Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Avenging Shadows - Part 22

Meanwhile, in Naples...

A plan was decided upon. The Knight and Hercules would storm the facility from the front in order to distract the Hydra soldiers. Meanwhile, Spitfire would attempt to use her speed to snatch the captive scientist and get him to safety. Sharon Ventura, now fully dressed in her former 'Ms. Marvel' costume, would infiltrate the building from the back, taking out whatever soldiers she can and helping distract the troops while Spitfire attempts a rescue. The Constable and his team of men would provide cover fire and back-up as needed as well.

"I sure hope this works", the Knight said as he waited for Spitfire and Ms. Marvel to report their position.

"Tis a plan worthy of Captain America himself", Hercules spoke quietly to the Knight. "Once our fair lady Jacqueline gets yon scientist to safety, we may be able to move in and quickly smite yon foes."

"I hope so", the Knight said. "A bunch of Hydra goofs should be a milk-run for us, but I have this nagging feeling that there's something here we're not getting."

"Whatever it is", Hercules spoke once more, "We'll surely win the day and songs will be sung for years to come."

"I'm getting the signals from Spitfire and Sharon", the Knight said as he glanced at his communicard. "They're in position. Get ready to move!"

"At your command, Sir Knight", Hercules smiled as he prepared to act.

"Let's do it", the Knight said as he shot a cable towards the building, preparing to lunge forward. "Avengers Assemble!"

Bursts of energy fire flew forth from the building as Hercules and The Black Knight moved towards the front opening as several Hydra agents had taken up positions and cut loose with their energy blasters.

"Have at thee, vermin", Hercules bellowed as he plowed headfirst into a number of Hydra troops, sending nearly a dozen men flying in all directions.

Meanwhile, the Knight was dodging and weaving blasts and using his neural disruptive sword to cleave a path through the soldiers.

In the back of the building, Ms. Marvel had entered the building and was working her way towards the center of the building where the Hydra troops seemed to have established a command center and were holding their hostage. She was followed closely by many of the Constable's law enforcement officers. Spitfire had used her super-speed to move up the wall and was on the roof, entering through a fire exit. Using her speed and agility, she quickly weaved her way through several Hydra soldiers and headed to the main labs in the center of the building, determined to save the hostage before the scientist could be harmed or injured by his captors.

In just a matter of moments, the Avengers had managed to overcome all of the Hydra soldiers who were occupying the building, save the head officer who was cornered in a small lab with the scientist, Dr. McKeithan.

"Don't come any closer to this room or I'll kill this scientist", the Hydra commander yelled as he held his gun to the head of the trembling scientist.

"Give it up", the Knight answered. "You're all alone and can't win!"

"Cut off one hand and eight more shall take it's place", the Hydra agent yelled out and he tightened his grip on the barrel and starting to pull the trigger on the gun aimed at the scientist's head, firing off what would definitely be a fatal blast of energy.

But the scientist was gone.

"What the...?', the man exclaimed.

"Over here, laddy", Spitfire said as she helped the scientist get to his feet. Spitfire had used her super-speed to snatch the scientist away from the Hydra agent at the last second so his attempt at murdering the scientist only resulted in blasting air.

The Hydra agent quickly swerved around and aimed his blaster at Spitfire, but quickly, the weapon was kicked out of his hand by the woman known as Ms. Marvel. Hercules then grabbed the agent by his two wrists and lifted him into the air, holding him securely.

"Now", the Knight said. "Why don't you start off by telling us what Hydra wanted here and what your mission was."

"Go to hell, hero!", the green-clad terrorist snarled. "We are Hydra. Cut off one hand and eight more shall take it's place!".

With a sinister grin, the Hydra agent clamped down on his teeth and his body slumped over, dead.

"What in the...?", Sharon asked

"Damn it!", the Knight said. "Poison concealed in his tooth. I should have known!"

"What now, Knight?", Hercules asked as he set the body of the now-deceased Hydra agent to the side for the Constable's men to examine and take care of.

"I want to know why Hydra chose to come here. What's their purpose?", the Knight asked.

"Maybe the scientist can tell us?", Spitfire suggested as she pointed over towards the former hostage who was now speaking with the Constable and his agents.

"Maybe so", the Knight agreed. "Let's ask him."


At the Loont Solutions complex, the Vision continued to patrol around the facility in his almost invisible and intangible etheral form. He had found an unused computer terminal in a small office and had plugged himself in, pulling up records of everything having to do with the owner of the company, Lilian von Loont and her company's business. As his computer mind processed the data, Vision came across several files that were encrypted in a strange code.

