Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tossing Salt - Worldwide News: December 31, 2011

Tossing Salt - Worldwide News
December 31, 2011
Doug Maynard

We're just hours away from a brand new year and this is definitely the last edition of professional wrestling's most eclectic column for this year. I'm Doug and I've got a ton of things to ramble about and not quite so long to do it as I'd like. There are squirrels in my yard and I think they want my nuts.

So let's skip the small talk and jump right into the nitty-gritty with a column packed tighter than Zack Ryder's bank account when the merchandising checks for those cool headbands start coming in. Woo Woo Woo - you know it! I'm Doug (already told you that, didn't I?) and this is Mr. Fuji's favorite column to read while in the bathroom, "Tossing Salt - Worldwide News". Let's do this...

We'll Miss You, Scott Powers...

Before I get too far into the column, I want to send a big shout out to a very important part of the North and South Carolina Indy wrestling scene, one half of the legendary "Main Attraction" Scott Powers, who announced on his Facebook page yesterday that after close to two decades in this great sport that we all know and love, that due to the wear and tear on the body, the curtains are closing on his wrestling career and he's calling it a day. Powers, along with partner Chris Steele, have long been the predominant wrestling tag team in this area for so long and they've established a legacy that will hold proud and strong for many years to come with such companies as NACW, ACW, SAPW and everywhere in-between. And also, in addition to numerous tag team championships as part of the "Main Attraction", Powers is also a former American Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Champion.

Speaking on a personal level, I don't really know Scott all that well, but I've known of him for a long, long time (even before Scott Powers was born and he was just a young teenager with a dream walking the streets of McColl, SC) and I can honestly say that I've never heard anything bad or scandalous about either Powers or his partner and in today's age and time, that's a hard thing to say about anyone.

Scott Powers was and is a class act all the way, both inside and outside that ring and will definitely be missed at the local shows. Maybe in time, the body will heal a bit and Powers, still a very young man, will decide to give us one more match. But that's for him to decide and even if it never happens, Scott can rest easily knowing he lived his dream and achieved success and a legacy that few can ever hope to match. Mr. Powers, you did good and best of luck in whatever the future holds for you, be it in the crazy world of professional wrestling (maybe as an announcer, manager or trainer) or in other endeavors and life experiences. You will be missed and good luck to you.

And moving on, let's jump right into the mix with a plethora of topics in something I want to call...

Assorted Spices...

The big news comes from last night when former UFC Champion Brock Lesnar, at UFC 141, lost early in the first round by TKO to Alistair Overeem. Lesnar spoke immediately after the fight and made a big announcement. He's retiring from the UFC. It seems that after a couple of major health scares earlier in the year, Brock made a promise to his wife, Rena Mero, aka "Sable", that he would give up the UFC fighting and retire. If he had won the fight last night, he planned on going after the UFC Championship and then retiring after regaining the title. But he didn't make it that far and lost last night in quick fashion. And thus, another chapter in the strange history of Paul Heymans former "client", from wrestling superstar to football camp to UFC Champion comes to an end.

So what does the future hold for Mr. Lesnar (and by association, Sable)? The rumours have already started. Is Lesnar the man who will make a return to the WWE tomorrow night on RAW, thus giving the fans a swerve and answering the "It Begins" video challenge. (It's not going to be Jericho - that's just too damn obvious and they have to do a swerve!) Or will Lesnar make a surprise return at the Royal Rumble and make a huge impact? Or will he sit at home and make a return on April 1, 2012, just in time to help launch the debut of the WWE Network? Or will he just sit at home with Sable and make more babies? No one knows at this point except Mr. Lesnar and those closest to him and they're not telling, but I am thinking that it's a pretty safe bet that sometime soon, probably within the next year or so, we'll be seeing Brock back in a WWE ring. And I. for one, am looking forward to it.

Did you see it last night on Smackdown? The Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes is trading words with "Mr. Five Time" Booker T and who comes to the ring, but Dustin Rhodes, aka "Goldust". There have been rumours floating around that Dustin had been petitioning the WWE Powers-That-Be for a Wrestlemania match with brother versus brother, with him taking on Cody. It looks as if The McMahons agree that this could be a money match and would fit in at their big event in April because the build has started.

I expect that we'll eventually see Dusty in here as well to mediate and advise the "fruit of his loins" too. Think about this for Wrestlemania 28. Goldust versus Cody Rhodes with "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes as the special guest referee. I'd like to see it. Main event extreme, if you will. Make it happen, Vince and Steph!

More rumours are afloat that Zack Ryder is kind of being frowned upon by management because he's not, according to them, drawing high ratings on TV. Yeah, that's kind of a dumb reason to crap on someone when it's not the wrestlers fault - it's the bad booking and storylines by the creative teams that people are fleeing from in droves. But rather than admit that Ryder is one of the bright spots for the WWE and that the self-made "Woo Woo Woo Broski" is over (look at the audience reaction - look at the merchandise sales), the WWE has decided to tweak his gimmick a little bit by adding the lovely Eve Torres to the mix.

Yeah, we see how well it worked for R-Truth when he had Eve as his sidekick. What? Don't what me! Even "Little Jimmy" could care less about Eve and adding her to the Ryder picture isn't going to help ratings improve, no matter what the WWE seems to think. They need to leave Zack alone to be Zack Ryder. That's what drew the attention of the fans to start with and the old cliche' rings more true than ever, "if it's not broke, don't fix it!". Unless it's the WWE where the motto seems to be, "If it's working, add a stupid gimmick to make it more sports-entertainment like and drive the fans away so we can blame it on the WWE Superstar when it fails."

I guess I should be glad they didn't stick Ryder with Hornswoggle, but they're busy killing Sheamus's career with that little addition... lol. The WWE management need to leave Ryder alone, let Eve go back to wrestling in the Divas Division and go eat a bug or something. Idiots!

I heard another rumour that the WWE Studios are considering filming a remake of the movie "Bad Santa" with Mick Foley and Hornswoggle in the starring roles. Okay, that's not true and I'm totally lying, but think about it. Mick as Santa and Horny as the evil little short dude in the elf suit. I'd watch it. It might even make me end up liking cheezy holiday movies. Another movie that I'd be lying about if I said that WWE was planning to film, but that I would definitely love to see would be a remake of "Thelma & Louise" starring Vickie Guerrero and Miss Piggy. Excuse me! Excuse Moi'! I'd even pay money to see that one.

Speaking of Mick Foley, I had an idea for him to be used as part of the ongoing CM Punk - Johnny Ace squabbles. And this would work. We all know that the two things that Mick Foley is most famous for in the WWE (besides cheap pops and Al Snow jokes) is (1) taking that sick bump from The Undertaker in the "Hell In A Cell" match (back when that match meant something) and doing those "This Is Your Life" segments with The Rock (good) and John Cena (not so good). And while I cringe at the thought of Mick Foley ever taking sick bumps in the ring again (please Mick - do NOT ever wrestle again), I think you can see where I'm going with this, the "This Is Your Life" still has some life left in it.

So picture this. CM Punk comes out and does his usual great job of mocking John Lauriniatis. And then he says that he wants to make it up to John and bury the hatchet because Johnny-boy has proven him wrong. He can be creative and exciting and all of that nonsense. So John comes out and Punk says that as a peace offering to Lauriniatis, he has a very special gift with a very special present. And here comes Mick Foley to the ring and we have a star-studded spectacular edition of "This Is Your Life Johnny Ace".

Just think about it. They could have The Bushwackers make an appearance since Ace started off as their valet / associate. Have Road Warrior Animal (Ace's brother) come out and do a spot. Have Shane Douglas or Jim Cornette (yeah, right!) come out and rag on Ace for his "Dynamic Dudes" days. Hell, they could even have someone who worked with Lauriniatis in WCW (Ace was the last person to head up WCW Talent Relations) or All Japan Pro Wrestling (Ace was the liason between the company and foreign talents) come out. There is so much potential for chaos and embarassment for Ace here and a chance to give a great nostalgia moment to so many fans as well with their favorites from days gone by. I know that the last time Mick tried this venture with John Cena and The Rock, it sucked corn off the cob, but with Ace as the target and Punk to help out and lend his support, this would really work and be a major hit. I know it!

Wrestling Fact Or Fiction (The One Man Edition)

As most of you know, I now do a weekly column with the esteemed Russell Jackson called "Tossing Salt Presents Wrestling Fact Or Fiction". It's where Russell and I go down the line with a list of usually ten statements concerning the WWE, TNA and wrestling in general and simply say whether or not we agree with the statement and why. It's a good read and fun to do and I've really grown to enjoy having someone else to discuss the issues with. (And if you'd like to join the fun and be a part of the weekly Fact or Fiction column, just drop me a line at and we'd be glad to have you.)

So what was I saying? Oh yeah! We do the weekly column and it's great, awesome, exciting and more fun than a ton of cucumbers being shipped to an all-girls school in Sweden. But I'm going to do a really quick one man, solo edition here and now. Why? Because I can. So here goes.

1) WWE should not give up on Punk, Bryan and Ryder because of the low rating numbers?

FACT: It's December and the ratings are down. This happens every year and within the next few weeks, especially as football ends, the ratings will rise, especially as we lead into Wrestlemania. Neither Ryder or Bryan have been champions long enough to really have the chance to show what they can do and work the magic to get those fans in. As for Punk, since the fans got screwed by the whole HHH rivalry and the Kevin Nash angles involving Punk (which was entirely the faulty of the WWE Creative teams and management - not Punk), they're a bit hesitant to jump aboard and get caught up with the Punk revolution because they know that the WWE will screw up the angles again. In time, the ratings will build. WWE has established a solid base with their new Champions and the youth movement. They just need to sit back now and give it all a chance to work.

