15 Questions That Make You Think Survey...
What would be worse? Losing all your old memories or never being able to make new ones?
This one is hard to say. Either live in a state similiar to dementia where you're trapped in the past with no short-term memories - constantly reliving old memories with no grip on the here and now OR living in a state of confusion where you might be aware of the present, but your entire past is but a huge blank spot. Either would be a living hell in itself and I don't know if I would be able to cope or deal with either scenario for long. Probably overall, the not being able to make new memories would the more bad deal. At least, if you are able to make new memories and experiences, you can have a semblence of a life. If you're just trapped in the past, you can never grow or learn or experience and may as well just be dead.
What about a friend moving far away or losing touch with a friend that lives right near you?
A friend moving far away is not all that bad, especially in today's world of e-mails, texting, etc. It'd be fairly easy to stay in touch and maintain the friendship. When friends who are physically close, but just move or grow apart happens, that is more painful.
Betraying a friend or having a friend betray you?
Anytime a friendship ends, it hurts. But speaking from my own experience, having someone you loved and trusted and respected betray that trust and friendship, for whatever reason, is a painful experience I would never wish upon anyone.
How have your feelings changed throughout life?
Absolutely, because what is life, but change?
Your best friend died because of you, what would you do?
I don't know. Probably blame myself, get majorly depressed, and do stupid things in an attempt to punish myself and make redemption. And then, if I survive all of that, probably end up seeking therapy and after that, try to make peace with my friends memory and myself and move on.
What's your worst fear?
I have many minor fears such as spider-crickets, public speaking, crowds, committment, etc. but the biggest I'll admit to is that as I get older, I'll always be alone.
If you could change one thing about your past what would it be?
About my past? Some minor traffic infractions that cost me my freedom and drivers license for all of these past years.
Do you believe that you can be in love with 2 people at the same time?
I know it's possible because I've done it. You can love different people in different ways and who's to say what's the right way and which one is wrong? Love is crazy and knows no boundries so two people? That's a no brainer. It's not only possible, but happens far more than most people will admit.
Why do you think bad things happen to good people?
Because good people tend to believe that other people are good too and have faith in "the system" and "human nature". But this is a messed up world and if you depend on the character of others, you get f*cked over and screwed and hurt. It's the way the world is and we just need to accept it.
Would you sacrifice self respect for love?
There was a time when I would have said yes - that keeping "my man" was more important than anything, but after a few bad experiences, it finally hit me that if a person doesn't have respect for themselves, they can't expect their "lover" to have any respect for them either and will generally just get used and then dumped once the novelty wears off. If love means not maintaining your self-respect and dignity, then you are looking for the wrong kind of love and in the wrong places and don't need it. You can't love anyone else until you love yourself first.
Which is worse, drowning or being buried alive?
Either way, you suffocate and you die - one's as bad as the other. Can't choose.
What's the one thing you want to do before you die?
What's on my "bucket list"? Writing a book, stepping into a professional wrestling ring as part of a storyline or angle (anyone need a manager), getting together with about fifteen -twenty of my closest friends from throughout the years for a major, big time party / gathering, swimming with the dolphins, and meeting the two sexiest "sports-entertainers" ever, Ivory and Juvi.
Whats the best feeling in the world?
Being with the guy I love, side by side just enjoying each other's presence and awesomeness.
Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?
Between these two choices, I'd pick the freezing because you'd get numb, pass out and die while burning involves major pain, stinky smells and lots of screaming. No contest here. Both are bad, but cold is preferable to fire.
What would you do if you had no family or friends?
Take a long look at myself and try to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Family is something you can't choose and have no control over, but everyone should have at least one friend somewhere in their life. Even if you're the most anti-sociable ass-clown in existence, usually there is at least one person who might like you. If you don't have a person in your life - at least one - then something major needs to change and it's usually you.
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