Saturday, March 10, 2012

(Flashback) Tossing Salt - December 22, 2003

Tossing Salt - 12/22/03

What up all, and welcome to another bone-chilling edition of "Tossing Salt". Today is officially the first day of winter, and believe me, it truly is. I just saw the ex "other half" at Wal-Mart a few minutes ago, and the looks that I recieved pretty much froze the blood in my veins. No reunion miracles to look for this Christmas, I guess. But anyhow, after that little episode, I felt the urge to come down here to my "Dojo of Info", deep in the dark and dreary basement of the Wrestling Informer HQ, and do a little "Salt Tossing". The info and news have been piling up on my desk for the past few days while I've been attempting to get into the holiday spirit.

Well, I'm broke and only partially done with my shopping, so I guess that means I'm as ready as I'm gonna be. Next payday is on Friday, the day AFTER Christmas. Whassup with dat, anyhow? Bah! Humbug! I've guess I've fussed long enough. Let's do what we came here to do.

There's a lot of ground to cover, so let's do this already. As always, we start off with:


Sad news to start off with as two more members of the fraternity that is professional wrestling passed away earlier this week. Mike Anthony, who also wrestled under the names of Mike Lozansky & Tigre Canadiense, died at age 35. No details were available at the time I am writing this, although I'm sure more will be known very soon. Also, John Nguyen, 29, who was the one time owner of Winnipeg Indy promotion "Premier Championship Wrestling" died on this past Monday by committing suicide. He jumped from the fifth floor window of a Maryland motel. My condolences and prayers go out to the friends and family of both these men.

It seems like way too often these days, and especially in the past couple of months, we've had to read reports of wrestlers and managers dying. It's really getting old, fast. We've lost way too many of our favorites lately. And so many of them have been for stupid reasons. Drugs, alcohol, & suicide - the stupidest reason of all.

I speak from bitter personal experience on this particular matter. Suicide is never a solution or option. All these problems that seem so hard and so bad - they're not. Suicide is a cowards way of dealing with the issues of life. If you deal with things, it may be bad, but they'll get better eventually.

With suicide, there's no getting better or second chances. When someone commits suicide, the suffering and pain is over for them, but what about the people they profess to love and care for . The parents, the siblings, the friends? For them, the suffering never ends. It just becomes a constant "what if" that haunts them for the rest of their lives.

I realize that a wrestling column is not the place to speak on this, and I apologize if anyone is offended. But Nguyen killed himself. He was under investigation for fraud charges. So what? A few years in prison is better than death. You can survive prison. Death is final. Well, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore, but his parents, his family, his friends - they'll be "worrying about it" for the rest of their lives. Again, I apoligize for this paragraph. It's just that I've had too much first hand experience with people I know and care about taking the easy way out. And I just can't let this new example of stupidity pass.

Let's get back to wrestling, OK. "The Life and Death of Owen Hart" by Owen's widow, Marth Hart is scheduled to be released in the United States in March 2004. It's been available in Canada for quite some time, and from all reviews I've seen, is quite good. So, if you get the chance and want to learn more about the "Blue Blazer", buy it already. But read fast, because in May of 2004, two new books willl be released by the WWE. One is expected to be a biography on William Regal. That should be very interesting.

Plus a "Triple H Bodybuilding Book". No, I'm not making that up. I wonder if it comes with it's own prescription book and needles. Oooopps! DId I say something wrong? I'm joking, OK. I'm making that up. Call off the lawyers already. HHH is an avid bodybuilder and weightlifter. I know this. It should be a good read from the current WWE World Champion.

And finally, the long awaited Ric Flair autobiography which is currently being worked on by Keith Elliot Greenberg has been pushed back to a release date of June, 2004.

No wonder. Flair keeps making history as a part of Evolution (and as the first man to hold the NWA World title, NWA Tag Team title, WWE Championship, and WWE tag title), so the extra chapters are no doubt constantly being writen. I just sort of figured that the WWE would try and rush things along to release the book in conjunction with the best selling WWE DVD of all time, but I guess not. Ric's fans can never get enough, andI suppose they're on to that little fact. When the DVD excitement finally subsides, hit them with the book, and watch the Ric Flair fever start up all over again. As they said in the commercials for the DVD, there are icons and there are legends...but there is only one Ric Flair. Whoooooooo!

