Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Avenging Shadows - Part 9

Quentin Collins leaned back in his chair and looked at the two men staring back at him.

"So Druid, Hank... any idea when we might be able to get past this block in my head?", he asked.

"Not really", Druid replied grimly. "It's a mystical block and everything I've tried so far has been ineffective."

"Are you sure it's mystical?", Hank Pym asked.

Both Druid and Quentin looked at the visiting Avenger.

"It has to be", Druid said. "It's not natural or my powers would be able to piece it. So what else could it be?"

"I'm reminded of when I was kidnapped and brainwashed by Egghead and forced to betray the Avengers. I was under Egghead's control and influence and didn't even realize it. There was a block, similar to what Mr. Collins seems to be going through. I was scanned telepathically by Moondragon at the time and she couldn't even pierce it - we assumed it was a case of temporary insanity."

"Egghead?", Quentin smirked.

"One of those rule the world, mad scientist types", Pym said. "He had the oddest shaped head."

"But what's your point, Pym?", Druid asked impatiently.

"You can't get past the block and it's not natural, right?", Pym said.

"Yes", Druid said.

"Any chance it might be a chemical blockage of some type, a combination of drugs and post-hypnotic suggestion", asked Hank.

"That's possible, but I would detect some remenants of the hypnotic spell when I scan his mind", Druid said.

"How about a joint effort then?", Pym asked.

"What do you have in mind?", Druid asked.

"I try hypnosis and see if I can get Quentin to remember how he was recruited as the figurehead leader of those vampires, while you use your telepathy, at the same time, to scan his mind and see if you can learn anything", replied Pym.

"So we attack the block from both directions and see if causes it to weaken or crumble altogether?", Druid queried.

"Exactly", Pym replied.

"Not to be a spoilsport here, Docs, but what would it do to my head... to be manipulated from two different directions at the same time?", Quentin Collins injected into the conversation. "Is it safe?"

"You're not at much risk", Druid smiled.

"Of course, it could turn your brain to jello and cause massive brain damage", Pym added.

"Sure. What the heck!", Quentin replied.

"What?", Pym asked.

"I said what the heck!", Quentin replied. "It can't be any worse than having mental blocks and suppressed memories, can it?"

"Actually, it could kill you.", Druid replied grimly.

"Not so long as a certain little painting exists", Quentin smiled. "I think we should do it."

"Are you sure?", Pym asked. "I really think you should think about it first."

"I've thought about it. I want to know who mucked with my head and made me the leader of that vampire cult", Quentin said. "I've got hundreds of deaths on my conscience that those vampires caused. I was their leader, in body anyhow. And I want to know why!"

(There was a knock at the door)

"Come in", Druid spoke loudly at the door as Barnabas Collins entered the room.

"I'm sorry to interupt", Barnabas said, "but you've been in here for hours and I was curious if you've come any closer to discovering just who or what controlled my cousin and his actions?"

"Nope. Not yet, Cuz", Quentin smiled at his grim-faced cousin. "But I think we have have come up with something. A double-attack on the block to see if either Pym or Druid can penetrate it."

"It's more complicated than that", Druid said quickly.

"And it could prove to be very dangerous to Quentin as well", Pym added.

"But solving this mystery is of paramount importance, correct?", Barnabas questioned.

"Indeed it is and I'm ready to do it... whatever we have to do", Quentin said.

"So be it", Druid said. "It will take a few hours to prepare, but we can do it tonight just after sundown, so Barnabas can be here as well. I assume you will want to be here, Mr. Collins?"

"You assume correctly", Barnabas said.

"I just thought of something", Quentin said. "Barnabas has a kind of empathatic connection with me and has some mind control powers as well. What if he was to add his abilities to those of you two Docs and make it a three-pronged attack on the block?"

"Most likely, your brain wouldn't be able to handle the strain and would turn to mush", Pym said.

"Three minds probing and pushing would be too much", Druid agreed.

"I also agree", Barnabas said. "My powers might be strong, but they're not nearly as effective or refined as those of Druid's. But I will be there to give support and be there for you, Cousin."

"So it's just two. Oh well... chickens!", Quentin smirked. I guess if we're going to do this tonight, I'd better go rest up and get ready. So if you'll excuse me.."

Barnabas, Pym and Druid watched as Quentin left the room. Barnabas turned to Druid and Pym.

"Do you really think this might be the answer to get past those blocks and discover who was behind Quentin's actions as the vampire cult-leader?", he asked.