2) CM Punk versus Dolph Ziggler on next Monday's RAW will be a TV Match of the Year candidiate?

FICTION: While I have no doubt that it will be a very good match, it's on the first RAW of the year and we've got a long, long way to go. Unless something really, really special happens, no matter how good it is, it will be forgotten about within a month. Attention spans are far too short these days.

3) Chris Jericho will make his return on Monday night at RAW?

FACT: Jericho will be back, but he will not be the one who comes out to the video teases. That's far too predictable and I fully expect to see a major swerve. It might be Brodus Clay. It might be Brock Lesnar. It might be the return of Christian to the ring. Hell, it could even be Nathan Jones. But we'll get the video and a return and it won't be Chris Jericho. And the fans will be let down and feeling blue. And then, at the end of the night, we get some excitement and chaos and Chris Jericho appears at the last possible instance to save the show. SWERVE!!

4) Big Show will regain the World Championship from Daniel Bryan next week on Smackdown?

FICTION: This friendly feud with Big Show and Daniel Bryan has legs to it and I expect we'll see several more matches and encounters before we actually get around to any possible title changes. I'd expect to see Mark Henry get involved and maybe David Otunga as well to cause a DQ finish on Smackdown and let the feuds all play out a little longer. There's too much money still left to be made to do otherwise.

See there. That's how we do it in de' hood! Come on and join in the fun. Be a part of the "Tossing Salt" family and let's get together a "Fact or Fiction" Flash Mob! We can do it and you know you want to!


I love this video. Always have and always will...


I guess that's enough for today. Comments and questions can be sent to For all things Dougie, including wrestling columns, political commentary, short stories and fictions, rambling rants about anything and everything, and lots and lots of surveys, go visit my blog-space at And come find me on Facebook at www.facebook/ Add me as your friend - you know you want to.

And thus ends another edition of "Tossing Salt" as well as the year 2011. So have a great New Year's Eve and be safe and I'll see you on the flip side in 2012. I'm Doug and dat' is all de' people need to know. Thank you for reading. Don't forget to support your local Indy wrestling group. And may the force be with you. Bye!


The Issues Q&A - December 31, 2011

As I mentioned in my last blog, I got a questionaire/survey thing from a group called the "National Republican Senatorial Committee" earlier today in the mail (which is kind of ironic since I'm registered as a Democrat). I did a blog with my thoughts and reactions about the letter itself and that, what I feel is an arrogant and dismissive statement towards anyone who doesn't decide to send this political action group money. If you don't send them money, you're automatically a supporter of Harry Reid and the Democatic party policies in their eyes and they have no use for you. Well, screw 'em because I don't like PAC's or arrogant politicians who think they know what's better for us than we do ourselves. They're ass-clowns, pure and simple.

But the survey thingy did have some good questions. So I've decided to play political pundit for a while and do my best to answer each and every one of their questions. In the survey, they just want people who fill out the questionaire to be good sheep and just say yes to everything. Well, that's not how I roll. I don't play "loyal flock of sheep" to anyone, unless it's Juventud Guerrera dressed as a shepard. Or the neighbor boy? He so damn sexy! Damn, I'd like to f.... never mind. So where was I?

They had questions so I decided to provide some answers. Just consider this a bit of foreshadowing about any potential political future for me in politics? Will I ever run for a political office? Who knows? But my thoughts and opinions are here for all to know and see... just in case. Let's do this!


Gender? Male

Age? (40 - 48)

As a representative of Scotland County, How would you describe yourself politically? Moderate Conservative with liberal social tendencies...

How do you typically receive your news about politics, government and campaigns? Newspapers, Fox News, MSNBC and the internet.

In general, how long have you identified yourself as a Republican? I am registered as a Democrat and have been since I first registered to vote in 1984, although I actually tend to vote more for Republicans than Democrats.

Did you vote in the 2010 election? Absolutely - I haven't missed an election since I turned 18..

Do you intend to vote in the 2012 election? Definitely - we need a lot of changes in our Government and if a person doesn't vote, they have no right to complain or bitch about what we get in Washington.

Do you believe that electing a new Republican Senate Majority is important to getting America back on track? I don't really think that it matters which party is in control when there is a leader in the White House who actually believes in uniting and compromise rather than making everything about politics like our current leader does. When we had Clinton as President and Newt Gingrich / Bob Dole in control of Congress, things got accomplished and our country had some great moments because no one had absolute control and they all realized that they had to work together rather than fight if they wanted to get anythng done. If one party has control of everything (White House and Congress), usually it's all about whatever their agenda happens to be and the country be damned. I'd rather see the Democrats control the Senate (but replace Harry Reid) and the Republicans control the House and a President who can work with both houses (Newt has a record of being able to do so. I also think that Romney and Huntsman, (to a lesser degree) would be able to do so. But Obama has already proven that he has no desire to be a leader and would rather just campaign and play political games so he's got to go. I just hope his replacement is able to step in and step up and actually lead.


Do you believe spending cuts - NOT tax hikes - are the best way to deal with the national debt, which has sky-rocketed to a record high $15 trillion under the Democrats? I think it needs to be a combination of both. Over 40% of the people in our country don't pay any income tax at all and that needs to be changed. In my own opinion, the best way to rectify this is to go to either a "Flat Tax" or a national sales tax and totally eliminate our current method of collecting taxes. It's not fair and punishes success the way things currently are. So modify and fix our tax system and it's help. And cut spending as much as possible. That's common sense. If you're running tight on money in your home and can't pay your bills, you tighten the belt, do without on some things and bust your butt to get the bills paid. You do what you have to do to eliminate expenses and increase income until things balance out. It works for real people so why not the government?

Do you think that President Obama's 2nd "stimulus" bill will fail to help the economy? Spending money we don't have is not an option. It's the responsibilities of our leaders to think outside the box and come up with other alternatives while also finding ways to decrease spending and get our debt under control. If they can't do it, then they don't need to be in power and should get out of the way to allow others who can come up with productive ideas and solutions to step up and handle things.

Are you against the "card check" bill that would force more workers into unions? Unions, at one time, were a good thing and did a great deal for the American people and our economy. But like most good things, over time, they've become corrupt with power and now, it's become more about spreading their agendas and controlling the power than actually helping the people they're supposed to represent. The Unions have become so used to getting their ways and demanding more and more, companies are going broke and can't meet the demands and they end up going out of business or end up requiring bailouts and the people the Union claimed to be protecting end up out of jobs. If a company prefers to hire non-union labor so that they can turn a profit, build their business and stay in business, then they should be allowed and encouraged to do so. The Unions would rather see companies go out of business and the workers pink-slipped rather than give up the power trips and both the employees and employers are better off without them.

Are you in favor of making all the "Bush tax cuts" of 2001 and 2003 permanent? Yes!

Are you concerned that President Obama is not serious when he talks about how we need to rein in the out-of-control spending? President Obama is like a crack-head who's found a wallet on the street full of cash or credit cards. He spends and spends and spends. It's his chosen solution to everything and anything - throw money that we don't have at every problem and damn the consequences. Our government has grown more under the three years of Obama than in the entire eight years of his predecessor, George Bush. And the national debt, which grew by four trillion dollars under 8 years of Bush (and Obama called "unpatriotic" as a candidiate for President in 2008) has grown by six trillion more dollars in just three years under Obama's watchful eyes. Serious about cutting spendng? Not even close.

Do you support the moratorium on pork-barrel "earmarks" that Republican's are pushing? Earmarks (little pet projects inserted into larger bills) by both parties, need to be cut out and eliminated. If it's important enough to a Senator or Congressman to push a bill or project, introduce it in an individual bill and be passed or fail on it's own merit rather that trying to sneak it through.

Do you support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Yes! President Clinton and Newt Gingrich proved that it could be done, but the politicians since then (of both parties) love to spend money we don't have far too often to tighten their belts and act realistically. Maybe if it was part of the Constitution and the politicians were held accountable, they would get off their rumps and get something done.

Did you disapprove of all the bank bailouts and government ownership of private companies? I'm kind of mixed on this topic. There is a thing called "too big to fail" and no company should ever be allowed to get that big that it requires the government to step in and take control. Private companies (like Ford, General Motors, etc) should be left alone to either succeed or else go into bankruptcy if they can't compete. The government should not have stepped in with those companies because there were other alternatives still available. As for the banks, they've been allowed to get too large and we couldn't afford to let them go under because of all the people that would have been affected. So bailing them out was a necessary evil and had to be done to protect our already fragile economy, but I wish that other options had been explored first.

Generally, is there too much government involvement in our free enterprise system? Very true. Government should be limited and stay out of our lives and our businesses as much as possible. The best government is a smaller government with as little power as possible.


Do you support Republican efforts to repeal the government health care takeover (Obamacare) that was shoved into law? ObamaCare was (is) a flawed plan that was voted on in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve of 2009 with no debate and before anyone even had a chance to actually read the bill and all it's provisions. Nancy Pelosi, the then-Speaker of the House, even stated that they had to "pass the bill before they read it" and the loyal sheep, the Democrats who then controlled both houses of Congress passed it through and it was signed into law (even though nobody had read it and knew what they were passing). Several provisions are being contested as unconstitutional and it's been shown in numerous studies that if and when this goes into effect, it will only add to the costs of health care and lower the level of care being administered by medical personal. It's basically treating a headache by cutting off the head. ObamaCare needs to repealed and other options need to be pursued.

