Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Truth Has Set Me Free (Survey) - January 14, 2012

The Truth Will Set You Free Survey

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Easy question (I'm glad they're starting off easy... lol) It would be Cal, the man I love, that owns my heart, that I want to spend the rest of my life with, etc. We've been handcuffed together for a lil' while (don't ask) and that was pretty fun. So maybe a little being tied up too? Hate the thought of rope burns, but then again, if you dance the dance, you've got to pay the piper and I'm ready to boogie all night long.

Who do you blame for your mood today?
I can't blame it on any one person - I've been in a kind of "hate the world" mood all day. I miss Cal - I hate not having a job - I hate being stuck here at the house because of my driving situation - I hate having to depends on others for anything. It's my own fault (for most of that stuff) and I'm the only one who can change it - I know that. But I've been having a "pity party" all day long.

Have you ever seen a dead body?
Unfortunately, yes.... not a pleasant sight.

What should we do with stupid people?
That depends... are they sexy? Cause I've noticed that some of the stupidest people in the world are walking, talking sex machines and can be great fun at times... lol. Hell, I say we elect them all into political office and let them be our leaders. (Too late - that's aleady happened!) I have no answer, but just keep 'em away from me (unless they're sexy).

How long do you think you will live?
Honestly, with my health problems (both physical and psychological), I never expected to make it this long. I'm figuring that probably sometime in my mid to late 50's, I'll simply go to sleep one night and never wake up. (I hope I remember to get rid of my porn first... *sighs*)

What was the first thing you did this morning?
Untangled myself from the blankets and staggered into the bathroom to pee.

The color of carpet in your bedroom?
It's an ugly shade of brown... we need to replace the carpet in all of the house.

Last person you went out to dinner with?
I'm not really much of a "going out" type of person - I prefer eating in or running through a drive-thru. I think it was Dina, doing lunch at Golden Run. As for going out for "dinner", I really can't remember. I think it was probably Allistair. All I know is that it's been a while...

Are you spoiled?
I don't think so. I enjoy certain things in my life and would like to keep them, but I don't expect anyone to "look out" for me or deny themselves for my benefit. In some ways, we all might be spoiled in some ways, but I don't think I am any more than anyone else.

Do you drink lots of water?
Nope. Not really. I like soft drinks, orange juice, pink lemonade and other flavored types of beverages. Water is okay, but it's too plain for my spoiled tastes... lol..

What toothpaste do you use?
Pepsodent - it's been around forever, tastes great, does a good job and has a great jingle ("you'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with pepsodent"... lol. Also use Colgate & Close-Up on occasion,

How do you vent your anger?
I walk, I write, I find things to keep me occupied and vent... I also tend to mutter and cuss under my breath a lot and wave my arms around a lot too. I get pretty animated and dramatic.

The last compliment you received?
A young lady I know from years ago came by here yesterday to ask me if I could do something for her and her husband (unfortunately, I couldn't) and she said that I was one of the most honest and trustworthy people that she knows cause I've never lied to her. And that made me feel good because it's true - I have my flaws to be sure, but I don't like to lie and I like to play straight up. And it surprised me (pleasantly) that she mentioned that.

What are you doing this weekend?
Just sitting around the house, feeling like that if I had a gun, I'd go out and probably commit genocide on the ass-clowns of the world. Nah, just kidding. There ain't enough bullets. I'm just hanging out here, writing a little bit and watching some TV while I plot out what I need to get done this upcoming week.

When was the last time you threw up?
It's been quite a while... I don't remember.

Is your best friend a virgin?
I don't even think I know anyone that is a virgin anymore with the exception (hopefully) of a couple of kids I know. Pretty much everyone I know that's over eighteen has long been partaking in the joys of sin and sex.

What theme does your room have?
Just a crowded, somewhat messy room - lots of books, comics, and fantasy stuff though..

When was the last time you were at a party?
Anytime I get together with my man (or a willing substitute), it's a It's been a few weeks.

Are you a mama's child or a daddy's child?
Mama's boy... lol.

Would you ever join the military?
Not anymore - I'm too old, too fat and have too many medical issues, but I was going to go into the Navy right after high school. I was, but I caught the recruiter in a blatant lie and walked out and said never again. So I guess it'd be "No" at this point and time in my life.

The last website you visited?
It was Facebook and then - two of my favorites.

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
I rarely take pics - I despise taking pics. But I think it would be up at the Church when Melissa took a pic of me and Miss Sue last week.

