Chris Benoit versus Wolverine: Side By Side - July 31, 2003
Chris Benoit, the Canadian Crippler, also know as the Rapid Wolverine.. The X-Man - Wolverine. Two characters engrained in the minds of wrestling fans and comic book fans everywhere. Besides the common name - let's see what else these two larger than life icons have in common...
Chris Benoit - "silent but violent"
Wolverine - "the best there is at what he does"
Benoit: Also know as Pegasus Kid, The Crippler, Wild Pegasus
Wolverine: Also known as Logan, Patch, Weapon X
Benoit: Longtime member of the 4 Horsemen, briefly a member of the "Revolution" and "the Radicalz"
Wolverine: Longtime member of the X-Men, briefly member of the Fantastic Four, founding member of Alpha Flight
Benoit: 1rst US PPV appearance - AAA:When Worlds Collide PPV - November 6, 1994
Wolverine: First comic appearance was Incredible Hulk #181
Benoit: Married to "Woman" with one son..
Wolverine: Engaged to Mariko until her death - married to "Viper" - one foster daughter..
Benoit: Uses Crippler crossface and flying headbutt to beat opponents
Wolverine: Uses adamantium claws to slice and dice opponents
Benoit: Can take a massive beating and still come back to win
Wolverine: Possesses mutant healing factor
Benoit: Broke Taz's neck
Wolverine: Ran a claw through Sabretooth's brain..
Benoit: Seen weekly on WWE Smackdown
Wolverine: Seen monthly in Uncanny X-Men, New X-Men, Wolverine, and about 25 different comic book titles..
Benoit: Retired Kevin Sullivan
Wolverine: Almost killed Magneto
Benoit: Trained by Stu Hart in the Dungeon
Wolverine: Constantly tutored by Professor X in the Danger Room
Benoit: Has appeared on hundred of wrestling programs and PPV's
Wolverine: Has appeared in cartoons, comic books, and two movies (so far)
Benoit: Known for intensity
Wolverine: Known for savageness
Benoit: Jobbed to Eddy Guerrero at Vengeance
Wolverine: Pretended to be dead when the X-Men went to Australia
Benoit: Has fought against every top star in WWE/WCW
Wolverine: Has fought every major villian in the Marvel Universe
Benoit: Born in Canada - has spent lots of time in Japan
Wolverine: Born in Canada - has spent lots of time in Japan
So - what's it all mean.. If these two were to fight - no offense to Benoit, but the claws would take him out fast.. No crossface if you don't have arms. But the things they have in common - quite a bit. They wouldn't fight anyhow - they'd go out and get a beer and tear up a bar or two as a makeshift tag team. Cause they're both "the best there is at what they do, but what they do isn't very nice" - nuff said!
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