"It's the best idea we've come up with so far", Druid replied. "It should work."

"I hope so", Barnabas agreed. "We need to discover who or what was behind that whole situation".

"Agreed", Druid said. "And I believe I'm going to go consult more with Stephen Strange and see if he's willing to sit in and assist as well."

"Having Earth's Sorcerer Supreme here couldn't hurt", Pym agreed.

"No, it couldn't", Druid agreed. "Gentlemen..."

Pym and Barnabas watched as Druid left the room to go contact contact Dr. Strange.

"So what exactly do you have in mind, if you don't mind my asking", Barnabas turned to Pym and asked.

"A kind of two-pronged attack on this block, just as Quentin and Druid said", Pym replied. "I use my own skills at hypnosis on Quentin while Druid employs mystic probes at the same time, to see if we can pierce the barrier and discover what happened to Quentin and how he ended up as the leader of that group of vampire cultists."

"It might work", Barnabas agreed. "By the way Doctor, I have yet to thank you for your work in developing that synthenic blood that we've been using to keep the ill effects, the hunger for blood, of my curse at bay."

"Not a problem", Pym replied. "Using the notes that you provided from Dr. Hoffman allowed me to modify her earlier serum and provide you some respite from that particular part of your curse. Have you considered having Dr. Druid, or even Dr. Strange attempt to see if they can lift or remove your curse and allow you to become human again instead of a..."

"Instead of a vampire", Barnabas replied grimly. "Both Druid and Strange have done extensive probing and research and could lift my curse easily."

"Then why haven't you had it done", Pym asked.

"Because of the particular enchantments used to install this curse, to have it removed would only occur at a great cost to those I care for, and would mean the end of the Collins family forever."

"Is that even possible", Pym asked.

"Sadly, it is. For me to be free, my family would die... and that's something I will not allow", Barnabas said.

"Well, I can definitely understand that. I noticed that Dr. Hoffman had, for a time, found a way to allow you to function in daylight and avoid most of the restrictions that your curse involves", Pym noted.

"Yes. For a short time, I was able to live as a normal man while still retaining all of my vampiric powers. Why do you ask, Doctor?", Barnabas inquired.

"What happened?", Pym asked.

"My body built up an immunity to the serums she used and a group of evil creatures called the Levithans used their science and magic to alter my body's chemistry. What worked for a time ceased to work anymore", Barnabas answered.

"Do you still have those notes available?", Pym wanted to know.

"Yes, I believe I do", Barnabas replied. "Why? Would you like to see them?"

"Yes, I would", Pym responded. "Maybe with some tests and slight alterations of my own, I could recreate the process and allow you to once more live as a normal human despite being unable to remove the curse. The notes you provided already have allowed me to modify her serum into a strong serum and partial cure. Any other notes you may provide might be important and allow me to cure you completely, as much as possible anyhow."

"That would be wonderful", Collins replied. "I'll bring them with me tonight when I return to the castle. But for now, I think the focus should be on Quentin."

"Agreed", Pym said. "With that block in his head, he's a walking time bomb that could be a danger to himself and even used against the Avengers and humanity itself."

"I concur", Collins said.

"So are you staying here at the Castle for breakfast or returning to your flat", Pym asked.

"It's nearly time for the sun to rise", Collins said. "I'll probably retire to the chambers the Widow has offered me to remain for the day and then travel to my flat tonight after dusk."

"But you will be here tonight for mine and Druid's attempt to break this block on Quentin?", Pym asked.

"Absolutely. Now, if you'll excuse me, Dr. Pym, I fear I must end this conversation. I want to be in my chambers before the sun rises."

"Of course", Pym said as Barnabas prepared to leave the room. "I have a few things I want to double-check myself as well, plus a phone call to make. One last question, Barnabas. Is Doctor Hoffman still alive?"

"No. Sadly, Julia died many years ago from cancer. I told her to quit smoking, but alas, she was a stubborn type and refused to listen. She's buried in the family cementary at Collinwood in Maine."

"I'm sorry", Pym said. "I was hoping to be able to consult her and maybe get her aid on helping circumvent your curse. I didn't stop to think. She was a brilliant woman."

"Yes, she was", Collins replied. "She was light years ahead of her time and absolutely amazing. I shall always miss her dearly. Now if you'll excuse me..."

Barnabas quickly walked away towards his chambers and Dr. Hank Pym found himself standing there alone.