Last person you went to the movies with?
Traci (damn, that was far too long ago)

What did you do/will you do for your birthday this year?
No plans as of yet - probably just work, hang out at the house and be with the sexiest man alive, Cal..

Number of layers on your bed?
Three - one sheet and two heavier blankets / quilts..

Is anything alive in your room?
I don't think so - but I do have a big picture on my wall where the eyes seem to move around a bit. That's kind of creepy.

Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
For today, I'd rather jump ahead a week. The past week has been kind of blah!

What are you looking forward to right now?
Seeing Cal on Tuesday - that's it.

What do you call it when you pass gas?
Embarassing... lol. Nah, I call it a "fart"..

If you could re-name the road you live on, what would you name it?
The current name, "Montclair Drive" is pretty decent - I wouldn't change it at all.

What would you like your tombstone to say?
"He was a pretty cool dude! 'Nuff said!"

How much money would it take for you to swallow a live earthworm?
I've swallowed several worm-like objects for free over the years and that wasn't so bad... lol But a live earthworm might be a bit of a challenge - how about $10,000 - CASH!

How often do you get a haircut?
Not nearly often as I should - I need one right now. Probably about once a month..

If you won 1,000 dollars and had to split it with someone besides your significant other, who would you split it with?
I'd give a fair share of the money to my favorite good cause, the Food Bank where I volunteer at each week.

Spend 6 months in jail & when you get out, you get a million dollars, tax-free. Would you do it?
Definitely - let's do this.

Would you use your normal vocabulary if Jesus were standing beside you (in the flesh)?
I think I would. I don't use (much) profanity as it is - I just talk plain and simple "Doug-speak" and I don't think Jesus would mind.

Do you know where the red fern grows?
Probably in an Octopus's Garden at the bottom of the sea.

Who's your favorite Home Alone bad guy: Harry or Marv?
I haven't watched that movie in so long, I can't remember which one is which - so I'll go with Harry. I like the name "Harry"... lol.

What's the last cartoon you watched?
Transformers (did you know that they're actually robots in disguise... lol)

Describe your favorite ball-cap
Black with a confederate flag on the front that says, "You wear your X - I wear mine".

If someone gave you a house 100% free (no taxes, no repairs) but it was supposedly haunted, would you move in?
Absolutely! I ain't scared of no ghost!

If you could be a radio DJ, what station would you work for?
Probably the local station BOB 96.5... They say that "we play anything" - I'd put that motto to the test.... lol

Ever rode a motorcycle?
I've rode on the back of a motorcycle with others, but never on my own..

Have you ever really seen a water tower with someone's name painted on it?
Yeppers - I even helped do so a few years ago when I was younger (it's past the statue of limitations so I can admit it now).

If you could paint something on a water tower, what would it say?
"Eat More Cheese" and a smiley-face... ; -)

If someone gave you spinners for your wheels, would you use them?
Make the rims cost more than the car is worth - probably not. I'd sell 'em first.

Do you like the shape of your fingernails?
Yeah, they're okay - no complaints here.

Ever used an ear candle?

Pretend you're single. If you had to marry a famous musician, who would it be?
How about Scotty from last year's American Idol? He's cute & sexy, we're both NC folks and would get along pretty well, and I'd rock his world and keep him on the straight and narrow as he continues his career.

Pineapple: rings or tidbits?
I don't much like pineapple in any form - bleh!

What would you like to have for your next meal?
I'd like to have some KFC - that would be yummy right now.

What do you want your grandkids to call you and your spouse?
Grandpa Doug & Grandpa Chris..

Would you flip burgers at McDonald's for eight bucks an hour?
Absolutely - I need a job and need to get back to work.

How long does it usually take you to poop?
As long as it takes.

What room/position are you usually in when you watch TV?
Usually in the living room either sitting here at my computer or else on the couch stretched out laying on my back, but sitting up.

Do you put salt on your watermelon?

Where was the biggest bruise you've ever had and how did you get it?
The biggest I can remember is when I snapped my ankle - my entire leg was blue and purple.

What do you eat on your hotdogs?
Ketchup, mustard and chili..

In tic-tac-toe, are you the X or the O?
Usually the "X"..

Name 3 things about you that start with the 3rd letter of your first name.
unorthodox, unique & undeniably a sexy beast... lol

Finish: "Louie, louie, oh baby, said ___ ___ ___."
"weasal goes pop"

You get your own perfume. What's it called?

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