"This is obviously not part of the regular business files", the Vision thought as he dowloaded the files. "I'm sure that, given time, I'll be able to decipher these as well."

Finishing up, the Vison checked his internal clock.

"I've been here for 21.4 minutes", he thought to himself. "I'd best return to the office and resume my guise as Victor Williams before my absence is discovered."

Suddenly, there was a loud crash as the door of the small office came flying apart. And there were several of the rock-like creatures, similar to the ones that the Avengers had encountered earlier.

"It appears that I've been discovered", the Vision said as he decreased his density and attempted to exit through the wall of the building.

"Not so fast, Avenger", a woman's voice echoed out. On the computer screen moniter where only seconds ago, the Vision had been downloading information, was a gold-colored mask resembling a woman's face.

"Gilded Lily, I presume", the Vision said as he blasted a rock-creature with his solar-gem, causing the creature to move back to the far side of the room.

"Did you really think you could break into my computers and not be detected", the gold-faced woman asked.

"It seemed like a probable solution to finding out about your activities", the Vision remarked.

"All you've done is seal your doom", the woman sneered. "Capture the Avenger and bring him to me", she shrieked.

All of the rock-creatures, now six in number, moved forward on the yellow and green synthezoid. Vision, realizing that he was overmatched, tried to flee the area, but was quickly knocked to the ground by a pounding fist on his back from one of the creatures. As he fell to the ground, the Vision realized that they had walked into a trap. And his fellow Avengers would need help. And then he saw nothing but blackness as his world went dark.

Meanwhile, the dairk haired receptionist continued to lead her guests, Joseph Chapman and the elderly Christian Issacson on a tour of the Goont Solutions facilities.

"Boy, this is exciting", Issac faked emotion as their tour guide pointed out some of their labs.

"It is", the receptionist smiled, oblivious to the elderly man's sarcasm.

"So what kind of lady is Miss von Loont?", Joey asked the young lady as they followed her down what appeared to be an endless series of hallways.

"Miss von Loont is an amazing woman", the receptionist smiled. "Now, if you'll just step into this room, I think we have some things you'll be very interested in seeing."

Joey and Issac looked at each other and stepped into the room where their guide was pointing. The room was empty.

"What is...", Joey started to say, but the door slammed shut behind them.

"I think they're on to us", Issac said as he tried to force open the door. "It's locked!"

"And that's the least of our worries", Joey said as he pointed towards the far wall which was now opening up to reveal a dozen rock-like creatures.

"I guess I don't need to hide behind this disguise anymore", Issac said as he shut off his image inducer to reveal his true, gargoyle form.

"I hear you", Joseph Chapman agreed as he quickly removed his suit to reveal the black body suit, to stand revealed as Union Jack.

Gargoyle and Union Jack stood, ready for action against the rapidly approaching creatures. A voice echoed from an unseen speaker - a lady's voice rich with contempt and anger.

"You Avengers thought you could decieve me? Now, prepare to face retribution. Bring the heroes to me!", the voice rang out.

"I guess that was our hostess, Miss von Loont", Issac said as he used his wings to take to the air.

"Guess so", Union Jack agreed.

The dozen creatures swarmed forward towards Union Jack and Gargoyle, quickly overpowering them with mere numbers.

"We can't hold out long against these creatures", Union Jack said. "We need help!"

"I'm trying to contact Vision or the Widow", Issac said as he used his wings to sweep a creature into a group of other rock-creatures, temporarily stunning them. "But I'm not getting any response. I'm not sure the signal is getting through."

""Keep trying", Jack said as he leapfrogged over the swinging arms of one of the creature and planted a big kick into the face of another.

Without warning, small doors opened all along the four corners of the room and a misty gas began to pour out.

"Gas", Gargoyle said. "They're trying to gas us!"

But there was no response as Union Jack, also noticing the gas, tried to cover his face, but was leveled by the pounding forearm of one of the rock creatures. He was out cold.

"Joey?", Gargoyle gasped.

Issac attempted to move down to where his comrade had fallen, but soon fell to the overwhelming masses. Blackness soon enveloped him as well.


Over in Naples...

"So what exactly did the Hydra agents seem to be after", the Black Knight asked the scientist they had just saved from a hostage situation.

"It seemed to be that skeleton that I've been studying", Dr. McKeithan answered. "The head of their group, he was fascinated by it and... oh no.."

