Chuck Norris has spoken! He's written a blog with his opinion of what a person needs to consider when deciding who should be their selection for Presidential candidiate. It's a great read and you can (and should) read it here: (If the link doesn't work, just cut and paste in the browser and go read what the man himself has to say.)
And now, as is my nature, I've decided to take his questions and put my mind to work answering them, as best I can anyhow. Mr.Norris (notice how I call him "Mister" so he doesn't come here and kick my ass!) doesn't specify any particular candidiate with these quesitons, but speaks in more of a general manner. I'm going to get a bit more specific with my answers. And I'll probably ramble quite a bit too. And make plenty of dick and fart jokes because I'm a guy and that's what guys do. Let's take a look at the questions that Mr. Norris puts forth and each one is followed by my thoughts and ponderings about each question.
By the way, this is Part One. Mr. Norris only posted five of his ten questions with the rest to be posted at a later date. If I remember to read the next blog (and if this blog gets plenty of views, comments and kudos), I'll follow up with Part Two just as soon as I can. Or I might just go get drunk and forget all about it. Who knows? Let's get on with this. Here are the questions that "The Baddest Man On The Planet" says that we should consider when picking which Presidential candidiate to support.
10) Who is most committed to follow and lead by the U.S. Constitution?
Of the six remaining contenders for the Republican nomination, the answer to this question is pretty simple and that's Congressman Ron Paul. Every question he's asked in answered by referring to the U.S. Constitution. But let's be honest here. I like Ron Paul and on economic and fiscal matters, he's definitely the man with the best ideas. But with that being said, he's not going to be the next President or even the Republican nominee. His foreign policies are just too freakin' crazy! It's that simple. So if not Paul, then who?
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich comes to mind as the best possible answer. He's a historian and teaches about the Constitution and U.S. History and has a knowledge of constitutional law second to none. Maybe Newt isn't the most popular guy in the room, but he's easily the smartest and knows what he's talking about. He's a leader (as proven by his time as Speaker) and he knows how to get things done, according to the laws allowed by our Constitution. And of the current field, of the candidiates who one can actually see as having a chance to be the next President, Newt is the one who's views, opinions and actions best answer this very important question.
9) Who has the greatest ability to rally, unify and mobilize citizens across political and societal spectrums?
Again, the easiest answer to this question is Ron Paul. Nobody has the ground work and organization that can match Paul's and his supporters run all across all genres, races, ages, religions, genders and orientations. BUT as I said before, I don't think Paul has a Smurf's chance in a cat house of winning the nomination and facing President Obama in November. After him, my pick would be Jon Huntsman. Mitt Romney has a great base built up, but it's not growing because of love or support for Mitt, but because the Republican's are settling for the most likely candidiate instead of the best one. I really don't see any of that fanatical support out there for any candidiate currently in the running, but Huntsman just strikes me as the one with the most mainstream appeal. He's got appeal for Republicans, Democrats and Independents and matched up against Obama, is easily, at least in my eyes, the most appealing candidiate with the best chance of winning. He needs more money and to get his name out there more to stand any kind of chance, but he's my pick for answering this question.
8) Who has the best working comprehension of America?
This one is very hard to answer because I don't think that any of the politicians or persons currently running for President live in the real world. I think that as power accumulates and their "celebrity" grows, the world that most politicians live in becomes a land of pixies, unicorns and Fraggle Rock. They're all rich and have money and "yes-men" and the world we live in, of juggling bills, eating Raman noodles and trying to decide if you should get $10 worth of gas and be safe or get $6 worth of gas and a pack of cigs instead. I'm not saying that they're not smart or knowledgable or have the best interests of others in mind, but do they even know what the "common man" thinks about and has to deal with? I doubt it.
To figure out who would best know what America is all about and how the "real people" live and what effects them most, I think it would have to be the person or people who are closest to being "real people" themselves and translated, that means "poor". Hell if I really know who would best answer this question and which person running for the GOP Nomination really does have the best comprehension of what life as a working-class American is all about so I'll just go with Santorum. He's a bigot and a homophobe, but he grew up in PA and that has to count for something.
7) Who has the best ability to influence a volatile world away from the brink of destruction?
In other words, who has the best idea of the world picture and the best comprehension of where America needs to be with their foreign policy. This one is easy for me. My answer is Governor Jon Huntman, who has served as an Ambassador on four seperate occasions, most recently in China. He knows the world and while his record on economic and fiscal matters in very impressive (garnered while he was the Governor of Utah), it's dealing with foreign nations and matters of foreign policies where he really seems to shine. If he's not the Republican nominee for President, I can very easily see whoever does become the next President, if it is a Republican, appointing Huntsman as the next Secretary of State. The man knows his stuff, pure and simple. I just hope that we eventually get the chance to benefit from his knowledge and experience.
6) Who has clear and present moral fortitude?
Morals? We're talking about politicians here and despite the morality that they attempt to force upon all of us, very few of them actually are what one would call outstanding members of the community in real life. I know what you're thinking. How do I know this and do I have any proof? I know this because I had a dream and the face of Ronald Reagan on a hamster spoke to me. And I don't need proof because people tend to be screw-ups and people with money and power (like politicians) are the most screwed-up and whacked out of all.
So with all of that in mind, which politician and GOP Presidential hopeful is probably the most honest and morally decent of the bunch? Newt with his three wives, two affairs and money from Fannie and Freddie? Nope! Mitt and his Romneycare? Nope! Perry and his "nigger" rock ranch? Nah! How about Little Ricky and his ideas to repeal any and all same-sex marriages and make contraception illegal? Can't see it. I guess I'll go with Jon Huntsman here too. He's a Morman and we all know that Morman's don't lie. If they do, they have to answer to Donny and Marie. Yeah, he's the most honest of the group, which is like saying that poop stinks. It's still crap regardless.
So there you go. My answers to what Chuck Norris has asked that I look for in a political candidiate before I offer my support. And what do we learn from all of this, my Peeps? That I need to either lay off the drugs or else do more drugs because we don't really have much to choose from. I choose JIF! The remaining five questions from "Walker, Texas Ranger" in a few days (if I remember).
I love doing political blogs. They're so fun! Oh vey!
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