Should Senate Republicans continue working to defund ObamaCare and strip away the most damaging provisions until we have a new Republican Majority that will vote for a full repeal of that law? Yes - it's a flawed law and will do far more harm than help. Whatever it takes, it needs to be eliminated in it's entirety. 'Nuff said!

Should we pass free market health care reforms to reduce costs and expanded access? It would bring down prices and the costs of health care by ensuring competition between the companies and also allow more options for consumers looking for health insurance and health care providers as well. Reform is something that definitely needs to be implemented and worked upon by our Congressional leaders and the President, whoever it may be.

Are you in favor of the ban on partial-birth abortion that became law in 2003? I don't think that the government should be involved in any kind of decision about this particular issue. Anything concerning an abortion should be a decision reached between a woman, her partner, their doctor and their God. It's that simple. I don't like abortions and would personally prefer to see other alternatives chosen, but I refuse to judge anyone for what they decide to or not to do in this situation.

Should we pass a permanent ban on federal taxpayer funding of abortions? I will not and refuse to condemn anyone for their decision on this issue. I'm a guy and I will never have to deal with this issue personally so how can I judge others on what they do or don't do? But, that being said, if a woman does choose to have an abortion, they should pay for it themselves. Government money should not be used... ever!

Do you support federal protections for marriage as a union between one man and one woman? Not at all. Marriage and the recognition of a marriage is and has always been a state issue and the federal government has no right or business sticking it's nose in what has always been a state matter. And DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) is unconstitutional and wrong anyhow. If two people choose to make a committment of marriage to each other, it shouldn't matter if it's a man and woman, two men or two women - it should be legal and allowed. Why are a man and woman allowed to have special rights when they commit to each other, but if I commit to another man and want to spend the rest of my life to him, we're not allowed. They're not any better or worse than we are so why are they allowed to be married and we're not? The states are slowly coming around and realizing that same-sex marriage is not going to destroy the institution of marriage, but help it survive this new century where many consider it unnecessary and a relic of days gone by. My sisters got married to the men they loved - why am I not allowed to do the same? Oh yeah, back to the quesiton. The feds need to stay away from this topic and mind their own business.

Do you believe in school choice measures as the best way to improve education? Not really. The best way to improve education is to allow the teachers to quit being social workers and be teachers instead with absolute control over their classrooms and the students with major emphasis placed on the basics of reading, writing and math. Let the teachers do their jobs and quit trying to over-regulate them or make them politically correct. I know of several people who are high school graduates who can't write in cursive or do basic math because they were pushed through by teachers and a system that's afraid to offend anyone and control the classrooms and would rather push classes in "Social Media" than the simple basics that people actually need to get by and survive.

Do you consider yourself a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms? I support the rights promised us by our Constitution. Guns don't kill people. Ass-clowns kill people. 'Nuff said!

Do you prefer judges who strictly interpret the law, as opposed to using the courts to push their personal social agenda? It would depend upon the law and the situation in each case. Criminal laws are pretty straight forward and should be treated as such by the Judges, but then we have laws that are obscure, outdated or irrelevant and need to be changed or modified to fit the world as it is today instead of when the law was written. So I guess my answer would be I like to see judges who use common sense and precedence when dealing with laws, but are open-minded enough to recognize when the laws are prejudicial or obselete and are in need of either modification or to be eliminated altogether.


Should we do more to secure our border with Mexico? Very true. While I have nothing at all against Mexicans (remind me to tell you one day about this Mexican guy I met when I lived down in Wilmington many years ago - he was illegal but damn, he was a sexy ass, awesome dude!) - harrumph! As I was saying, we do need to try and control the border and who gets into our country. A fence would help, as would establishing National Guard troops to help patrol the border. Something does need to be done.

Do you believe Bush-era measures like the USA PATRIOT ACT have helped keep us safe? While there are some aspects of the Patriot Act that I do agree with and feel have been productive in helping to keep our country safe, there are some aspects, such as being able to detain people without charges or legal counsel, that disturb me. It was a good idea that has been taken way too far and has ended up trampling all over quite a few of our constitutional rights.

Should we reserve the right to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities by force? Yes, but it would be better to work covertly or else alongside of Israel in a matter like this.

Do you believe America must remain a steadfast ally of Israel? Yes

Do you support the National Republican Senatorial Committee's mission of electing a new GOP Senate so we can permanently repeal the entire Obama agenda? Nope. Not the entire Obama agenda. I like the repeal of that moronic "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" policy for the military, which was extremely wrong and bigoted as hell. And if I'm sure that if I look hard enough, I'll find a few other things that I like. Just get rid of Obama next November and repeal the ObamaCare stuff and the rest of the stuff can be decided on a case by case basis.


Overall, which Political Party is best able to handle each of the following national issues? (Democrats / Republicans / No Opinion)

Abortion: No Opinion - Politics should not be involved with this topic - it's a matter between a person, their partner, their doctor and God.

Budget/Spending: Republicans

Creating Jobs: Republicans

Economy: Republicans

Education: No Opinion - This is an issue that should be dealt with at the state and local level and the Federal Government should MYOB!

Health Care: No Opinion - Both parties on the Federal level are pretty useless when it comes to dealing with health care. Nationalized health care is not the answer though. This is an issue that should be dealt with at state level.

Immigration: Republicans

Judges: Democrats

National Defense: Republicans

Protecting Traditional Values: Democrats because when it comes to changing with the times, Republicans seem to have a stick up their ass!

Second Amendment: Republicans

Social Security: Republicans

Taxes: Republicans

War On Terrorism: Republicans

So there you go. I've answered all the questions on the surveys and far more fully than any real politician or pundit actually would. And somehow, based on my answers and opinions, I have a strong feeling that neither the Democratic party or the Republicans would be all that happy to take me into the fold. Ooops! Oh well, maybe the Libertarians then. Can't help it though. I am what I am and think what I think and what you see is what you get, take it or leave it, love it or hate it - I've gotta be me!

And with that, I'm out of here for now. Have a great day and I'll see you on the flip side.


The Letter - December 30, 2011

Okay, I got some interesting mail today. And no, I'm not talking about the new "Adam & Eve" catalog, although that did arrive in the mail today and is very interesting. They have got toys for everything and everyone!! But that's a blog for another day. The mail I'm speaking of was from a group called the "National Republican Senatorial Committee". It was a "Scotland County Area Assessment" which basically is politico-speak for "answer these survey questions so we can pretend that we give a damn what you say while we ask you for money!". Yeppers, a pretentious fund-raising letter from a political action committee. Don't you love these things?

It's not really surprising that I would get politically themed mail because I do love politics (as anyone who reads my blog would know. If it's not wrestling or surveys, it's politics) and I do subscribe to several different politically orientated websites (both right and left winged) so I can follow the news from all angles and keep up on things. But this one kind of grated under my skin a little bit. Let's talk about it.

The first few questions were pretty simple asking for gender, age, how I identify myself politically (moderate / independent) and how I get my political news (newspapers, MSNBC, Fox news, Magazines, Internet Sites and Facebook). And then it started getting a little whacky when it asked how long I've identified myself as a Republican.

Excuse me? I said, "Excuse me!". I'm not registered as a Republican. I'm registered as a Democrat. While it is true that I generally tend to lean towards the Republicans in most elections and on most issues (especially economic and foreign affairs - most high-ranking Republicans tend to be pinheads when it comes to social issues ), I realized long ago that here in Scotland County, if you want to be able to have any kind of say in the City or County Elections (Mayor, City Council, Sheriff), you have to be registered as a Democrat because they are the ones who hold the power here in this area and most of the races I mentioned earlier are decided in the Democratic primaries. So this has me wondering just how in the hell that these people got my name and address anyhow? By their standards, I'm the enemy. So why are they even talking to me?

So I went down their list of questions and of course, all of the questions are twisted to make the Republican policies sound fantastic and any alteration or support for anything outside the box is blasphemy. Whatever! That's the way that political games are played and I know this and like I mentioned earlier, when it comes to economic issues, I tend to agree with the Republican policies.

So I did the first page of 17 questions and agreed with all of them. And then we get to questions 18 - 27 which deal with domestic issues. I agree on repeal of Obamacare, the right to "bear arms" as granted by the 2nd Amendment and the repeal of extra legislation that adds extra charges and taxes to the most basic objects of day to day life. And then we get to the places where the Republicans and I do in different directions, such as the issues of abortions and same-sex marriage. The government should have absolutely no say in either of these issues. Abortion, like it or hate it, is something that should be between the mother, their partner and their doctor... period! It's not my decision what others do and shouldn't be the governments. And marriage is a state-issue, as it should be. The federal government should stay the hell out of it and let each state decide for themselves (through a referendum or a legislative decision). They tried to legislate marriage (through the Defense of Marriage Act) and that one piece of federal legislation, which tramples on state rights, is working it's way through the court system and will most likely be declared unconstitutional within the next few years.

After splitting in my thoughts on domestic issues, we moved on to foreign affairs and with the sole exception of the "Patriot Act", which violates so many basic constitutional rights that it's not even funny, I tended to agree with most of the foreign affair based questions. We needs stronger foreign policy and our current "leader" and his policies of appeasement and reluctance to offend our enemies is getting pretty old pretty fast.

