Take this survey
What shall I call you?: "Sir" will do nicely or if that's too formal, just call me Doug.
Why are you taking this quiz?: Because I'm bored and I'm out of vodka.
Promise not to get offended?: I don't get offended - I do the offending.
Great! Any last words?: I wish I had a beer.
Personal Life
How's life treaten' ya?: It's okay - could be better, but could be worse as well.
Are you happy with your life right now?: Not really - everyone and everything is stretching my last nerve.
What could make it better, even if you are?: If I had the man I love here, it would be much better. Or anybody with a firm handshake and a hard dick for that matter.
Who do you live with?: My female parental unit.
How do you feel about this?: I hate it to be honest, but she can't afford to keep her house without my help. I'm trapped.
Do you have a history of traumatic events in your life?: At times.
How is school?: No school for me.
Do you have lots of friends?: Not really. I have a large number of acquaintances, but few real friends.
How do people generally perceive you?: People seem to like me for some reason, but they don't get too close.
How do you generally perceive people?: People are annoying, but are necessary, I suppose. I like SOME people.
Are you a bitter person?: I don't think I am - I just am cynically honest.
Do you easily get jealous of people?: Nope - no reason to be.
How do you channel your anger?: I write and I do stupid little surveys.
How well do you trust others?: I trust people to a point, but nobody is allowed to get too close.
Your Appearance
Do you think you are attractive?: I need to lose some weight, but aside from that, I am truly a sexy beast.
Why or why not?: It's not so much physical as attitude and I know what I have and how to use it... lol
What is your favorite physical feature?: My mouth - I have a dirty mouth and people love me for it... lol
Why do you choose this, above all?: Because it has skills.
What do you think of your eyes?: I've got some sexy, eyes that reveal an old soul.
Do you like the person you see in the mirror?: He's a crazy person to be sure and has some issues, but all in all, he's a pretty cool dude.
Do you have a nice body?: I've got a belly and I'm getting old, but I'm healthy and happy with what I've got.
Have you ever been happy with your appearance?: Yeah because I'm a sexy beast.
What about unhappy?: Back when I was lacking confidence in myself, yeah.
Has anyone ever called you ugly?: Nobody that matters.
Do you think you're ugly?: Nope - I'm a sexy beast - I've already told you that.
Were you blessed with physical qualities?: A talented tongue, no gag reflex and extra-large grapefruits!
How important is appearance to you?: The appearance is a cover - what in inside the book is what matters.
What 2 major things would you change about your appearance?: Lose weight and maybe less gray hair.
Why do you choose these two things?: Because I need to lose weight and my hair is getting gray... lol.
Friends and Social Life
Let's be vague. In general, do you like people?: I like SOME people, but not all people. And even the people I like, I prefer in small doses.
Why or why not?: Far too many years of being around the wrong people, I guess..
Do you have a high or low tolerance for stupidity?: It all depends upon my mood, but generally, I can tolerate a lot.
Are you acceptant of others' beliefs?: Oh yeah - that's never been a problem.
Do you think you have lots of friends?: I have lots of acquaintances, but very few actual "real" friends.
What do you think of the friends you do have?: I think they're extremely awesome.
Do you believe that 'friendship is golden?: Sure, golden is good, right?
Do you have a best friend?: Not really - I have a few people who are closer than others, but I don't have best friend to call my own at the moment.
How long have you known this person?: ???
Are they like a brother/sister to you?: There are several people who are not blood related, but I consider to be my true brothers and sisters.
Are you shy?: In some ways, yes..
Are you outgoing?: On occasion, but I'm generally introverted and a loner.
Have you been hurt by people?: YES!
Have you ever intentionally hurt anyone, physically or emotionally?: Not intentionally
Why or why not?: I don't like to hurt people - 'Nuff said!
First off, have you ever had sex?: In all shapes, sizes and varities...lol.
First time (if yes) ... Why not (if no)?: First time was a long, long time ago - it was the happiest fifteen seconds of my life.
Does your religion oppose sex?: Only the good stuff... lol.
What are your personal feelings on sex?: I like it... a lot. I think everyone should have sex often and without hesitation - especially if you're a good looking guy and you're with me... lol
Are you straight, bisexual, or homosexual?: I'm gay.
Are you sure?: I'm positive, but if any guy wants to test me out to make sure, give me a call and we'll work something out.
Have you ever experimented with the same sex?: It's one of my favorite things to do and I'd love to do it right now - any volunteers?
Did you like it (if yes) ... Why not (if no)?: YES!
Do you like sex or is it not appealing to you?: I like sex quite well, thank you.
Does it frustrate you when people talk about it?: Nope.
Is it a subject that makes you uncomfortable?: Nope!
The things no one likes to talk about! (Touchy questions ahead.)
Has someone close to you ever died?: I've lost many loved ones over the years of my life - and it never gets better or easier.
Do you think about suicide?: No - I've lost a couple of very close persons to suicide and it's such a tragic waste in all ways.
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: Yes - when I was younger and stupid and weaker than I am now.
Do you cut?: No
Do you suffer from Clinical Depression?: It's a possibility, but I doubt it.
Do you have an STD?: No
Have you ever taken illegal drugs?: Yes
Why or why not?: Because it was what I wanted to do at the time.
Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol?: I do drink and only smoke if I'm stressing or drinking.
Why or why not?: Because it's what I choose to do.
Last Questions
Did this quiz make you uncomfortable?: Nope
Were you honest?:Yes
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