for, but I feel he was a good President and definitely the far better choice than the other options we were given in 2000 and 2004 (Gore, Kerry). And he had a far better handle on things than the current occupant of the White House who is a great campaigner and great speaker, but one of the worst "leaders" of the past 200 years. Seeing President Obama run our country into the ground makes me long for the days of Jimmy Carter.

What kind of mood are you in? I'm actually okay - I'm a little down, but I'm coping..

Are you waiting for anything? Not really..

Are you going to bed after this? Yeah, for a little while..

Have you ever watched fahrenheit 9/11? I tried to watch it, but I don't like propoganda films (from either party) and the lies were so outrageous, they made Chris Matthews look honest..

McCain or Obama? We had two bad choices here and I did not care for either of them at all. I voted for McCain (reluctantly), but if Hillary Clinton had been the Democratic nominee, I would have voted for her (and our country would be in much, much better shape now)

Where were you september 11. 2001? Living out on Pea Bridge Rd, hanging out with a friend and trying to get over the drinking binge from the night before.

What book are you currently reading? Adventures In Larryland - Larry Zbyszko's autobiography. Will have a book review for it up in the next few days too.

What song did you last listen to? "Hurt" by Johnny Cash - it's my "depression" music..

What movie is in your DVD player? Kentucky Fried Movie

How many windows are open in your computer? Just one

Are you a very stressed out person? Not normally, but as of right now, that's a nice way of putting it. I'm going freakin' crazy!!!

How old is your mom? Will be 75 in October

Has your mom ever been on television or in the paper? Yeppers

Are you single? Technically, I guess so - but my heart belongs to someone. We just can't be together right now through no fault of our own..

Do you have a beach house? Nope

Where do you live? Right here in the 'Burg (I want to leave here so damn badly right now!)

Did you honestly miss Melrose place? Never watched it so I can't miss it..

Do you ever watch Bold and the beautiful? Nope - did used to watch One Life To Live, All My Children and General Hospital though..

Do you sometimes watch the news? All the time - Fox & MSNBC - I like to hear both sides of the propoganda & media lies..

Have you ever seen a UFO? I've seen things in the sky I couldn't identify - so that would be a "yes"??? Doubt it was a spaceship or anything like that though.

Do you believe in aliens? Yeppers.

Do you like Jerry Springer? Actually, I still do - it makes me feel better about myself and my friends to see just how "white-trash" people can still go - we're not there (yet).

Have you ever been surfing? Nope - never tried it. Maybe one day.
What is your favorite magazine? Currently, it's either "The Advocate" (which isn't what it used to be by a longshot) or Wizard (about comics - ceased publication a few months ago - which sucks big time)

How many times have you gone to a foreign country? Never (but I have partied with many people from many foreign countries - so that has to count for something)

When will you next go on a plane? Ain't gonna happen.

When did you last go on a plane? Hasn't happened.

Do you watch football sundays? I did when Andrew was staying here. It was fun then. Not so much fun to watch the football games alone.

Do you read Perez Hilton? WHO? I know many sassy, gay men who are much smarter, funnier, informed and entertaining - why waste my time on that jackass?

What are your thoughts on Disney Channel? I watch it far more often than is probably safe or smart. I love me some Wizards of Waverly Place, Suite Life, and Hannah Montanna (yes, I said it! Shoot me now!)

Do you like Dr.Phil? Nope - I think he's an arrogant, self-centered, ass-clown!

Do you like Oprah? -Not really - she's a bit too high and mighty for my tastes..

Do you ever want to get married? I would love to get married to that right person one day - but so long as I continue to live in NC, where love is a political football and "my kind" are not allowed to be get married and commit to each other, I doubt it will ever happen.

What is your favorite country? Fraggle Rock

Do you like animals? Some of them - but not all..

Do you like High school musical? It's okay, but has a long way to go (as a musical) to compete with the real deal musicals like Hair, Rent, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Cop Rock. : D

Are the Jonas brothers cute? I wouldn't turn any of them away, but they're far too young for me..

Do you have an ipod? Nope

Do you watch TV alot? Not really - I keep it on for the noise more than anything else - I do like my wrestling, game shows (from the 70's - go figure) and NCIS though.

Are you afraid of the dark? I love and welcome the dark - it's the daylight that freaks me out and gives me the willies. I don't do

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