"What?", the Knight asked.

"The skeleton", the Scientist said. "We discovered some traces of an unknown radiation on it. And were keeping it isolated under a controlled enviroment. But if he breached the seals...."

"What seals? What's going on?", Sharon asked.

"We kept it isolated because it... the radiation seemed to have strange feeling about it.. almost as if it had a concious of some type. If it's been exposed... the skeleton.. there's no telling what to expect", Dr. McKeithan said.

"What do you mean?" Spitfire asked. "is it alive?"

"Not alive, but still... it's hard to explain", the doctor said as he quickly led the heroes down to his lab.

"Where did you discover this skeleton?", Hercules asked, "for the son of Zeus has a bad feeling."

"It was loaned to us by the research facilities at UCLA in Los Angeles", Dr. McKeithan explained. "It was the skeleton of..."

"Swarm", Hercules answered. "Tis' madness to allow those cursed bones to be moved!"

"Yes, they belonged to an old Nazi expatriate named Fritz Von Meyer, also known as Swarm", Dr. McKeithan agreed. "How did you know?"

"We faced and defeated Swarm, myself and the rest of a team called the Champions a few years ago", Hercules said. 'Twas a battle most epic in proportions that did threaten us most menacingly."

"So this is bad news?", Spitfire asked.

"Very bad news", Hercules agreed. "It took all of our power, that of myself and the entire team of Champions to defeat yon evil menace."

"Maybe we'll luck out and the skeleton is undisturbed", Sharon said as they reached the doorway to the lab.

As they opened the door, they saw a human form with a purple cloak, made up entirely of bees.

"Or maybe not", Sharon said as she closed the door quickly.

"We've got major trouble", the Knight said. "Contact the Widow and let her know what's going on. We're going to need back-up."

"On it", Spitfire said as she reached for her communicard.

"The rest of you, let's get this area blocked off and get all the civilians out of here. It's fixing to get nasty", the Knight said.


The Black Widow and Hank Pym were back at the Avenger's Castle, waiting to hear from their team-mates.

"I don't like this, Hank", the Widow said. "We should have heard from both teams by now."

"We've got to give them more time", Hank said. "Both teams are led by capable leaders with The Knight and the Vision. I'm sure they'll report in soon."

With that, a buzzing noise came from the Widow's communicard.

"Finally",she said. "It's from Spitfire. They've got problems in the form of... oh no!".

"What is it?", Hank asked.

"Swarm", the Widow replied. "Hydra has managed to resurrect Swarm over in Naples. Dane and the others are trying to contain him, but they're in over their heads. I've got to..."

"I'll handle this", Hank said. "I'll take one of the Quinjets and leave immediately. I can be there in no time."

"But Hank, this is Swarm. I've fought him before and...", the Widow started to say.

"I know who and what he is", Hank interjected. "And I know how to beat him. After all, who would know better how to beat a creature composed of bees than the former Yellowjacket?"

The Widow quickly thought over the situation and agreed. "Go then... and hurry. I'll tell Dane and the others to contain Swarm as best they can until you arrive."

"Fine", Pym said as he headed towards the Quinjets. "Wish me luck!"

"Godspeed", the Widow replied.

"But what about the Vision's team", the Widow wondered. "They've had enough time to contact me. I'm sending them some back-up too."

With that, the Widow picked up the telephone and dialed a very special number, which was answered after only one ring.

"Barnabas, this is the Widow. I'm concerned about our team and wish to send in back-up. Are you available? My thanks. I'll pick you up in... What's that? Fine. It's Loont Solutions. I do appreciate this."

And the Widow hung up the phone, reassured that the Avenger's ally, Barnabas Collins, was headed to Loont Solutions to provide assistance, if needed, to her teammates.

"With his vampiric abilities, he should be able to get into the location undetected and act as needed", the Widow thought to herself. "And I'll remain here and keep trying to get in touch with the Vision or one of the other mission members."


It didn't take Barnabas Collins long to reach the facility known as Loont Solutions. In his bat form, he cautiously approached the facilities. There were several patches of woods nearby so Barnabas hoped that the sight of a bat, even one as large as he was, wouldn't attract any attention so he should be able to enter the building undetected. Barnabas landed on the top of the facility and after a quick survey of the area, shifted back into his human form.

"I should be able to enter through the fire exit", the grim vampire thought to himself. "And then search the facilities for Issac and the other Avengers."