The morning at breakfast at Avengers Castle was a busy time. A buffet table had been set up and all of the Avengers on site were gathered. Black Widow, Andromeda, Mantis and her son, Jacques, Lyja, Quentin Collins, Dr. Druid, The Living Lightning, Spitfire, Dr. Pym and Hercules. Only Iceman and The Gargoyle, who had yet to return from their trip to Weschester, MA to aid the X-Men, and Barnabas Collins, who was in his death-like slumber in his chambers, were not present.

"Excuse me everyone", the Widow said as she rose from her seat. "I would like to make a few announcements if you don't mind".

"Is this an official meeting", Lightning asked as he looked up from his plate of eggs.

"No", the Widow said. "It's just so rare that we have everyone here at the same time. I just have a few things I need to mention and then I believe one of our colleagues has an announcement as well."

"Shouldn't we wait for Bobby and Issac to get back", Lyja asked? "I spoke to Bobby this morning and they'll be flying back this afternoon from the States."

"We can catch them up when they return", Widow said.

"So what does thou wish us to know, fair Natasha", Hercules asked.

"Just a couple of small things. To start, I received a memo from Captain America this morning. And those who sponsor us, the United Nations Security Council, has asked and both the Captain and I again that our official name be changed from 'Avengers Europe' to 'Avengers International', since we cover and protect far more than just Europe".

"So what's in a name?", Lightning asked. "We're all Avengers... period."

"Agreed", said the Widow. "That is more of something for the press releases and public relations rather than having a direct effect on any of us."

"And you said that someone had an announcement to make?", Druid queried.

"Yes, of course", Widow said. "Andromeda, if you will..."

Andromeda rose to address her associates and fellow Avengers.

"As most of you are aware, I was invited to join the Avengers at the direction of my liege, the one true Lord of Atlantis, King Namor. And now, Namor has recalled those orders and wants me to return to Atlantis as Head of the Royal Guard and also General of the Atlantean armies."

"What...?", Lightning replied.

"By my father's beard", said Hercules.

"So this means", Lyja asked.

"I'm leaving the Avengers, effective immediately", Andromeda said sadly.

"Not leaving the team", the Widow quickly clarified, "but only switching to a reserve status."

"Aw, that sucks!", Lightning said quietly as the gathered heroes gathered around their ally to offer both congratulations to her new job and regrets over her leaving the group.

To the side stood Mantis and her son, Phillip, the half-human / half-plant teenage visitor, wearing clothes borrowed from the closet of the Living Lightning.

"This one is sad that Andromeda is leaving", Mantis said quietly to her son. "She is a true warrior and Avenger. And that shall make this one's parting even harder when it comes."

Her son turned and looked at his mother sadly and quietly flashed her a warm message via his telepathy and empathy. He gave her a hug as they stood and watched the Avengers saying goodbye to Andromeda.

Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of a high pitched buzzing noise.

"That's a Level 6 Alert", the Widow said as she quickly reached for her communicard. "Widow here. What's happening", she asked.

"We have an emergency summons from over in Paris", a voice rang out from the small device. "A hostage situation involving Hydra!"

"We're on our way", the Widow said. "Folks, I hate to interupt breakfast, but duty calls. Avengers Assemble! Quentin, have Iceman and Gargoyle contact me as soon as they return to the castle on their communicards. And Andromeda, would you care to stick around for a few more hours?"

"You don't have to ask twice", Andromeda said as she headed towards the doorway leading to the Quinjets.

Jacques started to come alongside his mother, Mantis, but she quickly turned and stopped him.

"This one must go with her team", Mantis said quietly. "We are needed, but this is not a situation for you to be involved in. Stay here with Mr. Collins until we return, OK?"

With a sad nod, the young man known as Jacques stepped back and allowed his mother to join the rest of her team headed for the Quinjets. The Avengers quickly vanished from sight as Quentin Collins and Jacques watched.

Quentin turned to Jacques, and with a small grin asked, "Well kid, there's still plenty of breakfast left. You hungry? Let's eat!"


As the Avengers arrived on the scene in Paris, they could see the building surrounded by police and Government officials. The Black Widow quickly contacted the official in charge to find out the details of the situation.

"They have over a hundred hostages in there... and that's not the worst of it", the Police Inspector told the Widow.

"What is the worst?", Widow asked.

"This building is a government sponsored lab. They make chemicals and weapons for the military", the Inspector said.

