I Believe In Destiny - December 13, 2011
Rules are you enter the letter into the search box of your Facebook and first name to appear(or at least one of the first) you must answer truthfully..(if the same person comes up twice use next down the list) Tag each person you mention, and title the note I Believe in Destiny. Let's begin...
A - Andrew
1) Do you love this person? He's a great guy, part of my extended family and a former house-mate. I think very highly of him.
2) Is this person your enemy? Nope?
3) Would you kiss this person? Well, he's an extremely sexy beast, but he's also straight and a good friend and kissing him would probably put a strain on things. That wouldn't be good. So no kissing allowed, damn it! Too bad too because I'd rock his world... lol.
B - Chris B.
1) What do you really think of this person? I think he's an amazing person and true friend and I consider him as a brother of the soul. He's awesome!
2) What's their favorite color? I have no idea about that, but for some reason, I'm thinking it would be some shade of blue.
3) Ever danced with them? Nope.
C - Donnie
1) Do you have a crush on this person? I think he's a sexy beast and way cool, but he's also very straight and probably wouldn't appreciate the attention. But if he ever wanted to play around for a little while, I wouldn't say no.
2) What do they like to do? Hang with his friends, get tattoos and drink.
3) How old are they? Not sure - I'm thinking about 40 - 41??
D - David
1) How long have you known him/her? Off and on as aquaintances for probably fifteen - twenty years or so. Never hung out with him, but seem to always remember him being around.
2) Biggest regret? That I don't have the money to go get some tattoo work done by him - he does some great work.
3) Do you hate this person? Nope - no reason too.
E - Steven
1) Have you met their parents? Nope
2) Worst thing about this person? Not sure - mainly I guess that I've never been able to hang out with him..
3) Best thing about this person? He says what he thinks, thinks what he says and what you see is what you get - he's real (and that's a damn good thing!)
F - Matt
1) Explain them in two words: Sexy underachiever
2) How long have you known this person? Probably about 4 years or so...
3) How did you meet this person? He was a friend / associate of a person I knew..
G - Woody
1) Are they a good listener? Don't know - seems to be more of a talker actually, but that's cool because I don't like to talk much... lol
2) Are you close to this person? Not as close as I wish, but maybe one day we'll hook up and get totally shit-faced. Hope so.
3) Is this person nice? Yep -he's a very cool dude.
H - Theresa
1) What grade are they in? She's currently enrolled in and taking college classes.
2) Is he/she attractive? Extremely
3) Ever done something illegal with this person? Not sure - I don't think so, but it's possible. Did we ever do anything illegal? Hmmmm!
I - Lisa
1) How long have you known this person? I've known her for probably twenty years or so - I used to work with her brother at CFM.
2) Are you close to this person? Nope - I know her when I see her, but we've never really hung out together or anything. I know her husband though.
3) What is a favorite memory about this person? Unfortuantely none.
J - Michele
1) Do they have any siblings? I'm not sure but I do believe there are some other family members.
2) Do you know their favorite song? nope
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you? We're friends and friends like each other so it's all good. As for "liking", I'd be honored to be sure since she's an awesome person, but I'd have to say thanks, but explain that I'm gay. I think that would probably nip any "liking" in the bud rather quickly.
K - Ken
1) Where did you meet this person? He was hired to work with me at Murphy's.
2) Ever danced with this person? Nah, but give us enough alcohol and a video camera and it could happen... lol. That boy is crazy!! : - )
3) Ever kissed this person? Nope. He's another sexy ass dude that (unfortunately) is also very much straight. (Damn it!) But we friends and he's my nigga and I wouldn't ever want to screw that up.
L - Dane
1) What would you do if you had never met this person? He's a great guy and my life would be just a little bit emptier.
2) Do you like him/her? I think he's an awesome person so the answer is yes.
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person? Absolutely..
M - Marco
1) Is this person older than you? Nope
2) Do you know this person's favorite sport? Not really, but I'm guessing Soccer.
3) Whens the last time you've seen this person? It's been a couple of years - he got mad at me and quit talking to me. Oh well. He's a bit of a prick anyhow. Sexy as hell to be sure, but not really a nice person.
N - Niki
1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope
2) Is this person single? I don't remember hearing her talk about a significant other so I think single does apply.
3) Do you know this person's favorite sport? Sports entertainment aka wrestling.
O - Jacob
1) Would you travel around the world with this person? Absolutely. He's an extremely sexy dude!!
2) What kind of car does this person drive? I have no idea. I don't really know him - I only sent a friend request on FB to him because he's sexy as hell and local and sent my lust-filled gaydar into overtime. I don't even know if he does drive, but I would expect so.
3) Does this person have any children? Not a clue.
P - G.
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? Many times back in the younger days, but now that he's grown up, I rarely see him anymore. He's an incredible young man though and my favorite nephew.
2) Are you fairly close with this person? I rarely see him all that much anymore.
3) Does this person have a job? I don't know if he's working anywhere right now or not. Last I heard, he was babysitting his two nephews most of the time.
Q - No "Q" Person
R - Chris R.
1) Have you heard this person sing before? Nope, I don't think so.
2) Do you think this person will repost this? I doubt he'll ever see it unless he comes to my blogsite to read it.
3) Whats one thing you would change about this person? I wish he was older and lived here in NC (closer). He's a cool dude with a great personality.
S - Steve
1) Is this person taller than you? I don't know. Never actually met him, but I'm guessing we're roughly close in height.
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her? I love to read his posts on FB and his comments / writings, etc. I think we would get along fairly well if we were to hang out in person.
3) Do they live close to you? Nope - he lives in Texas while I'm here in lovely NC.
T - Heidi
1) When is the last time you saw him/her? It's been a few months - A few days ago - I think it was last Wednesday.
2) Have you been to his/her house? Many times - need to go visit sometime soon.
3) Do you like this person? I like her very much - she's an incredible and truly awesome person. I consider her to be family.
U - No "U" person.
V - Jed
1) Do you see this person a lot? Used to see him every once in a while, but he's moved to Indiana now so all I see are the occasional Facebook posts.
2) When did you meet her/him? Back in the days in Hasty - he was part of the elite crowd that hung out at Shelley's and Roy's.
3) What is this person's favorite food? I have no idea.
W - Starr
1) Do you Love this person? I like her a great deal and think she's an awesome person.
2) Have you ever been to their house? She lives across the street and I have been over there a few times... yes!
3) Do they have siblings? She has two sisters (Tina and Heidi), who are both also very nice and cool persons.
.X - No "X" person
Y - Michael
1) How long have you known this person? At least 25 years - probably longer..
2) What was the last thing you did with this person? Stood out in front of my house and met his (then future - now current) wife. Tresa.
3) What do you think about this person? He drives me crazy sometimes, but he's a great guy with a good heart. He's my little brother in every manner, except blood.
Z - Zach
1) Who is this person to you? He's the grandson of the Pastor up at the church where I volunteer and a very personable and cool dude.
2) Where is this person from? Originally New York, but lives in Colorado now.
3) Is this person in a relationship? I do believe he's got a girlfriend. I'd be surprised if he didn't because he's quite the young studly.. lol.
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