Barnabas cautiously approached the fire exit and listened closely with his keen vampiric-senses. Hearing no one, he quietly opened the door and entered the building. If the Avengers were here, he would soon find them.

Meanwhile, in a small, clear chamber, the Avengers were being entertained by their hostess, the mysterious Lillian von Loont, aka Gilded LIly.

"Do you think I am a fool", the mysterious lady in the golden mask ranted at her prisoners, who were held in a stasis beam. "I know that Jacquiline Falsworth, better known as Spitfire, is one of your accursed Avengers. And when her company just so conveniently asks to send representatives to my company, did you think I wouldn't know it was a trap."

"You should release us immediately", the Vision said. "You must realize that you can't hold us for long."

"Shut up", Gilded Lily roared. "You're all so smug... so arrogant. You think you can invade my company, interfere in my business..."

"It appears to us that you made the first move, sending your Golem creatures after The Black Knight and Ms. Marvel", Union Jack replied.

"That woman is Ms. Marvel? That explains much, but I don't care. She was snooping around and getting too close to my business... she had to be eliminated!", Lily continued to rant.

"Well, it didn't work", Issac said. "She managed to contact one of the Avengers and now..."

"And now, you shall all die", Lily raved. "Just like that cursed harlot will die.... and anyone else who dares to cross my path."

"Wait a second", Union Jack answered. "Before you go all whacko and crazy, mind telling us just exactly what you were planningto do with all of those rock-faced monsters of yours?"

"Ask your red faced friend", Lily said, pointing at the Vision. "I'm sure his computer brain has already figured it out."

"She meant to use her creatures as loyal, unthinking muscle to allow her to take control of the European underworld", the Vision replied.

"Exactly", Gilded Lily replied. "I finally managed to discover the secrets of immortality. Now, I seek the thralls of power to make it as enjoyable as possible. I shall be the immortal Queen of Crime!"

"You're freakin' crazy, lady", Issac said, straining to move forward against the stasis beam.

"Don't try to escape that beam", Lily smiled. "It's quite powerful and even the powers that you or the Vision have are not enough to break it. It held all of Alpha Flight quite easily and the three of you are not Alpha Flight."

"No", said the Vision. "We're the Avengers."

"We're better", Union Jack agreed and the three men pushed and strained to move forward and escape the stasis beam.

"My only problem is to decide how to kill you", Lily replied in response. "Drowning probably wouldn't affect the Synthezoid or the Demon. Neither would electrocution. Gas wouldn't affect the synthezoid either. So..."

"Why don't you go to hell", Union Jack spit at her.

"I guess just a good old fashioned being beat to death will have to do", Lily replied. "This entire room is surrounded by an energy field that I will activate upon my exit, so the Vision won't be able to vanish through the walls as he seems to like to do. I'll just release some of my Golem's into the room and they can just crush the three of you and beat you to death."

"We've beaten your creatures before", Issac replied.

"Maybe if there were only a couple of them", Lily smiled. "But how about twenty of them? Even your powers won't be enough."

"This has gone on far enough", the Vision replied.

And amazingly, the Vision, despite the stasis beam, began to increase his density and slowly move forward.

"It's not possible", Lily yelled. "Turn the beam up higher... more power..."

A voice came from outside the room...

"We're giving it all the power we have, Miss von Loont. It's not holding him!", the voice said.

"Blast!", Lily shrieked as the Vision slowly strained more and more, setting off alarms warning of possible system overloads. "Get the Golems in here. Kill them all... now!"

With a big explosion, the machine that had been holding the Avengers in stasis shut down from overload - and the Vision, Issac Christians and Union Jack were free. Lily moved quickly out of the room through a previously concealed opening and exited the room. Panels opened all around the small room and twenty, huge rock like Golem creatures entered the room from all directions, quickly swarming upon the three heroes.

"I don't know about you two", Issac said as he used a bio-mystic blast to put a hole through the center of one of the creatures, "but I've had enough of these Ben Grimm wannabes!"

"I concur", the Vision said as he increased his mass to nearly 20 tons and matched the creatures blow for blow, sending the monsters flying in all directions.

"So let's take these creatures out already and get after von Loont before she gets away", Union Jack said, kicking one monster in the face before using his cable to secure another.

"Go after Lily, Jack", Gargoyle said to Union Jack. "Me and the Vision can handle these creatures."

"I'm not going to leave you two", Jack said as he kicked away at another monster.