But anyhow, we get through all of these questions and I'm just jamming along and we get to the part where they ask for money. If we want to donate money, we check the "Yes" box and the Senate Republicans will fight for our values in Washington (unless they happen to be values that the Senate Republican's don't agree with.)

This is all typical fund-rasing letter stuff and it's no big deal and not worth even writing about actually... UNTIL I saw what was next to the "No" box. If you checked the "No" box, you were agreeing that "I hope Democrats expand control of the U.S. Senate and continue passing their liberal agenda."

Let me say that one more time. If you check the "No" box and don't want to send this political action group money, then it means that "I hope Democrats expand control of the U.S. Senate and continue passing their liberal agenda."

Maybe I'm being over-sensitive here, but that just pisses me off. I don't send these people money because I'd rather keep any political donations close to home and used to support local candidiates instead of national organizations who include people such as Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum, two of the most bigoted and homophobic politicians in U.S. history among their ranks. Just the damn arrogance and presumption of those words really just irks the heck out of me.

I support some aspects of the Republican party and I make no apologies for that. I think, on economic issues (cutting the size of government, cutting taxes, creating jobs) and on foreign affair issues (keeping Iran in line, dealing with China and N. Korea), the Republican's tend to have the right ideas and be on the right track. When it comes to social issues, I tend to have more in common and agreement with the left-leaning Democratic party. And there are even a few issues where I think the government (and both parties) should mind their own business and shut the hell up. That's me and that's how I roll. Like I said, no apologies here. And I've forgotten what my point was going to be. Ooops! Hate it when that happens.

Oh yeah! The attitude that the people who sent this letter out, this so-called "National Republican Senatorial Committee", show by that last statement is that they don't want to hear from people who won't send them money. They don't want to hear from people who don't agree with their agenda. And you know what? They don't want someone like me to give their opinions. All they want is money and if we're not supporting them with our wallets, we're the enemy. If that's what they think, so be it. They're not getting my money and they can take their questions, letters and everything else and shove them straight where the sun don't shine. By their own standards, it's either buy their love and be with them or keep my money for other purposes and be the enemy. So I'm the opposition. Deal with it, Hankeyites!

One good thing did come from all of this actually. I got a chance to rant and ramble for a bit and got a blog out of the deal. That's pretty cool. And I'm (probably) going to take each of their questions and do another blog giving detailed answers for each one. That'll be fun too (and good practice for when I eventually decide to run for a political office - how's that for some foreshadowing folks?)

I've talked long enough. I'm out of here for now. Later.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wrestling Fact Or Fiction - December 29, 2011

Tossing Salt Presents: Wrestling Fact or Fiction
Decmember 28, 2011
Doug Maynard

Christmas is over and the New Year is nearly here and I hope that everyone is having a great holiday season. I'm Doug and I'm back once more, along with the baddest man on the planet, Mr. Russell Jackson. He's so bad that Chuck Norris calls him sir! And we're here to discuss and contemplate the ins and outs of the world's greatest sport, the true "King of Sports", professional wrestling with an end of the year edition of "Wrestling Fact or Fiction". Questions were sent out immediately after RAW early Tuesday morning. Let's get right to it...

1) WWE should create a new WWE Championship Title to replace the current "Spinner" title?

Doug: FACT - Everyone is tired of that belt. It was okay for when Cena was the Champ, but he's no longer the dominate figure with the WWE Championship. It's time to go back to a more traditional title belt for the more traditional wrestlers now in the title picture (CM Punk). I know that the WWE likes the "Spinner Belt" because it's a popular piece of merchandise and the copies sell well, but the kids and fans will still be buying the merchandise so long as its available for sale. As Cody Rhodes has proven with the return of the traditional Intercontinental Championship belt, old is new again and the old title belts are refreshing for the fans looking for change. They did it with the IC belt and it's time to replace the WWE Championship belt as well.

Russell: FACT - I have never been supportive of the WWE "Spinner" Championship Title since it's inception on April 11th, 2005. It's not much to look at, as it looks like a toy belt than anything else. WWE needs to go back in making a design of the WWE Championship that makes it look like a legitimate World Championship. Between the 2 championship titles (WWE Championship & World Heavyweight Championship), the World Heavyweight Championship looks like a legitimate World Title and the WWE took that title when they bought out the now defunct WCW. WWE needs to take notice and change to a new design for their Heavyweight Championship. Nuff said...

2) WWE announcers should call more play by play action rather than going completely on a different topic while a match is in progress?

Doug: FACT - I would love to see the WWE (and wrestling in general) return to a more traditional way of calling matches with the announcers calling play by play action as it occurs in the ring. It's what I grew up listening to with such men as Gordon Solie, Bob Caudle, Marc Lourence and even Jim Ross. It made the match more exciting and put emphasis on the wrestlers and the wrestling product. These days, and I understand that the announcers are just following the orders of Vince McMahon, the announcers are off and talking about anything and everything under the sun and it not only distracts from the in-ring action, but actually hurts the business. There's a place for characters and storyline development, but it shouldn't be during the matches at the expense of the wrestlers. It's unfair to them and annoying to the fans trying to listen and watch.

Russell: FACT - I'm gonna say this as simple as I can. I'm a huge pro wrestling fan and I love watching pro wrestling on tv, whether it's Raw, Smackdown or when I have the money to pay for it, WWE PPV's. What I don't like about WWE programming are the announcers, who I might add are SUPPOSED to be calling play by play action for a match that's in progress, they sit there & run their mouth about a completely different topic that has nothing to do with the match taking place If they want to talk about a different topic, let it be spoken in between matches (like matches happen very rarely in the first place). This primarily goes to the goof, Michael "Wedgie Boy" Cole, who shouldn't be sitting at the announce table to begin with in the first place. He bashes talents (usually the heroes) every chance he gets, picks arguments / fights with the other announcers he's teamed with, and has no business whatsoever being on the announce team. Here's an idea. If Wedgie Boy wants to bash talent, team him up with couple of "heel" talents on the roster & become a manager. He can get his ass kicked every chance he gets week after week PLUS it would cause the ratings to up instead of plummeting with him "announcing". It's a win / win scenario for all. IF (key word right there... IF) WWE were smart, they would make it happen & get that poor excuse of an announcer off the headset.

3) You're looking forward to the John Cena - Kane feud?

Doug: FICTION - I was actually looking forward to it at first, but then that big promo-fest on RAW last night just kind of killed it for me. Cena did his attempt of a serious promo and played off the Chicago audience and their dislike of him and it just bored me. Then Kane came out and used his "supernatural powers" to ignite the stage and then a very long and tedious speech about "hate" and by the time he had finished, I was just wishing someone would set me on fire. I don't want to see Cena anywhere near the WWE title picture and I guess a feud with Kane is as good as anything else, but if these promos are any indication, there's going to be a lot of nonsense and stupid "sports entertainment" going on instead of wrestling and I really don't want to see this.

Russell: FACT - I've given this question a lil' bit of thought & the reason I'm going fact to the question is that, as a fan, I want Kane to dominate in the feud with John Cena. Since Kane has made his presence felt on Raw a couple of weeks ago, he has a fresh look, like the fire is burning inside him and instead of going after the guy that put him outta action 4-5 months prior, Mark Henry, he's taking all the aggression out on John Cena. Well kudos to him and I hope he takes Cena out of the equation all together or at least leaves him in dangled form for the Rock to take care of the rest at WrestleMania XXVIII on April 1st. But it would be just my luck that Cena ends up dominating Kane in their feud to gain momentum for his match against The Rock at WrestleMania XXVIII. But a wrestling fan can only dream that it doesn't end up happening.

4) CM Punk will eventually end up wrestling John Laurinaitis in a match?

Doug: FICTION - I'd love to see CM Punk and Johnny Ace step into the ring togther and watch Ace, who was actually a decent wrestler back in the day, attempt to work a match, but it's not going to happen. I expect we'll have plenty of teases of a match and we might even see some handicap matches booked with Punk taking on Ace and a partner (David Otunga), but so far as Ace stepping into the ring, wearing tights and boots, to wrestle, I just don't see it. But maybe if we're really good fans and wish really, really hard, we'll at least see Ace feel the effects of a "GTS" in his future. One can only hope.

Russell: FACT - I gotta go fact on this question. CM Punk KNOWS how to push the buttons on not just "Mr. No Charisma Johnny Ace", but any person, wrestler, authority figure that he comes in contact / has a problem with. Let's count the ways, shall we...

1) The WWE & in particular Vincent Kennedy McMahon, when he cut the unscripted promo on Raw leading up to his WWE Championship match against John Cena at MITB PPV. What happened at MITB was that Punk pinned Cena after making Cena go beddy bye from the GTS, then took the WWE Championship Title & bolted through the crowd & out of the building leading us to believe that he walked out of the WWE orginization after his contract ran out later that night as the WWE Champion. From the expression on Vinnie Mac's face after Punk bolted with the WWE Championship in hand, not only did Punk majorly push McMahon's buttons, but left McMahon scrambled brained and in total shock of where to go from there (& teary eyed at that... lol).

2) Triple H comes to mind at that since "Trips" was named COO of WWE, Punk would come out on Raw saying that it was a conspiracy, of Nash laying out Punk with a Jackknife Powerbomb after Punk became the Undisputed WWE Champion, only to have the Ricky Ricardo look alike, Alberto Del Rio, to cash in his MITB briefcase & pin Punk to become the WWE Champion and of Triple H & Kevin Nash not wanting CM Punk to be the WWE Champion. Punk even went so far as to push the buttons of / insult Triple H by bringing up Trip's wife, Stephanie McMahon, to Triple H's face on Raw. Instead of a match between CM Punk & Kevin Nash at Night of Champions PPV, Triple H booked himself to replace Kevin Nash against CM Punk.

