Sunday Night Heat - September 7, 2003
What up all - it's your favorite degenerate, Doug M. with the *exclusive* Sunday Night Heat report for the Wrestling Informer. Before we get started - a big shout out and Happy Birthday to music legend and the original Rhinestone Cowboy - David Allan Coe who turned 64 yesterday. Coe and his music have helped me put away many a Steveweiser Light - and despite his years, he's still better and fresher than 99% of the music acts out there today.
"You don't have to call me darling, darling!, But you never even call me by my name!"
Now it's time for some Latino Heat -- (oops - wrong show!).. It's the end of the week so it's time for some scorching Sunday Night Heat!!!
Taped from Lafayette, LA - September 7, 2003
We open with Val Venis coming to the ring. As Val does his opening bit, Al and the Coach do some self-congratulations on their actions from this past Monday night.
Val Venis versus Slater Baine
Lock up and Val gets a headlock - Baine gets an armdrag - and the two face off. Val wants a handshake - Blaine responds with a nasty clothesline. Some one-man clubbering and a big slam as Blaine takes control. Val fights back, but to no avail as Blaine keeps control. Val nails a shoulderblock and a clothesline and it's big comeback time. A perfect-plex by Val, but Blaine kicks out. OK - fine! So Val nails Blaine with the "shades of Arn Anderson" spinebuster - and goes to the top. Money-shot by Val and he gets the pin.
Winner: Val Venis
La Resistance is in the back looking at RAW magazine - featuring the Dudleyz.. Here's Rob Conway, ready for his match, so they trash the mag and head towards the ring.
From RAW - the Coach and Al doublecross the King - Al does the dirty deed and Coach picks up the win.
Spike Dudley versus Rob Conway
La Resistance accompany Conway to the ramp, but then head to the back. Spike attacks like a rapid "dudley-dogg" and is all over Conway. The bell rings and things Spike attempts to stomp a mudhole in Rob. Conway hits a spinning-slam on Spike and takes control. Rob alternates between beating on Spike and irritating the crowd for a while. Spike fights back and nails Conway with a clothesline. Big stomp off the top by Spike and a running spear for two. Conway catches Spike with the hangman and a big neckbreaker to pick up the win.
Winner: Rob Conway
Clips from the "Rundown" are shown with the Rock doing voice-overs and talking about the movie/acting as a tour guide. "THE RUNDOWN" starring the Rock and Seann William Scott coming on September 26 to a theatre near you!
From RAW - the excellent adventures of Shane O'Mac as he faces off against the Big Red Machine, Kane and gets his grapefruits flash-fried into krispy critters. RVD makes the save with a chair and Bischoff makes a match.
Tommorow night on RAW - it's RVD versus Kane in the cage - it's the first match so BE THERE!!!
Boot of the Week: Gail Kim and Molly beat the crap out of Trish this past Monday on RAW..
Tommy Dreamer versus Jimmy Yang
For those of you who don't know, Yang used to be one of the Jung Dragons in WCW. A shoving match to start and Dreamer just dominates Yang. A fall-away slam and suplex. Dreamer in control. Yang fights back - some kicks and chokes Dreamer on the ropes. Dropkick by Yang and more boots. Yang has the kendo stick, but just breaks it - and Dreamer gets pissed. A big spinebuster by Dreamer. He goes for the DVD, but Yang slides out and nails Dreamer. Yang to the top with a corkscrew moonsault, but nobody home as Dreamer moves out of the way! A huge DDT and Dreamer gets the pin.
Winner: Tommy Dreamer
Some highlights show form Summer Slam - the Elimination Chamber match where Goldberg shows what he's got - until he meets the power of HHH and the sledge hammer.
The ending of the six-man tag main event from RAW this past week as Goldberg, Maven, and Shawn Michaels beat the team of Evolution (HHH, Ric Flair,and Randy Orton)..
Slam of the Week - the Re-debut of Mark Henry two weeks ago..
Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak versus Mark Henry & Rodney Mack w/ Teddy Long
"Let me holla at ya playa!" Teddy has the mic and disses Whitey a bit.
TIme for some thuggin and buggin and beating up some white boys.. Jindrak and Cade make their entrance and the battle begins. Cade locks up with the Mack. Rodney with some one-man clubbering, but Cade fights back with an elbow and tag to Jindrak. Jindrak with a picture perfect dropkick - but he misses a dive into the corner and the Mackster starts to thuggin'. Big power slam for a two count.
Jindrak gets in a clothesline and nails Mack - a hot tag to Cade. Cade is on fire with some fists and a (Mr. Wrestling II) kneelift. Mark Henry hits the cheap shot from the outside and gets tagged in. Throws Cade around a bit and lands a massive-huge powerslam that buries Cade. The ref makes the count and Henry picks up the win.
Winners: Mark Henry and Rodney Mack w/ Theodore Long
Remember - tommorow night on RAW - it's RVD versus Kane in the cage... And I'll be back next week with another edition of the Sunday Night Heat report! Give me some feedback - talk to me playaz!! at either or I want to hear from all the Informer fans and my degenerate friends at DXSI too. Tell me what you like, don't like, etc. Spill your guts.
Later all! See ya next week!!
-Doug M.
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