"Issac is correct", the Vision said. "By combining our abilities, Issac and I can defeat these creatures. But Gilded Lily must not be allowed to escape."

"Blast it", Union Jack agreed. "You're right!"

Union Jack headed out the same exit that Lily had fled only seconds earlier.

"So it's just you and I, Issac Christians", the Vision said grimly to his associate, the Gargoyle. "Versus all of these creatures!"

"So let's just show 'em what a cheezed off Vision and Gargoyle can do", Issac smiled.

"Indeed", the Vision said.


Barnabas Collins continued to work his way through the building, checking out offices and storage rooms while searching for signs of his heroic associates. Using his vampiric senses and abilities, he was able to avoid detection and any encounters with any of the von Loont employees. After checking out yet another vacant office, Barnabas heard a mild rumbling noise.

"I believe I should head in that direction", Barnabas thought to himself. "It sounds as if the Avengers are close by."

Barnabas rushed down the hallways towards the sounds of the explosions. Deciding that speed was more important than stealth, Barnabas didn't bother using his powers to creep quietly through the building, thus he was not shocked to run into a group of security guards.

"What the... ??", one of the guards yelled as he and his partners came face to face with Barnabas.

"I would suggest that you and your associates flee immediately", Barnabas said with a sinister sneer for effect.

"There are four of us and one of you...", the guard replied. "Who are you supposed to be anyway? Count Dracula?"

"If I was Dracula", Barnabas replied as he casually tossed two of the men into the wal;, "you would be dead rather than just unconcious!"

Barnabas quickly subdued the other two guards with judo-chops and without so much as a glance backwards, continued on his journey towards the sounds of battle which now echoed through the facility.

After a few more encounters with assorted thugs and guards, all of whom were quickly vanquished, Barnabas came to a hallway where he witnessed a small door open in the wall and a strange lady, wearing long golden robes and wearing the oddest golden mask over her face, stepped out. Barnabas stepped back to avoid being spotted and watched as the odd lady moved down the hall towards a large office.

"I think I've spotted the enemy", Barnabas thought to himself. "That appears to be the Gilded Lily of which the Widow spoke of."

Barnabas quickly moved down the hallway and positioned himself just outside the door of the office the strange woman had just entered.

"Damn them! Curse their souls", the woman was ranting as she quickly moved to a small cabinet and pulled out several small vials of liquid. "But I will not be deterred. With these chemicals, I can create more Golems... enough to destroy all the Avengers."

"Then I suppose I shall have to take those chemicals away from you", Barnabas said as he stepped into the room.

"Who?", Gilded Lily asked in amazement as Barnabas entered the room and surprised her. "Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of the Avengers", Barnabas replied. "Which, I would assume means that I'm not a friend of yours."

"If you're friends with those self-righteous heroes", Lily replied, "then you're a fool!"

"Perhaps", Barnabas said grimly as he moved forward with uncanny speed to grab the arms of Gilded Lily, "but I don't think so."

With astonishing ease, Lily simply shrugged and easily broke the grip of the surprised vampire.

"It'll take far more than you to stop me", Lily replied.

"Your strength... it's inhuman", Barnabas replied.

"You're calling me inhuman? You?", Lily sneered.

Barnabas made no reply as he moved forward and once more tried to grab Gilded Lily, securing her by the long robes she wore.

Lily moved around and the robes fell off, revealing a robot body.

"You're a machine", Barnabas said in amazement.

"Not a machine", Lily replied. "I'm human... more than you."

Lily moved forward and with a backhand from her robotic arms, slammed hard into Barnabas and sent him flying across the room, hard into a wall.

"And now, you'll die", Lily said. She pulled two small glass globes from hidden compartments onher robotic body and prepared to toss them towards Barnabas. Suddenly, two small knives came flying through the air and hit each of the globes, shattering them.

The chemicals hit the floor and a chemical smoke rose from the spill, engulfing the woman known as Gilded Lily.

"No... God! No!", Lily screamed as the chemical smoke seemed to wrap around her.

"The chemicals... they're killing her", Barnabas said.

"Quickly", Union Jack yelled. "The fire extinguisher. Grab it!"

Barnabas quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and began to spray the smoldering and screaming body of Gilded Lily as Union Jack grabbed a curtain off the wall and wrapped it around her to help protect her from the chemicals which she had intended for Barnabas.

Within a matter of seconds, Barnabas and Union Jack had sprayed most of the chemical composition off of Gilded Lily and she was secured, wrapped in curtains and held immobile.

