Monday, November 28, 2011

Some Me Time Survey - November 28, 2011

Some Me Time Survey

Do you hold grudges easily?

Not really. Holding on to anger and pain only hurts myself and it's better to let those things go. But I don't forget easily and do remember when someone has tried to cross me and will not allow myself in that position again.

Do you suffer pain from a past hurt?

I have in the past, but finally, I've learned to just let that negative crap go. It's not worth it.

Can you handle constuctive critisim?

Of course - doesn't mean I'll listen or change my ways, but I'll be respectful enough (usually) to allow others their opinions.

In this world what makes you the happiest?

Being with the people I love and care for followed by completing a project and knowing that I did a helluva job.

What are your thoughts on sex before marriage?

Well, I'm not allowed to get married and I like sex so I think my thoughts on this topic should be pretty obvious.

Do you believe colors express your personality?

Actually, I do - people tend to pick the colors they wear based on how they feel and their mood - darker colors generally mean more of a dark or negative mood while brighter colors tend to reflect more energy and optimism. It's not this way for everyone, but this theory would fit most people.

Are you a private person?

I'm not really a socialble person and I value my "alone time", but still, as evidenced by these stupid surveys, I don't really have any secrets. With me, it's what you see is what you get and if you have any questions, just ask. You may not like the answer you get, but I won't lie to you. So what would that make the answer to be? I'm a quiet and private person in some ways, but my life is an open book and here for your reading pleasure.

Who do you respect the most?

I'm not going to name specific names, but generally anyone who chases their dreams, ignores the naysayers and doesn't let anyone hold them back. And the people who take a licking and keep on ticking - they have every reason to give up and give in, but they keep going and going.

What is an interest of yours that others would find silly?

Take your pick - comic books, wrestling, writing short stories with vampires and super heroes, politics, collecting wrestling figures and memorbilia, etc. So much to choose from.

What are your thoughts on the world?

It's round and it's a crazy place to be.

Do you belive there is a god?

Yes - call him what you will (God, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, etc) but there is a supreme power that presides over all.

Do you fall for romance movies?

I like a good tearjerker every so often.

Do you fall in love too quickly?

Not really - I fall in "lust" pretty easily - just some sexy eyes and a nice bulge and I'm ready to say hello. But love is a whole different ball of string.

Do you believe in destiny (fate)?

It is what it is and that is all that there is to it.

Do you often get annoyed by cell phones?

I get annoyed by ALL phones - I despise a damn phone!

How would you define trust?

A feeling of respect and security that a certain person radiates that makes you feel like you can depend on this person for anything (within reason) and that they'll be there for you.

Do you catch yourself running from situations?

I don't so much run from situations as I just ignore them until I don't have a choice but to face up to them and take care of bid'ness!

What would you consider to be your best talent?

I can't really put what my "best" talent is here because minors might be reading this survey or maybe even guys who would read this answer and decide to call my bluff (word of warning - I don't bluff!) so I'll go for my second best talent - I'm a fairly entertaining writer at times.

Which do you value more, family or friends?

My friends are my family so they would be one and the same.

How do you define love?

It's when you know a person's faults and don't care - you want to have them in your life and just the thought of that person makes you feel warm and happy. It's when you have respect and total trust in someone and when they're not there, you feel empty and incomplete. It's what I have for Cal.

Do you like card games?

Sometimes. It depends on who I'm with and what kind of mood I'm in. Card games are a great way to pass the time with some friends.

Have you ever made out on a couch?


Ever been swimming in a lake or river?

Many times when I was younger.

Ever been to a bonfire party?

Many times - used to do this almost every weekend for many, many years.

Have you ever been on a horse?

Only on the merry go rounds - horses are beautiful animals and I love to watch them, but they also have big teeth and I'm not getting too close.

What's irritating you right now?

That damn phone ringing - since I started this survey, we've had four calls. And the dumb ass people won't speak up and leave a message on the answering machine. They just hang up. If the call is important enough for someone to call this house, then leave a damn message. Otherwise, don't bother calling.

What radio station(s) do you listen to?

WQSM (Q-98) and 96.5 BOB (they play everything). Those are my main two stations, but I generally just hit scan and never stay on one station for far too long.

Are you afraid of the dark?

Nope - I love the dark.

Do you get distracted easily?

It depends on what I'm doing, but yeah, I guess so.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?

Turned on my fan and read a few pages of a book by Michael Reagan.
Is this year the best year of your life?

Not even close - this has actually been a rather bad and crappy year all the way around.

Do you have any strange phobias?

Talking to people, dealing with the public, spider-crickets, phones, crowds, heights, failure, success, etc. I'm a messed up individual.

Is it easier to forgive or to forget?

It's easy to forgive, but I will never forget.

Do you give out second chances too easily?

Used to, but I've learned the hard way and second chances are hard to come by with me these days.

Have you dated people who weren't good to you?

Unfortunately, yes - but that's over with now (unless they're really sexy and then maybe I'll reconsider.. lol)

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

It al depends on what they did to screw up that first chance.

Where is your cell phone?

It's sitting on the coffee table just a few feet away from me.

What time did you go to sleep last night?

A little after 4:00 this morning - didn't get home until 3:00...

Are you excited for the future?

Certain apsects of the future - yes, but there are other parts that I can take it or leave it and if things continue as they have been, I'd prefer to leave it.

Your first ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say?

OH SHIT!!! I thought you were dead!!! ^ o ^

When was the last time you yelled at someone?

It's been quite a while - I'm not really a yeller by nature.

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?

In person, it was around 3:00 this morning. On the phone was around 10am and via the computer, about twenty minutes ago.

Have you done anything you regret in 2011 so far?


Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?

Yeppers - depression. Had more than enough of that over the past week and it rocked me pretty hard. Not wanting to deal with it again for as long as possible.

Have you ever slapped anyone?

Yes (and that bitch deserved it too - for being a total bitch!)

What's your last text message say?


Have you ever been called Prince/Princess?

Nope - can't say that I have. I did have a set of brothers that used to call me "Cupcake". Is that close enough?

Do you wear make up everyday?


Who do you go to when you need someone to talk to?

I go to my computer and write about it or do surveys or chit chat on Facebook. I don't really have anyone around here that I can talk to or open up to on a regular basis. I'm a listener and not a talker.

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