Now we have Johnny Boy Ace Laurinaitis getting his buttons pushed by CM Punk week after week, ever since Laurinaitis became the Interim Raw GM. Give it a few more weeks with Punk bad mouthing Laurinaitis every chance he gets and there will be a match between Punk & Laurinaitis on either Raw or a PPV with the stipulations that if "No Charisma" Laurinaitis wins, then he becomes the WWE Champion (fat chance of that happening) and if Punk wins, then Laurinaitis gets booted off as the Interim Raw GM. My prediction is that Punk gives Johnny Ace a boot in the ass, makes Laurinaitis go beddy bye with the GTS, only to have him wake up, tapping and crying "Uncle" to the Anaconda Vice. Thank you! :-)

5) You are looking forward to seeing Brodus Clay debut next Monday on RAW?

Doug: FICTION - When they first started building towards the debut of Brodus as a monster, I was interested. I remembered him from his days as the associate of Alberto Del Rio and was curious to see what he was capable of as a solo star. But then they put the debut again and again and with each week, I went from strongly interested to sort of interested to remotely interested to yeah, okay to who gives a rats ass. Building suspense and intrigue is a good thing, but after so many delays and false starts, the bud is off the rose and all we've got now is a bunch of thorns. I want to see who "It Begins" will be next Monday night. I want to see Dolph Ziggler wrestle CM Punk in a title match. But so far as Brodus Clay goes, sounds like a bathroom break to me.

Russell: FICTION - With the way the WWE has been teasing for a month / month & a half about Brodus Clay debuting on Raw, only to find out week after week that he wasn't going to debut, I'm just plain burnt out of 1) hearing that he's going to finally debut and 2) seeing him finally debut on the show. Plain & simple, WWE are being nimrods about the tease of Brodus Clay debuting & that's going to bite both WWE & Brodus Clay right square in the ass cause people aren't gonna give 2 shizzzzz! Nuff said.

<----- SWITCHEROO ----->

6) You are glad to see R-Truth back on Monday Night Raw?

Russell: FACT - I'm glad that R-Truth came back on Raw to continue his feud with The Miz. It's about time that he starts going after championship titles as well. Maybe he'll give The Miz all that he can handle & even more now that he's back.

Doug: FACT - He still looks nasty, like he needs a good long hot shower and apparently, he's still as crazy as that fatal-attraction psycho pygmy I dated back in the early 90's (the stories I could tell you... Geez! I'm lucky to be alive!) But damn it all, I'm actually happy to see R-Truth back in action. I miss the talking to invisible friends. I miss the conspiracy theories and rants about those nasty, evil, disgusting spiders. And I miss all of the shout-out's to "Little Jimmy". Truth has really started to become a fun character to watch and I love the way he was able to play that juggling act between a comedy character and a serious whack-job who you really wouldn't want to be trapped with alone in a room. The feud with Miz, his former partner, has a lot of legs to it and with both men being good in the ring, as well as being able to to cut interesting promos, and it has the potential to be the dark-horse feud of the WWE over the next few months and repeatedly steal the show. So yes, I am happy to see R-Truth back after his brief vacation. And "Little Jimmy" is happy too. And that is the truth!

7) You like the current "youth movement" taking place in the WWE?

Russell: FACT - Fact...It's about time that an actual wrestling organization shows off the younger talent and is having them to show off their skills in the ring. It's really awesome that all the championships in the WWE are being held by younger wrestlers. Letting the new generation of wrestlers take the ball & run with it, brings a smile to my face. :-)

Doug: FACT - CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are the WWE and World Champions. Kofi and Evan Bourne are the tag champs. Cody Rhodes and Zack Ryder are the Intercontinental and United States Champions. Beth Phoenix as the Divas Champion. Never before in the history of the WWE has there been a time where every single champ is a "new face" and you know what. It's good. One of the big problems that the WWE has had for a while is not building new stars and going back to and depending upon the same faces and stars year after year. They did it with Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and most recently John Cena. And after a while, people get tired of the same old / same old. Now the WWE seems to have finally realized that while it's important to have their tried and true stars in the picture, they need to build the future stars too and mix in some new faces to keep the company going strong. So change is coming and change is here. And not only with the champs, but also stars like Miz, Sheamus, Del Rio, Wade Barrett, etc. The future is here and it's coming on strong. And it's a very good thing.

8) So far, TNA has done a good job with Robert Roode as the TNA World Champion?

Russell: FICTION - The major reason I don't watch TNA much anymore is that I'm not really into their product anymore. There was a time where I did enjoy the TNA product & TNA stood out on their own with the 6 sided ring and stood out on their own with the wrestlers they had. But since Hulk Hogan & Eric Bitchoff came in and took over, the whole TNA organization has completely been shot to hell. Even though it was good to see first James Storm win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Kurt Angle and then good to see Robert Roode win the championship from James Storm, I feel that TNA hasn't used Robert Roode right in being their World Heavyweight Champion, which is a shame. TNA could do a helluva lot better with their product.

Doug: FICTION - It's been okay, but definitely not great. There was so much excitement and potential in the air when Robert Roode defeated James Storm to win the TNA World Championship, but since then, the best reaction I can give is "yawn!" It's just not catching on and catching fire with the fans as we were all hoping. Roode, by being the World Champion, should be the center piece of the company, but he's not. It's Jeff Hardy and to a lesser extent, Kurt Angle who are the stars. So far, Roode just seems to be an after-thought. He has the title, but he's not the focus of the company and it's a disservice to the fans of TNA and to Roode himself, who deserves better. Maybe things will change, but unless it does, his much anticipated reign as TNA World Champion will be considered a major failure.

9) Samoa Joe should dump TNA and try to get a job with the WWE?

Russell: FACT - Samoa Joe is yet another example of how TNA wrestlers are lost in the shuffle in the TNA organization. I think Samoa Joe is one of TNA's finest and best wrestlers that TNA has and he's not even in the chase for any of their championships. He's been the TNA X-Division & the TNA World Heavyweight Champion before Hulk Hogan & Eric Bitchoff came along. Now, the only time we see him on TV is when he's getting his ass handed to him and losing matches. He needs to get away from TNA and go somewhere where he'd be better used including the WWE. I'm sure that ANY wrestling organization would treat him better than how TNA are treating him at the moment.

Doug: FACT - For the first part of his TNA career, Joe was pushed hard and strong and was the resident bad-ass, monster for TNA. He was so impressive as the "Samoan Submission Machine", that the WWE went out and found their own "Samoan Bulldozer" the late and great Umaga, to attempt to gloom off some of his heat. And then something happened and Joe went from being "the man" to "who's that man?" and became merely an occasional side dish to the TNA's featured meal of Legacy, Fortune and Anglemania. That just isn't right! I know that there might be a problem getting Joe in as part of the WWE since his body-style isn't sculptured and larger than life and he's not male model material (unless it's the cover of "Long Distance Ice Truckers Monthly"). A few years ago, despite his ability in the ring, he wouldn't stand a chance of being part of the WWE, but now, with the "Age of Punk and Bryan" dominating the top spots, a man like Samoa Joe would do well and could fit in nicely.

Joe has done everything there is for him to do in TNA and now it's time to move on. ROH or Japan would be easier for him, but the WWE is the "gold ring" of the wrestling business. He should reach out and see if there's an interest and as soon as he's contractly able, jump ship. It's obvious that TNA doesn't have anything for him. Maybe WWE would be different.

10) Much like his brother Jeff did a few months ago, Matt Hardy will return to wrestling within the next year or so?

Russell: FACT - That is if he continues / finishes his rehab that he's currently in. Matt Hardy is a great wrestler that let his demons get the best of him, plain and simple. Hopefully he gets back on track and gets back to what he does best. And that's wrestle.

Doug: FICTION - I don't even know why I put this question here, but I had Matt Hardy on my mind. He's got a lot of baggage with him right now, but I'm all for second chances and I would love to see Matt get his act together, get his head straight, get back in ring-shape, lay off the Twitter and YouTube, and come back to either TNA or the WWE and be the major star that he's always had the potential to be. It might happen at some point in the future, but to be honest, I think Matt has burned too many bridges and even if he does get his life in order, too many powers that be will never forget his antics of the past few years and he's got about as much chance to returning to the WWE or TNA as I have of being invited to a "Vote For Rick Santorum" election rally. If Matt has any future in this business, it'll be as a trainer and maybe one day, a backstage agent. But as far as ever being an on-air, wrestling talent again, I just don't see it. And it's a major shame. So much potential and so much waste. 'Nuff said!

And I guess that's it. We went 7 - 3 this week. Not quite as agreeable as last week, but still pretty much on the same track. Not too shabby at all. My thanks once again to my debate partner, the man, myth and legend Russell Jackson, for his help in formulating the questions and providing awesome debate on each topic. Any questions, comments or if you'd like to join in the fun and be part of the "Fact Or Fiction" debate squad, give me a holler at and let me know what's on your mind.

Until next week, I'm Doug and that's it for "Wrestling Fact or Fiction" for now. Dat is all de' people need to know!

Happy New Year...