"She should be all right if she recieves prompt medical attention", Barnabas said to Union Jack.

"Her body is robotic", Union Jack replied. "What good will a doctor be able to do?"

"A doctor might not be able to help, but I'm sure SHIELD will", Barnabas replied.

"SHIELD", Union Jack said. "What about them?"

"They should be arriving momentarily", Barnabas said. "The Widow was supposed to contact them approximately one hour after I arrived here. So they should be arriving any moment now to take care of Gilded Lily".

"Great", Union Jack said. "So all we need to do now is go get... Oh my God - the Vision. Issac. I left them fighting those creatures. We've got to..."

"Don't stress it, Joey", a voice rang out.

It was Issac Christians and The Vision.

"We have taken care of the Golem creatures", the Vision said.

"Told you we could take 'em", Issac smiled. "And I see you took care of Gilded Lily."

"When I got here, Barnabas had her on the ropes. I just helped out", Union Jack said.

"Actually, Union Jack saved me", Barnabas corrected him.

"You would have taken her", Jack replied. "I just helped speed things up."

"I hear the SHIELD officers approaching", Vision said. "I shall go greet them and help expedite matters."

WIth that, the Vision turned etheral and pashed upwards through the ceiling.

"And I suppose I should leave as well", Barnabas said.

"Why?", Issac asked.

"I think it would be in my best interests, as well as yours if our association was known by as few as possible.",Barnabas replied. "After all, how would it look for the Avengers to be associating with one cursed as a vampire?"

"Probably not too good", Union Jack agreed.

"I'll be in touch soon", Barnabas said. "For now, farewell!"

"Thanks", Union Jack replied.

"See you later", Gargoyle spoke.

"Ok, let's call the Widow and wrap this up", Union Jack said. "I wonder how the others are doing?"


Meanwhile back in Naples, Italy..

"I've called the Widow and she says that Dr. Pym is on his way", Spitfire said as she used her super-speed to slam a giant bee into a wall. "Now what?"

"We try to contain these giant bees that Swarm has created", the Black Knight said, "and if we can find some way to take Swarm down."

"We last defeated Swarm by taking out the Queen bee" Hercules said as he slammed two giant bees together. "If we can but identify the Queen, the bees will choose to follow her instead of Swarm's direction."

"We need to figure out something", Sharon interjected as she used her super-human strength to collapse a wall between several hundred bees and some bystanders who had been caught up in the action. "Keeping these bees away from the locals... and us is next to impossible."

"Keep fighting lady", the Knight said. "Spitfire, see if you can take the fight to Swarm?"

"Will do", Spitfire said as she sped off to where the creature known as Swarm stood on a rooftop, sending out a strange buzzing noise and rallying his troops of thousands of bees, including several dozen giant sized ones that he had mutated with a strange beam from his eyes.

Spitfire creatred a mini-tornado vortex by running in circles at her top speed that quickly engulfed the bee creature, but it was quickly dispersed by Swarm as he ordered his giant bees to go after Spitfire.

"Oops! That's a bust!", Spitfire said as she dodged and weaved to avoid stings from the huge bees. "All that did was get them mad!"

"Have at thee, foul insects", Hercules bellowed as he moved forward to punch one of the large bees before it could go after Spitfire again. The buzzing body went flying out of sight into the sky.

"Thanks, Herc", Spitfire said.

"How do we identify the Queen?", Sharon asked as she dodged another swarm of the raging insects.

"It's big", the Knight said. "And should be on Swarm's body or relatively close so he can maintain control of these bees!"

"So we need to attempt to gets the bees... and especially the Queen, if we can even identify her, away from Swarm's skeleton", Sharon stated.

"Essentially, yes", Spitfire said as she sped by.

"I have an idea", Sharon said. "Be right back!"

"Whatever it is, I hope it works. Go for it!", the Knight said.

"What do thou needst us to do?", Hercules asked.

"Herc, you just keep those big bees at bay", Sharon said. "Hey Dane, will your sword shock the beezjeebees out of Swarm if you can nail him?"

"It should, if I can get close enough. Even bees have nervous systems and it might stun him for a second", Dane said.

"Spitfire, can you get Dane up close enough to stun Swarm with his sword?", Sharon asked.

"I think I can", Spitfire said. "You ready, Dane?"

"Let's do this!", Dane said as Spitfire grabbed him under the arms and moved him towards Swarm.