"Such as...", the Widow asked.

"Well, I can't confirm it, but I've heard that this particular lab specializes in nerve gases and toxins", the Inspector replied.

"So that might explain what Hydra is doing here", Widow commented. "How many Hydra agents are estimated inside the building?"

"We estimate it to be maybe twenty, maybe twenty five, but we can't be sure", the Inspector answered.

"We need to know", the Widow said quietly.

She quickly turned to the Avengers who were standing behind her and listening to this conversation.

"We need to find out how many Hydra agents are in there, where they are and what kind of firepower we're dealing with. Lyja, I want you to change forms and do some scouting. Hank, are you able..."

"I'm already ahead of you, Widow", Hank Pym replied. "I'm going to shrink down to ant-sized and go try to find the lab. I'll be in touch."

With those words, Hank Pym vanished from sight to scarcely an inch tall and headed off towards the building.

"I've already began to telepathically scan the building", Druid said. "I've found the leader of the division and I'm planting a suggestion or two into his mind. My God! They plan on setting off a chemical bomb that will destroy half of Paris if detonated. We've got to move quickly!"

Widow thought for a second and agreed with Druid's assessment.

"Mantis and Andromeda, move into position and be ready to move in when I give the signal. Spitfire, how fast can you get the hostages out?", Widow asked.

"As fast as I need to", Spitfire said.

"We need a diversion", Widow said. "Lightning, can you overload the building and short out the generators?"

"Of course, but wouldn't that risk a panic?", Lightning asked.

"They have back-up generators that would activate in a matter of seconds, so we'd have to move quickly, but there wouldn't be time to panic."

The Widow felt a slight buzz and opened her communicard.

"This is Hank. I've found the main labs. It looks as if most of the hostages have been crowded into a cafeteria next to the lab with only about six agents standing guard. Something here doesn't feel right though. These terrorists are dressed as Hydra, but they don't feel or act like Hydra."

"This feels wrong to me too", Widow agreed. "But regardless, they need to be taken out. Can you handle the ones guarding the hostages?"

"I think so", Pym replied. "And Lyja is here with me too. We can take out these agents and protect the hostages."

"So what's the plan", Spitfire asked.

"Plan Fastball", the Widow smiled.

"Create chaos and hit them hard and fast", Lightning smiled.

"Exactly", Widow said.

"So are we ready to storm the building", Spitfire asked.

"Yes", Widow said. "Druid, try to entrance and confuse as many of the Hydra as you can. Lightning, go blow out the lights. Spitfire, be ready to grab and move out any hostages as quickly as possible. Mantis, Spitfire, Hercules, Andromeda and myself will take out the agents. Any questions? If not, then go!"

Lightning took off and in a matter of seconds, the lights blew. And the Avengers stormed the building from all angles as Dr. Pym and Lyja quickly surprised and took out the guards that were watching the hostages. It was chaos and confusion for the assembled Hydra soldiers as they were throttled by Mantis, smashed by Hercules, tossed around by Andromeda, stung by the Black Widow, and entranced by the powers of Druid. Spitfire moved quickly and got the hostages out, aided by Dr. Pym and Lyja. The Hydra agents didn't stand a chance and in a matter of moments, it was over.

"No injuries to the hostages and minimal property damage and all of the terrorists captured in virtually no time and the area is secure", Widow said. "Great job everyone!".

"Was it just me or did this seem way too easy", Pym asked as he approached the Widow.

"Now that you mention it", Widow agreed. "These so-called Hydra agents were poorly trained and poorly coordinated."

"That's because I suspect that they're not Hydra agents at all", Druid said, walking up beside his teammates.

"What do you mean?", Widow asked.

"I kept scanning them telepathically to turn them against each other during our siege", Druid said, "and I didn't sense any of the typical blocks or defenses that most Hydra agents seem to have. These... lowlifes might be many things, but they're not Hydra."

"I'm getting a bad feeling", Widow said quietly.

"Me too!", Pym agreed. "I think we've been set up!"

"This was a ruse", Widow said. "Hank, why don't you..."

"I'm already trying to contact the castle on my communicard", Dr. Pym said. "I'm not getting any response!"

"But even if no one was available, the automatic systems should pick up. I think we have a problem here", Widow said. "Let's get back to the castle, pronto! Avengers Assemble!"

Quickly, the Avengers gathered into their Quinjet and took off into the air, headed back to Avengers Castle in England, unsure of what would await them.

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