Tossing Salt Presents:
Political Fact Or Fiction
December 7, 2011
Doug Maynard
I've done this a couple of times for the "King of Sports", professional wrestling, and now it's time to take this to the next level and the world of politics. How this works is pretty simple. I'm given a statement or question and simply answer whether I feel that it is either "fact" or "fiction" and explain why. It's so simple, even a caveman or Congressman can do it. And now I'm gonna "do it" as well. Lets rock...
Mitt Romney will be the 2012 Republican Nominee for President?
FICTION: Mitt's been running for this office for six years and he can't generate over twenty-five percent support in the polls and that has to be a major sign of his chances to win his party's nomination. The Republican Right is just are not getting behind Mitt. They're suspicious of his Morman faith, of his reputation as a flip-flopper and of course, Romneycare, the health plan that Romney developed that was the predecessor for Obamacare. Mitt hasn't made any major gaffes or had any major scandals attached to his name as of yet, but he's just coasting along and rather than causing excitement and energy, he's just boring, methodical and bleh! Romney has plenty of money and won't be fading away any time soon, but unless there are some big screw-ups by his opponents (mainly Newt), Romney is dropping in the polls and when all is said and done, he'll be just a footnote in our political history.
Herman Cain was correct to suspend his Presidential Campaign?
FACT: Herman Cain was in over his head from Day 1 and as the debates and campaigns progressed, it just became more and more obvious that Herman Cain was all sizzle, but very little actual substance. When the sexual harassment charages started to pop up, Cain should have dropped out right then and ended the drama and suffering we were all forced to endure for several more weeks. And when the story of this long affair came out, Cain just looked like an idiot in his pitiful excuses and arguments. He didn't belong in this race to begin with and he should have dropped out long ago. Better late than never, I guess.
Having Donald Trump moderate the GOP Debate on 12/28 is a good idea?
FICTION: Who ever had this bright idea needs to be slapped around for a while and placed in a room with Michele Bachmann's whiney ass for several days. While I will admit here that I am a fan of Trump's show, Celebrity Apprentice, he is not someone who should be involved in the Republican debates or politics in general. He's a joke and a reality show star, so how does it make the men and woman running for the position of the most powerful person in the world look when they're forced to play second potato to Trump? They look like idiots. So far, Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman have both announced that they're not planning to attend this debate and if the other candidiates are smart, they'll do the same. At least put someone credible with Trump as a co-moderator to help allievate some of the stupidity.
President Obama is correct to blame Congress for the problems in the U.S. Economy?
FICTION: This annoys me because no matter how much or little Congress has accomplished, it's on President Obama's watch and thus, it's his responsibility. If nothing is getting accomplished, an argument can be made that since the President is the man in charge, he should be leading the way and making sure that things happen. Of course, the argument then is that The Republicans won't work with the President and fight him on every issue. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but for the first two years of this President's term in office, the Democrats (his party) controlled both the House of Representatives and The Senate. The President and his party controlled Congress and could do anything they wanted and pass any bills they desired and there was little that the Republican's could do about it. But they (the President and the Democratic controlled Congress) did nothing to prevent the problems that everyone else saw coming. All they did was shove Obamacare down our throats and run up the costs of Government and the deficit by trillions of dollars. Now the President is screaming that he can't do anything because the Republican's are fighting him. He didn't do anything when he had total control and in his mind, that was okay. But now that he's trying for re-election and another term as President, he's whining and crying about how Congress keeps fighting him. The bottom line for me is this. If the President's party controls the White House and also controls the U.S. Senate, that's 2/3 of the power, which if I remember my math correctly, would mean they have more power than the Republican's, who only control the House of Representatives (and have only had control for just over a year). So if they can't get anything done, they only need to blame themselves. They've got the power and what does or doesn't get accomplished (and the mess we're in now), blame the ones in charge and that's the President and his party.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich will be the 2012 GOP Nominee for President?
FACT: Newt has taken the lead in all of the recent polls and unlike the other former front-runners, he's not an enigma or mystery to the American People. Newt has been a face in American politics for well over three decades and there isn't any part of his life, good or bad, that isn't already out there for the public to know about. And he's still leading the polls and gaining more support daily. Even his worst enemies will admit that Newt is extremely smart and is a great debater. He's not so far to the right that he's scares off the Independents and Liberals like some of his opponents will. He's a man who knows what to say and when to say it and if posible, can out-Washington President Obama on politics and winning elections. I honestly can't see anyone left in the Republican field who can challenge him and if he picks a good running mate for the general election, even the Republican's who think he's a bit too lefty or shifty will come around. The Nomination is his to win or lose and unless he totally screws up with a major melt-down or else gets caught in a compromising position with Nancy Pelosi, I have no doubt that he'll end up winning and challenging Obama in the Presidential Election.
Vice President Joe Biden will be replaced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as President Obama's running mate in the 2012 election?
FICTION: It's a good idea and could work to help Obama hold on to his job next November, but I don't think it will happen. Despite how they appear in public together, I have no doubt in my mind that Hillary and Bill Clinton both still have some hard feelings about Barack Obama left over from the 2008 election. Obviously, putting Hillary on the ticket would allow Barack a second chance with the Democratic base, most of whom seem to have suffered "Buyer's Regret" over the past year or so and wish they had elected Hillary in the first place. Biden doesn't help the ticket and hurts it more often than not with his gaffes and comments, but not even Hillary is strong enough to make the voters overlook the bad governing and policies of the Obama administration and even if she joined the ticket, I don't think she'd be enough to pull Obama over the victory line in November. He'll just keep what he has and if (when) the President loses in November, he'll have a ready made candidate in Joe Biden who he can throw under the bus and blame it on.
And there you go. That's enough for now. It's getting late and it's time to go to bed. So thanks for reading and have a great night. Comments and thoughts are welcome.
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