Spitfire moved forward and tossed Dane towards Swarm - Dane moved quickly and with a quick flash of his sword and a flash of light, send the synapses of the bees and Swarm into a momentary shutdown.

"Got him", Dane said. "Whatever you're going to do, Sharon.. I suggest you do it!"

"Let's try this", Sharon said.

The heroes turned and saw Sharon holding a high pressure fire hose that she had secured from a nearby emergency exit. With great precision, she aimed the hose at Swarm and blasted him with several hundred pounds of high pressure water.

Swarm, stunned by the Knight's sword, reeled at the force of the water. The bees moved away from the force of the water and it looked as if Swarm would come apart, but a loud buzzing noise filled the air and the bees gathered together even more tightly. And Swarm pointed his arm at Sharon and hundred of angry bees flew forward from his arms towards Sharon Ventura, who was forced to back up and flee from the enraged insects.

"Good try, but no go", the Knight shouted. "Any more ideas?"

"I've got one", a voice came over the Avengers communicard that the Knight carried in his armor.

"Hank, is that you?", the Knight asked.

"I'm here", Hank Pym replied. "I've used the Quinjet sensors to locate the Queen bee. There's a higher source of radiation just under Swarm's hood, on the right side of the skull. We need to separate her from the skeleton and then I can handle the rest of the bees."

"Any ideas how?", the Knight asked.

"Use your sword", Pym said. "See if Spitfire can get you close enough to remove the bee, just for a second. It's right above the eyebrow to the right."

"If she can get me in there, I can remove it", the Knight said. "Spitfire, did you get that and can you comply?"

"I heard and can do", Spitfire said. "Get ready, Dane!"

And with that, Spitfire moved forward, grabbing the Knight once more and weaving to avoid the enraged bees, got him right up to the being known as Swarm. The Knight unleashed his sword and with a extremely precise swipe of the blade, cleaved the area that Pym had indicated, removing several dozen bees in the process, including the Queen.

"Immobilize the Queen", Pym said as he came down on a cable from a hovering Quinjet. "And then step back!"

"Got it", said Spitfire as she once more used her speed to move forward and wrap the largest bee that had been removed from Swarm's skull in a blanket she had found somewhere.

As Spitfire snatched the Queen bee and used her speed to move it away from the skull, Pym pulled a small device from his pocket and aimed it at Swarm. Pulling the trigger, a loud, shrill sound filled the air.

"Sonic beams", Pym said in explanation. "Bees become disoriented by different frequencies and this device, my disruptor gun from my days as Yellowjacket, does the job quite well."

As the heroes watched, the bees that still covered the skeleton that was Swarm began to fall off and drop to the ground.

"Are you killing them?", Sharon asked.

"Nope, but I'm making them loopy", Pym replied.

"Now, while they're disoriented, we need to contain the skeleton and secure it in an air-tight unit where the radiation can't reach the Queen", Pym said.

"What about yon giant bees", Hercules said as he tossed another of the giant creatures into two others, sending them both reeling.

"Once we have the skeleton contained and the radiation flow stopped, they should calm down and I'll be able to revert them to normal", Pym said.

"I would suggest that thou hurry", Hercules said. "Yon creatures are dangerous and capable of doing great harm, even the son of Zeus", Hercules said.

"We can get a containment unit for the skeleton from the labs in the building", Sharon said. "I'll be right back!"

"Great", Pym said. "Hurry!"

"What about the Queen?", Spitfire asked as she motioned to the cloth-wrapped bees she still held securely.

"Just hang on to her. Keep moving to keep the bees in that bag disoriented so they can't escape.", Pym said.

"OK", Spitfire said as she kept moving back and forth, towing the cloth wrapped bees with her.

"I've got a containment unit", Sharon said as she re-entered the scene, carrying on her shoulders a coffin sized lead box.

"Awesome", Pym said. "Someone needs to get the skeleton into the unit."

"I've got it", the Knight said, grabbing the skeleton and running quickly with the bones draped across his shoulders as he headed towards the box.

"Dane, look out", Pym hollered as one of the giant bees swarmed down towards the Black Knight.

Suddenly, Sharon Ventura gave a big leap and planted both feet into the side of the buzzing creature and sent it reeling with a big dropkick.

"I've got the bee", Sharon said. "Hurry, Dane!"

"Done", the Knight said as he slammed the skeleton of Fritz Von Meyer into the containment unit, slamming the lid shut.