Speaking of DVD's, I almost forgot this one, but the WWE is preparing to release an ultimate Mick Foley DVD on 1/20/04, titled "Mick Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses - A Life In Wrestling". It's got a lot of classic Mick footage from WWE, WCW, and ECW. It should be a great piece of work, paying tribute to Mrs. Foley's baby boy. I've already warned the guys at Wal-Mart to save me one when it comes in, so hopefully I'll be able to get it on day 1 and maybe even review it for ya'll here at the Informer.

Have you heard the news? A couple of weeks ago, I saw where the Wrestling Informer head guru, Brad Casey questioned whether the WWE (and Jim Ross) might be reading the Informer. I'm wondering as well.

The word now is that the WWE is considering holding a "Hall of Fame" type banquet and dinner on March 13, 2004. Didn't I suggest the same thing a few weeks ago? The WWE is looking at this as a way to get Bret Hart to commit to WM XX, despite his being unable to wrestle. Other names being tossed around are Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlund, and Superstar Billy Graham.

If I might add a few more names to the list, how about Hulk Hogan (who I despise, but he is what WM is all about), former WWWF Champion Ivan Kolloff, former WWWF Champion Pedro Morales, Wendi Richter, and maybe managers Bobby "the Brain"Heenan, Captian Lou Albano, and the late, but great Grand Wizard of Wrestling, Ernie Roth. If Pat Patterson and Johnny Rodz can get spots in the WWE Hall of Fame, these folks certainly deserve a shot.

As far as the WWE stealing my idea goes, that's all cool. But if anyone in the WWE feels guilty enough about it, I would consider a couple of complimentary tickets to WM XX fair and just payment. Or Ivory's home phone number. That'd work too. : )

Let's cross the ocean for a moment and talk about New Japan. Trying to put a positive spin ona real life bad situation, the promotion is running an angle where Tatsumi Fujinami (in a letter) challenged Antonio Inoki to fight him in a "retirement match" at the New Japan 1/4 Tokyo Dome show. Fujinami is already pretty much "retired" as it is, due to the political games and power of Inoki, so it's just a way to make it all "official".It's probably the only chance Fujinami will have to say goodbye to his fans in New Japan, so I expect he's only doing the angle for that purpose. No word yet if Inoki will do the match, and give Fujimani his final day in the spotlight, but I expect he will.

The 1/4 Hustle-One show has added a new name to the already packed show. In addition to Bill Goldberg, Dusty Rhodes, Steve Corino, and the Zero - One talent already signed for the show, now the man they call VADER has also agreed to appear. There are also some rumours that Dustin Rhodes, who just recieved an early release from the WWE, will be making an appearance as well.

At the World Japan promotion, Kensuke Sasaki returned the WJ Championship belt to the quickly dying promotion, which is on it's last legs. They have some shows scheduled for early January, but the company isn't expected to continue after that. All of the talent that was under contract has been released, and most are now working for the other Japanese promotions. World Japan will be lucky to get up enough talent to just finish out their current contractual obligations for events. Stick a fork in them already. They're done.

The Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Convention & Fanfest continues to grow more and more, as the name of the "Enforcer" Arn Anderson, has been added to the list of over 30 top Mid-Atlantic superstars from the 70's and 80's who are scheduled to attend. This will be on January 31 - February 1, 2004 in Charlotte, NC. There will be autograph sessions, Q & A events with Ole Anderson and Jim Cornette, and something for everyone who's a fan of the legend that was MId-Atlantic Championship Wrestling.

Depending upon the work schedule and money situation, I'm planning to be in Charlotte that weekend to see all these Legends I grew up watching, and I would suggest anyone who lives in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Georgia to pack up the car and head to Charlotte that weekend.

Just some of the names scheduled are Dusty Rhodes, Rick Steamboat, Magnum TA, Dory Funk, Jimmy Valiant, Tully Blancard, JJ Dillon, The Rock & Roll Express, The Midnight Express, Ivan Kolloff, and Greg Valentine. For more information on the event, go to This is a once in a lifetime extravaganza and can't be missed.

I saw something funny mentioned as I scoured the web looking for news yesterday that I just had to mention. Judge Jeff Jones,a former ECW manager and personality, is selling, on E-bay an actual check signed by Paul Heyman in ECW that bounced when Jones tried to cash it at the bank. Talk about an infamous piece of wrestling history. People will try and sell anything, and even worse, someone will pay a good piece of money to get it. I just thought that was funny.

