Saturday, January 28, 2012

(Retro) Monday Night RAW - 9/01/03

Monday Night Raw - live from Lafayette, LA - 9/01/03
Hosts are The King and JR

Footage of Kane and his recent antics - Kane doing an impersonation of a matchstick, courtesy of Shane O'Mac

Opening Montage and RAW is Live!!

Jerry "the King" Lawler versus Johnathan "Coach" Coachman

A lot of stalling to start off and Lawler nails Coach with a left. Lock up and Coach shows off his vast wrestling knowledge with a headlock. Suplex by Lawler and Coach rolls out of the ring. Here comes Al Snow - he tells Coach to quit. Coach goes back into ring and gets locked in an armbar by Lawler. Al pleads with Lawler to let Coach go. Lawler does so and Coach comes to the floor. He gets in Al's face, so Lawler nails him and puts him back into the ring. Al hits Lawler from behind - posting him and putting him in the ring. Coach with an elbow and the pin.

Winner: The Coach

Terri talks to Shane backstage about the incident with Kane - Shane says he hopes Kane is still burning.

Al and Coach are celebrating in the back. Here's Bischoff and he joins in the celebration. And here's Stone Cold. He's not happy and is going to the ring.

Stone Cold goes to the ring, which is set up for Jericho's highlight Reel. He trashes the set and gets the mic and a beer. He tells JR that at Unforgiven - he'll be involved in a match with the Coach. Makes a match between HBK and Randy Orton at the PPV and says tonites main event is Evolution versus Maven, HBK,. and Goldberg.

And here comes Chris Jericho. He's hot. He's in Austin's face and Austin gives him the 1 fingered salute. IC Champ in the house as Christian comes down. He wants respect and an apology from Austin. Austin makes IC title match between Jericho and Christian for now.

Intercontinential Championship match
Christian versus Chris Jericho

It starts off as back and forth science exhibition, but tempers start to flare. To the floor and Christian does a vicious flip over the steel steps. Back in the ring and it goes back and forth - chops and kicks by Y2j - boots by Christian. Y2J goes for a flying forearm and Christian ducks - causing Jericho to bump the ref. Christian gets the IC title and tries to nail Jericho. Jericho ducks and rolls up Christian, using the ropes for 2. Christian with a roll up at the end - grabbing the ropes to get the pin.

Winner and still champion: Christian

Shane is in the back - here's Stone Cold. Austin wants Shane to leave - Shane says he's ready for anything.

Highlights of the Elimination Chamber from Summer Slam - Goldberg unleashed.

Triple H is on the Titan Tron - talks about Goldberg. Goldberg is hype - he's the Game., And here's Goldberg in his face. They face off and Goldy says he's going to beat Hunter's ass and take the title.

WWE Slam of the Week: Molly intimidates Gail into being her tag partner

Trish Stratus and Ivory versus Molly Holly and Gail Kim

Slugfest to start with Ivory and Gail starting. Mostly Ivory in the ring - alot of tagging back and forth by Molly and Kim - Ivory lands a jawbreaker and hot tag to Trish. Trish with flying forearm and Thesz-press - she's all over Molly. Gail comes in, but Ivory cuts her off - Molly and Gail get the double-slam on Trish and Molly gets the pin.

Winners: Molly Holly and Gail Kim

After the match -- Gail and Molly attack Ivory with a double-DDT to leave her laid out too.

Shane walks out to the back and here's Vince. He's concerned and wants to clear the air. Shane says he's going to the ring.

Here comes the money. Shane O'Mac comes to the ring. He's ready for anything. And here's Eric Bischoff. Some harsh words and Kane's music hits. The arena goes black and Kane is in the ring behind Shane. Massive beatdown on Shane by Kane. Kane nails him with the steps - handcuffs Shane to the ringpost. Pulls jumper cables and a battery out from under the ring. Hooks the cables to Shane's testicles and puts a little spark in them. Here comes RVD with a chair - nails Kane. Van Daminator on Kane in the ring. - it's all about RVD. Kane is busted open and flees the scene as RVD tries to help out Shane.

In the back - Kane is in Eric's Face - so next week, in a cage - it's Kane versus RVD

The Hurricane and Rosey versus LaResistance

A decent match with mostly Hurricane and Rosey in control. Some double-teaming from the French Fries, but Rosey with the open palm smack. Here comes Rob Conway from out of nowhere - nails Hurricane with the belt - and Grande gets a tainted pin.

Winners: La Resistance

The LaRes dudes lay out Hurricane and Rosey with the belts and mock the Dudleys. Get the tables. They bring a table into the ring and here comes the Dudleys. They clean house on the French Fries and set up Conway for a 3-D, but LaRes pulls Conway from the ring and they flee up the ramp.

Terri talks to Maven in the back. He's excited. Here comes Ric Flair and Randy Orton for a little pre-match intimidation. Orton says Maven just doesn't get it.

HBK gives Maven a little inspirationial pep talk -- tonite is about having fun.

Teddy Long is arguing with Austin in the back - he's mad cause Rodney Mack's match got bumped. Austin doesn't care. Here's RVD and he's cool with the cage match next week. He just wants it to come first.

Stacy is stretching and here's Test. She rags on him for being a jerk. He says "remember the testicles" and wants them to be a team again.

Intergender Tag Match - NO DQ
Stacy Keibler and Test versus Stevie Richards and Victoria

Test unloads on Stevie to start - tag to Stacy and she gets some good chops and kicks in. Victoria nails Stacy from the outside and they work over Stacy. Tag to Stevie - he works over Stacy, but gets nailed by Test with a clothesline. Stacy goes for tag and TEst jumps off the apron. Victoria and Stevie go for DT on Stacy,and Test comes in to hold her for them. Stacy moves and Victoria nails Test. Victoria nails Test with low blow - here comes Scott Steiner. He cleans house of Stevie and Victoria and fights Test to the audience. Stacy crawls on Victoria and gets the pin.

Winners: Stacy Keibler and Test

Steiner comes back to the ring and beats the crap out of Stevie Richards. Test grabs Stacy and runs up the ramp.

Evolution is headed towards the ring.

Video clip of the Rock talking about "The Rundown" coming on September 26..

Evolution (Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Triple H)
Maven, Shawn Michaels, and Goldberg.

Starting off - HBK tagging in Maven to work with Orton. They go back and forth - tag to Flair and he works over Maven in the corner. Maven fights back and HBK gets the tag. HBK faces off with Flair - long stretch of match with HBK just getting worked over as Evolution used frequent tags and double-teaming to keep HBK in the ring. He kept attempting to come back, but the numbers game would take him back out. Finally, HBK hits a flying forearm on HHH and tags Goldberg. Goldy cleans house with a slam on Orton and a spear on Flair. HHH goes after Goldy to no avial. A huge jackhammer on Orton and Goldberg gets the pin.

Winners: HBK, Maven, and Goldberg

After the match - Goldberg and Triple H basically just stare each other down as the show leaves the air.


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