Almost immediately, with the flow of radiation from the skeleton cut off, the bees began to settle down.

"What about the Queen", Spitfire asked once more.

"Stick it in here", Pym said, pointing to an old metal mailbox. "That should be sufficent enough to hold it until the effects of Swarm's radiation wears off."

Spitfire moved quickly and deposited the bees she still contained in the wrappings of cloth and shook them into the old mailbox, slamming it shut.

"And now, for the big bees", Pym said.

"No worries", Hercules said. "Already, they're shrinking back to their normal size."

And as the heroes watched, several of the giant bees shrank down and were, within a matter of seconds, the size of normal bees, just buzzing around.

"Let's get that skeleton secured and safe", Pym said. "And then, I believe we can consider this case closed."

"Sounds good", the Knight said, "And thank you, Hank. We couldn't have beaten Swarm without you."

"You would have figured a way", Pym replied. "And no thanks. We're all Avengers, right? It's part of the job!"

"But you made the difference", Sharon said.

"This time", Hank said. "Next time, it could be you, or Dane or Jackie or Hercules. That's what makes this group work. We're a team!"

"Well said, friend Pym", Hercules said. "And now, let's finish up so we can head home!"

"Best idea I've heard all day", the Knight said. "I'll call the Widow and let her know we'll be home shortly!"

"I'm ready for a long, hot bath", Sharon said.

"You and me both, sister", Spitifre smiled. "You and me both!"


Back at the castle, later that night.

"Great job today, Dane", the Widow said as she and Dane Whitman, aka The Black Knight sat in the library.

"We were lucky that Hank was able to back us up", the Knight said.

"Hank did his part, as did everyone else. That's why we're a team", the Widow replied.

"Hank said the same thing", Dane smiled. "Where is everyone anyhow? I know Spitfire had to get back to her home and Hercules is in the gym working out, but the castle is nearly empty tonight."

"I believe that Sharon is in the medical labs with Dr. Pym. The Vision is on moniter dutyand doing some research", the Widow answered. "And I have no idea where Issac or Joey have gotten to."

"You've managed to assemble quite the team here, Natasha", the Knight said.

"They're the best", the Widow agreed. "And speaking of teams, are you and Sharon planning on staying on? We'd love to have you."

"I'm not sure what Sharon's plans are", the Knight admitted. "She wants to make sure that her days of mutating are over with and Hank is the best person to help her with that, aside from Reed Richards or possibly Doom himself."

"I agree", Natasha said, "but Hank seems pretty confident that she has little to fear about mutating again."

"I hope not", Dane admitted. "She's been through so much in her life already."

"And what of you, Dane?", the Widow asked.

"I've been traveling and trying to get my life back in order after all that stuff with Sersi", Dane admitted. "I don't really know what the future holds."

"Then stay here with us", the Widow smiled, placing her hand on Dane's arm. "The Black Knight... and Ms. Marvel would both be welcome additions to the team."

"No promises", Dane smiled, "and I can't speak for Sharon, but for the duration, I think that might be a good idea. I'm yours!"

"Excellent", the Widow smiled. "We've had such a revolving door here since the European team was created. There have been so many persons in and out, it'll be good to have some stability in the house."

"I just realized something", the Knight remarked. "With you, me, Vision and Herc, we have nearly gathered together what was the Avengers main team for a long period of time."

"Very true", the Widow smiled. "All we need are Crystal and Sersi back and that team would be complete once more."

"Well, Sersi is back in Olympia and Crystal is attempting to reconcile with Quicksilver again... I think they're staying over at Muir Island, so I don't think they're available right now", the Knight said.

"Besides, we have Union Jack, Spitfire and Issac here", the Widow said thoughtfully. "And if I have my way, Sharon too. And I'd like to get Hank to stay for a while as well."

"And don't forget your dark-cloaked ally, Barnabas Collins", Dane remarked. "I haven't met him yet, but it sounds as if you've acquired quite the back-up player for your team as well."

"He is definitely an amazing person", the Widow said. "And has been a great asset to our team. And you should meet his cousin, Quentin."

"Another vampire?", Dane asked.

"A werewolf actually", the Widow smiled. "Both men are quite resourceful and great allies."

"A vampire and a werewolf", Dane sighed. "I guess since we already have a Knight, an Olympian god, a synthezoid, and a gargoyle, it makes sense."

"We are an eclectic group", the Widow laughed.

"Of course we are", the Knight agreed. "After all, we're Avengers!"

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