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Playlist: Dougie's Top Five Favorite Songs - December 28, 2011

Everyone has their favorite songs and musical artists. While other songs may attract your attention or you may see a video of a person and go, "hey, they look pretty cool", most of us have one or two people that we always keep going back to again and again when the flavor of the month gets old and boring.

For me, my "Big Six" who I keep returning to time and time again are Alice Cooper, Waylon Jennings, Sublime, Jessi Colter, Frank Sinatra, Rickie Lee Jones and of course, Soce the Elemental Wizard.

I listen to all types of music, depending upon my mood, the company I'm in and whatever just happens to pop up on my music jukebox, which contains over 1100 songs and I usually just set to shuffle and let it go.

What I want to do here and now is just give a small sampling of a few of the songs that I always go back to and listen to again and again, and even after so many years and hundreds, if not thousands of listens, the songs still sound good to me and move me and still have that magic going on. This is just my opinion and if I did this same type of list for ten days in a row, I'd probably have ten completely different lists. But these are the ones that come to mind right here and now and if I had a chance to play radio DJ for the entire world, these are the songs I'd choose. Plus I'm bored and feel like writing something that doesn't have anything to do with wrestlng for a change. So I'm giving everyone a list of the five songs that consistently echo in my head and I turn to when I just want some good tunes. So here you go...

PLAYLIST: DOUGIE'S TOP 5 COOL SONGS (for this week anyhow)...

5) Mr. Bojangles - Sammy Davis Jr.

The cool thing about this song, which is one of Davis's signature tunes along with "The Candy Man" is that he didn't want to record it at first. The song, about a dancer in the later years of his life who just can't dance anymore is not something that Davis wanted to think about. But he did record it and like every song that Sammy did, he put his heart and soul into it 150%. He sang the song and towards the end of his life, he lived the song. And everytime he stepped on that stage to entertain, he was the song. And while other people have recorded versions of this song, nobody ever did it any better.

4) Sexy Eyes - Dr. Hook

This song makes the list because, in my case, it's so damn true. I've had quite a history over the years with several people and the one common trait has always been the eyes. They get me in trouble every single time and I wouldn't change a thing. I don't care about looks or size or income or religion or status or race - I just want to see some sexy eyes and I'm hooked. Happens every single time.

3) Bertha Butt Boogie - The Jimmy Castor Bunch

I first heard this song almost forty years ago and although I was but a small lad, I liked it and thought it was cool. I rediscovered it in a stack of old 45rpm records in the late 80's and it was still funny and cool. And now, I hear it and guess what? I still like it and still think it's cool. The Jimmy Castor Bunch was sort of bluesey, a bit of funny comedy and just some damn good tunes all rolled into one package. And Bertha Butt and the Troglodyte, along with Leroy of course, made an impact and cemented their place in music history.

2) Numbers - Bobby Bare

We've all done it - sat with our friends and graded each person that walked by on a scale of 1-10. Don't say you haven't because you know you'd be lying. This song, which came out in the late 70's, written by Shel Silverstein and sung by Bobby Bare, takes the whole concept and just runs with it. It's funny, entertaining and a great song to do karaoke to. And on a scale of 1 - 10, this song, for country music fans anyhow, is a definite "9"... and that's only cause there ain't no "10"...

1) Perfect Day - David Bowie & Friends

Written by Lou Reed and performed by such artists as David Bowie, Iggy Pop , Bono and Pavorotti, it's just a simple song with a simple message - being with the one you love makes it a perfect day. I first heard this song about three years ago, although its been around for a while. And I liked it. And you will too.

And there you go. Five new songs to go listen to. Maybe you've heard them before and maybe not, but it's good listening and good music. And I like it. I'm out of here so ta ta for now.


2011 Year In Review Survey - Take 2: December 28, 2011

Okay, so I did this survey yesterday and was truthful, honest and to the point with my answers. And I re-read it this morning and nearly fell asleep three times. It's so damn boring. It's more exciting to watch the cast of Jersey Shore attend a spelling bee and wait for honey (groan) than to read this survey. I have no life!! So I've decided to re-do the survey and make a few slight changes. Instead of being 100% honest (and boring), I've decided to embellish a slight bit on some of the answers... or else I'll just pretend like I work at MSNBC and just blatantly outright lie. (Yes, Ed Schultz - I'm speaking of you!) Anyhow, this is "A Year In Review Survey - Take 2" - So let's do this again. And may the force be with you!

A Year In Review Survey...

1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
Jumped sharks on water-ski's in Hawaii (how did they get those sharks on water ski's?), made a sculpture of Kermit the Frog out of belly-button lint and watched an M&M shove a pretzel up his butt while listening to the Clarence Carter classic "Back Door Santa".

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions?
No - I was broke and needed extra cash so I sold them to a band of wandering gypsies.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I don't want people to be close to me when they do that. It's nasty and disgusting. Have you ever seen a big headed baby crawl out of a vajaja? Why would anyone want to be close to that. They might be slimed by baby goo. Yuck!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Qhadafi over in Libya and the Muppet look-a-like dude in N. Korea. They were dear friends and we all regularly got together for tea and crumpets.

5. What countries did you visit?
I didn't visit any countries this year, but the nation of Tanzania came to visit me. It stayed in the guest bedroom and burned a cigarette hole in the carpet. Bad Tanzania. I had to ask them to leave.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
An Academy Award for Best Actor. I think I deserve it.

7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
May 16th - it's the day that I saw that guy do that thing he does - very exciting.

8. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
I screamed movie in a crowded firehouse. The dalmation barked at me.

9. What was your biggest failure?
I tied my shoe and then went uptown... and my shoe came untied. Very embarassing.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
No, but I suffered bad reviews on my singing - the critics say that I don't sound exactly like Sinead O'Conner. I think they're crazy!

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Hookers, drugs and Honey Nut Cheerios. They look just like little "O's" and have great honey and nut flavors. And they're good for you too.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Rob Kardashian - he shook his booty on national TV - just for me. He's a good boy!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The dude across the street - he didn't come over and offer to get naked for me even once this year - he pretends like he doesn't like me and I disgust him, but we all know the truth. I'm his fantasy and he's a sick, sick man!

14. Where did most of your money go?
In a small hole in the back yard.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I looked up in the sky and saw a bird. And then it was gone. And I cried.

16. What song will always remind you of 2011?
Disco Duck - and now that I've mentioned the name of that horrific song, it's playing in your head. It will be there all day. You're welcome!

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? I'm sadder that I'm not happier unless I'm snorkelng.
b) thinner or fatter? My waist is thinner - my head is fatter - and the cows say moo.
c) richer or poorer? Po' white trash to the max - no doubt about it.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Pole dancing and standing on my head.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Break dancing with Betty White and Abe Vigoda.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Making water balloons and throwing them at the Christmas carolers.

21. Did you fall in love in 2011?
No, but I fell into a table full of Tickle Me Elmo's. I stumbled and fell down and they just laughed at me. Damn you Elmo! Damn you to hell!

22. How many one-night stands?
The correct answer is a spoon.

23. What was your favorite TV program?
"I Dream of Jeannie", "Baywatch" and "Cop Rock"..
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I hate many people, but I am consistent in my hatred and it carries over from last year and the year before as well. I hope she falls face first into a pile of Reindeer poop!

25. What was the best book you read?
"The Wit And Wisdom of Cheese" - very entertaining.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
That when I slip and my legs slide in either direction, I can hit a high note that frightens small animals and babies.

27. What did you want and get?
A pack of Pampers and a case of Corn Nuts.

28. What did you want and not get?
A pillow case filled with red jellybeans.

29. What was your favorite film of this year?
"The Wet And Wonderful World Of Water (with subtitles)"

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I woke up and took a breath and exclaimed to myself, "Winning!". I was (and still am) old enough to be hesitant but young enough to say "What the hell...".

31.What was one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
A Snuggie and wool mittens. And a cat - I need a damn cat!

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Put clothes on so I don't scare the neighbors.

33. What kept you sane?
Lots of peanut butter..

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I've always fancied Jeff Dunham - I love a man that plays with dolls... lol.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
So many - the repeal of DODT, the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York and most importantly, the banning of Happy Meals toy prizes in San Francisco.

36. Who did you miss?
That damn Mockingbird - I keep throwing rocks at him and he keeps flying out of range and laughing me. He's mocking me (which I guess is why he's called a "mocking" bird).

37. Who was the best new person you met?
New person as in baby or new person as in person I've never met before? I need clarification before I can answer this because I need to go get a haircut.

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
If it's covered in mold and screams at you as you open the door to the fridge, it's probably better to feed it to other family members first rather than risk eating it yourself.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"Cheer up sleepy Jean - oh what can it mean to a daydream believer and a homecoming queen" - and now the Monkees will be singing inside your head all day long. YES!!! You're welcome!! (At least I didn't do "YMCA" by the Village People. Now that (to hear "YMCA - it's fun to stay at the YMCA") in your head all day going back and forth ("YMCA, YMCA - they've got everything that you need to enjoy - you can hang out with all the boys") would simply be tragic.

And there you go - my "2011 Year In Review - Take 2"... Definitely more fun than the first one, don't you agree? Of course you agree with me and if you don't, I'll cut and paste your face on the body of She-Ra, Princess of Power. And nobody wants that to happen. Hope you enjoyed the survey. Go read more posts and blogs. And I'll see you later gators!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Year In Review Survey: December 27, 2011

A Year In Review Survey...