This isn't really wrestling related, but the man involed was at Wrestlemania III, so it's all good anyhow. My favorite all around entertainer, Alice Cooper (55) will be hosting a syndicated radio show starting on January 26. It's called "Nights With Alice Cooper". It's looked to be a classic rock show, with on-going stories and characters, much like Alice's stage performances.

So, if you get a chance to check that out on your radio once it starts airing, do so. And if you ever get a chance to listen to "The Last Temptation" lp or "Hey Stoopid", do so. It's from the late 80's & early 90's but it's just great stuff and you'll enjoy it. I assure you of that. Behind the face paint and image is one helluva song writer and performer - probably one of the 10 best of the last 50 years. Forget the image - listen to the music, and you'll be hooked. To steal a line from HHH, he is "that damn good!".

(Talking about Tito Santana)
Brain: Do you know what "arriba" means?
Gorilla: What, Brain?
Brain: Swim faster. The border patrol is coming.


MICHINOKU PRO 12/19/03 Fukui Gym
Ikuto Hidaka defeated Osamu Inoue in 8:18
Tsubo Genjin stopped Nobutaka Moribe in 6:16
Kazuya Yuasa & Masashi Ikeda defeated Joe Aoyama & Shiori Asahi in 13:51
Taka Mickinoku defeated Kensen Numa-jiro in 16:31
The Great Sasuke, Jinsei Shinzabli, & Hayate beat Dick Togo, Masao Urihara, & Macho Pump in 20:29

TORYU-MON 12/19/03 Aichi, Japan Okazaki Hall
Karaoke Machine # 2 defeated Stalker Ichizawa in 5:09
Daniel Miahima beat Masaaki Mochizuka in 6:10 by DQ
Kenichiro Arai stopped Anthony W. Mori in 7:56
YOSSINO & Milano Collection AT beat Shugo Takagi & Tiuru Owashi in 11:38 by DQ
Ryo Saito, Genki Horiguchi, Susumu Yokosuka, & Magnum Tokyo defeated Jun, Taru, Don Fujii, & Cima in 16:47

ALL-JAPAN WOMEN 12/19/03 Tokyo, Japan Komazawa Olympic Ball Game Place
Kayo Noumi & Takako Inoue beat Nanae Takahashi & Ayako Hamada in 20:43
Kumiko Maekawa defeated Miwako Ishihara in 1:36
Eagle Sawai & Amazing Kong defeated Nanae Takahashi & Ayako Hamada in 11:18
DAI NIHON 12/18/03 Shizuku, Japan KIRAMESSE, NUMAZU
MEN's Teioh & Daisuke Sekimoto defeated Daikokubo Benkei & Naoki Numazawa in 14:44
BAD BOY Hiro & Katsumaja Inoue defeated GENTARO & Daisuke Shimodo in 15:30
Ryuji Ito & Shadow WX defeated Abdullah Kobayashi & Gosaku in17:59

(Talking about Jim Cornette)
"Just because he's is a nutritional overachiever, don't call him beefy!"

I guess that pretty much does it for today. A quick note for all those interested. I do a little thing every day called the "Time Warp" that evolved from this very column. It's just a brief mention of 8 to 10 things that happened each day - mostly wrestling related, but not always, along with a few little graphics and whatnots. If you think you might be interested in seeing the "Time Warp" in your e-box every day, drop me a line and let me know and I'll start sending it to you. It's just something I started doing for something to do, but I'm pretty proud of what I've come up with so far.

Also, if you have any questions, comments, remedys to mend a broken heart, or anything else - just drop me a line at either or at It may take me a little while but I do answer all mail. Well, there was one letter I didn't respond to, but people who pretend to be "Hulk Hogan" aren't worth my time and effort. I answer and respond to all sane mail. How about that? So, what are you waiting for? Write something already.

And finally, I want to wish all the readers of the Wrestling Informer, all my fellow contributors, the people in my chat groups, and everyone else a very Merry Christmas. I hope the holidays are good to each and every one of you and you get all your wishes come true. Take care and once again, Merry Christmas. I'm Doug M. Until next time, take it light.

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