Naughty Pants
Take this survey
Would you like to learn how to pole dance? I can already do some amazing things with a pole, but dancing isn't one of them. Yeah, I'd give it a shot.
Ever been to an adult store? Once or twice. Used to go to Priscilla's every time we went to Fayetteville.
Ever bought something from an adult store? Yeppers.
Ever played strip poker? A few times. Yes.
Ever gone skinny dipping? Again, my answer is yes. Wouldn't do it now (too fat), but then again, who knows?
Kissed someone of the same sex? Many times - I like to kiss and don't really give a damn who the other person is.
Sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? Time of day doesn't matter - only the other person.
Are you dominant or submissive? I'm a submissive type of guy.
Would you have sex with anyone on your Top friends? YES!
What is the weirdest place you've had sex? On a Merry Go Round, In the back room / cooler at a store, on the roof of a church, in the parking lot at Wal-Mart
Ever been to a strip club? Yeppers. Watching those women take off their clothes - I wasn't impressed at all.
Called someone the wrong name during sex? Yeah. That's why I try not to use names too often - stick with generic nicknames... lol
Do you believe in make-up sex? Of course - why else waste any time fighting?
Ever had a one night stand? One or two.. lol
Has anyone ever used alcohol to lower your resistance? Yeppers - I get to drinking and I turn into a slut!
Ever used alcohol to lower someones resistance? Yeppers - after a few beers, even the straightest guy will be willing to "experiment".
Ever been cheated on? Yeah!
Ever cheated on someone? Yeah!
Drunken Nights
Are you a light weight? If I take my time and stick to beer, I'm fine. If I drink fast or mix beer & liquor, I might get a little buzzed more quickly.
How many drinks til your drunk? Depends on what I'm drinking, how fast I'm drinking and my mood.
What is your favorite beer? Bud Light
What is your favorite mixed drink? Vodka & OJ or Rum & Coke
What is your favorite shot? Crown Royal or Goldschlagger
Do prefer to drink alone or socially? Socially - I hate drinking alone.
Ever passed out from drinking? Yes
Ever thrown up from drinking? Yes
Ever been carried by someone else because of your drunkenness? Nope
Ever carried someone because of their drunkenness? Yeppers
Have you ever had sex...
On a kitchen table? Nope, I don't think so..
In the rain? Yeppers - and it was awesome!
In a police car? Yeppers - he even let me play with the handcuffs... lol.
In front of a video camera? Nope, but that's an idea.
In a public place? Once or twice...
Over a sink? Don't remember this one..
In a car? Many, many times.
In a theater? Does a drive-in count? Then yes..
With the same sex? Yeppers - that's the only one's I have sex with now.
On the first date? What? You mean we were supposed to have a date first? Damn!
On the beach? Yeppers!
Pick One
Lights on or off? Doesn't really matter - depends on who it is.
Pink or Black? Black!
Sweet or Spicy? Spicy!
Lace or Leather? Leather
Hugs or Kisses? I like both of these - I'm a good kisser though.
Fast or Slow? Start off slow and get faster as we move along.
Hard or Soft? Hard!
Give or Recieve? It's better to give than recieve (at least for some acts) and better to recieve than give for others. Depends on the other person - I'm generally a submissive type though.
Love or Lust? Love is a feeling to which nothing can compete, but it's also rare and fleeting. I love to do me some lusting...
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