1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
I'm trying to think if I've done anything new this past year? Continued with the volunteer work and writing the columns, but that's old stuff. How about created my own blog-site and have actually kept updating it. I've had blog sites before, but usually lost interest after a few weeks, but this one has been going since January with over 400 posts and over 10,000 views so that's pretty damn good. And also, I've been writing a regular wrestling column (for five weeks so far) with someone else called "Wrestling Fact or Fiction" - I'm still doing my solo stuff, but working with someone else is a new challenge and kind of fun.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions?
Well, I lost weight for a while (and gained most of it back), I stepped up my writing career so that's a positive and I finally got rid of Danny from my life. So as Meatloaf used to say, "two out of three ain't bad"..

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yeppers - my favorite nigga & his GF, Kenneth and Tamara had a beautiful and totally awesome bady boy, Kayden, on October 1rst.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yeah... my "other Ma", Lenora Manship passed away a couple of weeks ago. And Sadie, a very sweet woman and friend of my sister, passed away earlier this year as well.

5. What countries did you visit?
No other countries - I stayed right here in North Carolina - I didn't even leave the state.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
Well, to start off with, a job. That would be great. And maybe have Cal here, home where he belongs, at my side. Just those two things would be all I need.

7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I'm not sure - I'm not good with dates at all. I remember events more than anything else. Half the time, I can't even tell you what day of the week it is.

8. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
Probably the success of the blog-site and keeping my relationship with Cal going despite all the B.S. we've endured.

9. What was your biggest failure?
I lost my license again so no driving for me. I didn't break any laws or doing anything wrong, but apparently, I violated the terms of getting my license back somehow and when I had a hearing to attempt to defend myself, I was never allowed that option. The man had already made a decision, I was given no chance or option to question or argue my case and was absolutely railroaded. Forget fairness and justice when dealing with the NCDMV. It just doesn't exist.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Did a stint in the hospital with the diabetes and an abscess. Been up and down healthwise all year.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Bought myself a new stereo for Christmas, but aside from that, nothing really stands out.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My friend Matt - who was having problems with his "demons", but has done a total 360 turn in his life over the past year. I'm very proud of him and that he's been able to show everyone else the side of him they hadn't had much chance to see before and what a great guy he is. And Michael - he's apparently managed to conquer his demons and get on the right track and I'm glad it's finally happened.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Two people come to mind - Danny, who let the drugs and his own issues take control and he not only drove away someone who cared a great deal for him (me) but also finally ended up in jail. And Michael - who I mentioned in the last question, because while I'm glad he's given up his vices and is doing well, he pushed away and just cut off everyone in his life without a word or warning. We've been friends for years and more like family - but apparently our friendship meant more to me than him. And that makes me very sad.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Just the day to day paying of bills and buying groceries and occasionally helping out a couple of people who I care for a great deal- nothing fancy or extravagant in my world.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
A couple of live ACW shows here in Laurinburg that were really good and fun, everytime I speak to and talk to Cal who I love more than life itself and when Kenneth and Tamara had Kayden join their family.

16. What song will always remind you of 2011?
"Need You Now" by Lady Antabellum and "Bartenders Song" by Rehab...
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Sadder
b) thinner or fatter? Thinner
c) richer or poorer? Poorer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Spoken up for myself, listened to my instincts, writing and getting laid.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Procrastinating, doubting myself and wasting time with Danny.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Alone and here at the house.

21. Did you fall in love in 2011?
I fell in love back in 2008 and it's still holding strong.

22. How many one-night stands?
There were a couple - had to do something to keep the skill level up and at peak condition..

23. What was your favorite TV program?
WWE RAW, Red Eye, The Five and NCIS..

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No, I still intensely dislike the same person now that I intensely disliked last year.

25. What was the best book you read?
The Bible... 'Nuff said!

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Jason Aldean - heard the song "Dirt Road Anthem" and liked it so decided to check out more music by this guy - he's good! And James Durbin from this past year's "American Idol" - the boy has skills.

27. What did you want and get?
What I want most of all still continues to elude me.

28. What did you want and not get?
A few hours of intimate contact with an old acquaintance, a job and Cal back here home where he belongs.

.29. What was your favorite film of this year?
"X-Men: First Class" and the last Twilight movie.

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Just hung out around the house and moped around, being a grouchy ass... lol

31.What was one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Having Cal here, home, where he belongs..

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
I dress for comfort - simple w/ jeans and a button-up shirt - nothing fancy at all.

33. What kept you sane?
Who said that I was sane? Actually, it would be Cal - he's the only reason I hold on and keep fighting. He's my soul-mate and my rock.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Rob Kardashian - watched him on Dancing With The Stars and that boy has a great ass!!

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Was glad to see "DADT" finally come to an end and am now extremely interested in the repeal of DOMA and legalizing same-sex marriage. (Would love to be able to get married). Actually, I love politics and try to keep an eye on all the big issues. And we need to get rid of Obama - it's essential to our country's survival.

36. Who did you miss?
I miss Cal - I wish he was here with me where he belongs.

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Kayden McDonald - the new son of Kenneth and Tamara who came into this world on October 1, 2011. That's an amazing and very personable little man. And his parents are pretty awesome too.

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
Don't trust anyone!

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new" - "Time After Time" - Cyndi Lauper

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Thoughts - December 25, 2011

The first pic is what I want for Christmas. I've been good (mostly) and this is what I've asked Santa for....

The second picture - this is probably what I'll end up with.....

Yeah, it's been that kind of

Merry Christmas everyone!

(Retro) How To Be Offensive At A Wedding: January 6, 2006

How To Be Offensive At A Wedding...

I found this on a sheet of paper in my desk - I don't remember where it came from - probably TMA - but it's kind of cute!!!


Show up with a baby and claim he belongs to the newlyweds.

Cover yourself with glue to improve your chances of catching the bouquet.
Offer to show people pictures of the bride fucking a dog.

Tell people that you knew the bride before the sex change.

Tell the bride that the only reason you can look at her is that you used to be a proctologist.

Instead of a standard gift, give the newlyweds a gift certificate to a drug rehabilitaion clinic.

As you move down the receiving line, spit on each person.

As the bride's mother for a handjob.

Give the bride some Altoids and tell her it kills the taste of sperm.

Propose a toast to the bride's nose job.

Steal the cards from the wedding gifts so no one can tell who they came from.

Walk up to various guests and demand to see their invitations.

After the bride throws her garter belt, start people chanting, "Throw your bra, throw your bra!..."

Tell people that the groom had to be given Quaaludes to keep him from backing out.

Tell the rabbi that there's no money to pay him and ask if he'll settle for "shtupping the bride!"

Assure the bride's mother that the groom is "hung like a horse".

Return a bra which the bride left in your car.

When the bride is coming down the aisle, push the organist out of the way and start playing "The Lady Is A Tramp".

Yeah - a bit cheezy sometimes, but still - just imagine a wedding where someone was actually doing some of these things. I'd like to attend that one for sure. Have a great night everyone!
Until the next time...


(Retro) Friday Night At The Homestead: June 23, 2006

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(Retro) My Dating Profile - June 28, 2006

Your dating personality profile:

Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.

Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.

Intellectual - You consider your mind amongst your assets. Learning is not a chore but a constant search after wisdom and knowledge. You value education and rationality.

Your date match profile:

Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.

Funny - You consider a good sense of humor a major necessity in a date. If his jokes make you laugh, he has won your heart.

Conservative - Forget liberals, you need a conservative match. Political discussions interest you, and a conservative will offer the viewpoint you need.

Your Top Ten Traits

1. Big-Hearted
2. Liberal
3. Intellectual
4. Practical
5. Funny
6. Sensual
7. Shy
8. Wealthy/Ambitious
9. Adventurous
10. Romantic

Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Practical
2. Funny
3. Conservative
4. Big-Hearted
5. Shy
6. Sensual
7. Traditional
8. Intellectual
9. Adventurous
10. Religious

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Seven Likes Survey - December 24, 2011 (Merry Christmas Eve)

"7 Likes Survey"

1: Are you ready for 127 questions?
Sock it to me, baby! I'm bored and can't sleep so I may as well be doing something.

2: Was your last relationship a mistake?
It had some interesting moments and I'm far better off now that it's over with, but I won't call it a mistake. There were a few good times there and I learned a lot about myself and others. So let's just say it was a learning experience and an adventure.. That sounds so much better.

3: Do you miss your last relationship?
I miss SOME of the craziness and the great activities... yes

4: Who did you last say "i love you" to?
It was Tian on the phone...

5: Do you regret it?
Not at all - she's an amazing and beautiful person and my sister in every way but blood and I do love her dearly

6: Have you ever been depressed?
Yeppers - feeling that way right now, but trying to get through it. Holidays are generally a bad time for me and I'm moody as hell anyhow.

7: Are you a boy or girl?
I have male body parts (what is that - a baby elephant?) so it would be "boy" - I think "all manly man" is a more appropiate term though.

8: Are you insecure?
Far more than I care to admit... Every single day, life is a major struggle.

9: What is your relationship status?
I'm in love with a guy I can't be with and all of my "FWB's" seem to have vanished. I'm very, very alone!

10: How do you want to die?
Either in my sleep or a very quick and painless heart attack when I'm 105 years old and just finishing up with an orgy involving several young men and a llama!

11: What did you last eat?
Last night around 9pm or so..

12: Have you played any sports?
Not recently, but I did do some football in middle school and I love to wrestle.

13: Do you bite your nails?
If I can't find the nail clippers, then yes..

14: When was your last physical fight?
It's been a while - I'm a lover, not a fighter.

15: Do you have an attitude?
Only when needed or deserved. It does pop up every so often.

16: Do you like someone?
I'm in love with someone (Cal) and there are several others who I think highly of and want to jump their bones for a few hours.

17: What is your real name?

18: Have you ever read a book?
I have read many, many books. I'm a writer, damn it and I love to read!

21: Do you miss someone?
With all my heart and soul - not having him here or being able to be with him actually physically hurts very, very badly.

22: Twirl or cut your spaghettii .?
I'm a twirler (insert gay joke here)... speaking of spaghetti, go read my blog on him at

23: Do you tan a lot?
Nope, I stay pale and pasty white as I'm supposed to be.

24: Have any pets?
Not at the moment.

25: How exactly are you feeling?
My legs hurt, my head hurts, I'm pissed off and disgusted at a mistake I made and I just want to leave here forever. But aside from that, I'm feeling okay.

26: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
Many times..

27: Ever made out in a bathroom?
Yeppers - if you want to call it that...

28: Good driver?
I think I am - DMV might not always agree though.

29: Are you scared of spiders?
Spiders - NO! Spider crickets are another story though.

30. If you could go back in time and change anything would you?

31: Do you regret anything from your past?
There are one or two things that I wish had been handled differently.

32: What are your plans for this weekend?
Well, since I'm broke and depressed and kind of disgusted with life this holiday weekend (Merry Christmas, by the way), I"ll probably just hang aound here and sleep / write / read and wish that I had the money to get hammered... or a guy here that could do some "hammering", if you know what I mean... lol.

33: Do you want to have kids?
I want to, but at my age, its too late to start being a new daddy. So it's not going to happen.

34: Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M?
A few times - yeah.

35: Do you type fast?

36: Do you have piercings?
Just one small hole in my left ear.

37: Want anymore?
I want to get my left nipple pierced.

38: Can you spell well?

39: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss a lot of people from my past - but life goes on.

40: What are you craving right now?
A cold beer, a sexy man and about three days away from everyone and everything but the beer and the sexy man.

41: Ever been to a bonfire party?
Many times..

42: Ever had a silly band?
No, but I've had silly putty. Close enough?

43: Have you ever been on a horse?
Yeah, I always loved to ride the merry-go-rounds.

44: Kissed someone in a pick up truck?
Yeah, there was some kissing involved, among other things.

45: Have you ever broken someones heart?
Not intentionally, but it's happened.

46: Have you ever been cheated on?

47: Have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?

48: Are you thinking of someone right now?

49: Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Absolutely - I'm not legally allowed to get married here in NC so living together would be the only option I have.

50: What should you be doing?
Probably sleeping..

51: Whats irritating you right now?
Aches and pains in my head and legs and just general depression whipping my ass.

52: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
More than anyone will ever realize..

53: Does somebody love you?
Truthfully, I wonder about that sometimes. Cal says he does and I've got some amazing friends so I guess the answer is "yes"...

54: What is your favorite color?
Black, purple and hot pink

55: Have you ever changed clothes in a car ?
Many times

56: Milk chocolate or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate

57: Do you have trust issues?
Only with people.. yeah!

58: Best friends name?
I'm not listing my friends in any kind of order - that's wrong because they all mean the world to me.

59: 2nd best friends name?
See my previous answer...

60: 3rd best friends name?
I repeat, see my previous answer.

61: Longest relationship?
Friend or romantic? Longest friend I'm still friends with is either The Manships (Jim & Lee Ann) or Greg. Longest relationship was roughly ten-plus years when I was Chad's "other woman". "Pa" lasted almost as long too and in fact, these two "relationships" were often intertwined. I was a messed up individual back then.

62: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
I think so - I'm extreemly unforgettable... lol

63: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Not sure because its been a while - NO ONE ever gets to see me cry!

64: Do you give out second chances too easily?

65: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgiving is very easy - I do NOT forget.

66: Is this year the best year of your life?
With the exception of a couple of people who I care for, this has easily been the worst year of my life.

67: What was your childhood nickname?
"Dougie-Fresh" is the only one I can really remember...

68: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
Yeppers - I'm a sexy beast and I know it so why try to hide it... lol.

69: Favorite food?
Just take me to a chinese buffet and I'm very happy.

70: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I guess so - just wish I knew what some of those reasons are..

71: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Turned on my fan and turned off the lights and said a prayer for Cal.

72: Did you have a dream last night?
Nope (for a change)

73: What is bothering you?
Head is hurting, body is falling apart and life stinks. Plus I'm hungry, but too lazy to go cook anything. Typical morning.

74: Have you ever been out of state?
Many, many times..

75: Do you play the wii?

76: Are you listening to music right now?
Nah, I'm enjoying the sounds of silence before everyone else starts to get up.

77: Do you like chinese food?

78: Who are you texting right now?
I'm not - it's too early in the AM to be waking anyone up.

79: Are you afraid of the dark?
Nope - I love the darkness - it calls to me and embraces me.

80: Is cheating ever okay?
It's never the ideal situation, but I can't judge others for what they do.

81: Are you mean?
I prefer to say "blunt and honest" and maybe a bit cynical on the side.

82: Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell no!

83: What year has been your best?
Anywhere between 1991 - 1996 would probably fit for me - it's been a roller coaster since then,

84: Do you believe in true love?

85: Favorite weather?
Slightly overcast - maybe about sixty degrees and with a good breeze blowing.

86: Do you like the snow?
I love to watch it come down - it's beautiful. But I hate having to drive in it.

87: Does it snow a lot where you live?
Not really..

88: Do you like the outside?
I like going outside at night when it's slightly cooler and the moon lights the way, but aside from that, I'm definitely not an outside person.

89: Are you currently bored?
Somewhat - yes...

90: Do you wanna get married?
I would love to get married to the right man one day, but unfortunately, unless I move to another state, it's not going to happen. It's illegal for me to marry the person I love because the idea of same-sex marriage offends some right-wing zealot wingnuts.

91: Is it cute when a boyfriend/girlfriend calls you baby?
I like

93: Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?
Yeppers - I'm a great kisser and it's hard to stop once we get going... lol

94: What makes you happy?
Being with my friends, a job well done, long country drives, kittens and talking to Cal..

95: Would you change your name?
Not my real, legal name. I'm used to it and know how to spell all the words. But I have given thought many times to changing the name that I write and publish under...

96: Ever been to Alaska?

97: Ever been to Hawaii?

98: Do you watch the news?
Every day - I flip back and forth between Fox and MSNBC (with a slight bit of CNN in the middle) to get the majority of the stories and ALL points of view. And I also read at least two newspapers, cover to cover, each and every day.

99: What's your zodiac sign?
In the traditional horoscope, I'm a cancer. In the Chinese astrology stuff, I'm a horse. So I guess all of that makes me a "crabby jackass".... lol

100: Do you like subway?
I hate the subway. It smells like pee and is full of rats and old people... lol. (just kidding - they cleaned out most of the rats)... lol

101: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Who? Your boyfriend? I'd kiss him again because he's so hot (and can lift heavy objects too... lol)

102: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
I hope that they like me or else why would they be my "best friend"???

103: Do you like talking to your friends?
Sometimes I do and other times, I'd rather just be alone. I'm not a people person and luckily for me, most of my friends are used to my anti-social and quirky ways.

104: Why did you decide to do this quiz?
Because I saw it on Tamara's FB profile and I like to do surveys.

105: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?
Of course I have - we all have those moments when we're not really in the mood to socialize or make meaningless small talk - I just pretend I was distracted and didn't see them.

106: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
NO! Everyone gets to see parts of me (I'm a complex person with lots of parts) but unfortunately, it's become almost impossible for me to totally let my guard down and totally relaxed around anyone (unless I'm drunk). Parts of me are forever hidden and buried away and will always remain so.

107: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
Probably my mother.

108: Do you feel good?
Nope - I actually feel pretty crappy. I might just go back to bed in a little while.

109: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Probably Brian - I don't really do deep conversations too often. Most people can't handle them.

110: Favorite lyrics right now?
"Mom got drunk and Dad got drunk at our Christmas party"...... Robert Earl Keen and the song "Merry Christmas From The Family" is ringing in my head right now. I wish I was drunk...

111: Can you count to one million?
Probably, but why would I want to?

112: Are your finger nails painted at the moment?
Nope - not at the moment... lol

113: Favorite color(s)?
Purple, Black and Hot Pink

114: Favorite number?
"69" dude! "18" is my second favorite - it means legal.. lol

115: If you could pick two people your own age or younger to be stuck on a stranded island with, who would it be?
Cal (cause I love him and just would want to be with him) and Jed (cause he's one of the most resourceful and creative people I know and would be able to keep us alive and probably get us off the island)

116: Are you a hunter?
Only for a cold beer or a hot piece of ass... lol.

117: Tall or short?
Doesn't really matter - I'm not picky about height

118: Favorite subject in school?
History, followed by english (yeah, I was a nerd)

119: What 5 people do you trust the most?
(In no particular order) Brian, Theresa, Tian, Sue and Cal...

120: Who do you think has amazing hair?
Dylan (the guy across the road) - it's long and looks great on him.

121: Parents divorced?

122: What city do you live in?

123: Where were you born?

124: Recliner or couch?
Couch (I like to stretch out)

125: What two people do you miss talking to?
Theresa & (surprisingly) Cathy

126: Who will you be with this weekend?
Probably all alone as always... :- (

127: Parents names
Mom & Dad