Wednesday, October 5, 2011

If You Don't Like Hank Williams Jr...

If You Don't Like Hank Williams, You Can Kiss My ...

There is a subject on my mind that I want to speak about. Usually, I try to avoid politics and religion because they're no-win topics. When it comes to those two subjects, far more than any others, people don't care about facts or statistics. It's about about ideologies and perceptions.

No matter what evidence a person uses to back up their claims, if someone doesn't agree, they'll find a way to dispute and argue and disagree. Even friends that might agree on ninety-nine percent of everything can be split apart and end up at each others throats when politics and religion are the subjects being discussed. It's human nature and people generally tend to think with their emotions and hearts rather than their heads. It's just how things are.

But that being said, I'm going to break my own rules and address a topic that are currently making headlines. I'm just giving my opinions and I don't expect anyone to agree. If you do, that's great. And if you don't, that's fine too. It's your perrogative. But this is my blog, my site, my column and what I say is what I see and feel. This is my playground and I'm ready to play. So let's do this.

The topic is Hank Williams Jr. and his "controversial remarks" that he made a few days ago on the "Fox & Friends" program. What Mr. Williams, known as "Bocephus" to his friends, family and fans, of which I count myself among, said, commenting on the recent "Golf Summit" between President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner, was this:

“It would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu,”

And people have gone crazy. ESPN reacted by dropping Williams from his spot opening the show, Monday Night Football, a job he has held for 23 years. People are calling for a boycott of William's music and albums and are accusing Williams of being "unpatriotic" and "racist" and "extreme".

In his defense, Williams says that he was making an analogy, comparing the ubsurdity of President Obama and Speaker Boehner, two "polar opposites" who will "never see eye to eye", out there on a golf course, having a photo opportunity when people are "hurting" and "out of work", saying it makes about as much sense as it would to see "Hitler" and "Netanyahu" out playing golf together when they would be mortal enemies and foes.

And you know what? Hank Jr. is correct. The analogy was a bit on the extreme side, but it makes definitely gets the point across. He was not calling President Obama "Hitler", although that's exactly what the crazies are trying to say. He said that Obama and Boehner being together makes as much sense as Hitler and Netanyahu being together. It's not calling anyone anything... period! And just by some slim chance that he was (but he wasn't), who's to say that maybe Boehner was the one who's supposed to be Hitler and maybe Barack is Netanyahu? It could be taken that way as well.

But then again, if Hank was to call Boehner names, he wouldn't be criticized or raked across the coals. Nope, he'd probably be offered a job at MSNBC on their prime time schedule, where calling former President Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and anyone who disagrees with the President and his policies names like "murderers, terrorists, racists, bigots and idiots", among other equally offensive names, is just another day at the office. Don't believe me? Just watch any episode of "Hardball with Chris Matthews", "The Last Word with Lawerence O'Donnell" or "The Rachel Maddow Show", not to mention that stink-fest starring Al Sharpton and listen.

Hank Jr. made a bad analogy, pure and simple. If he had compared Obama and Boehner to say perhaps, "Dracula and Van Helsing" or maybe, since he was on Fox News, "O'Reilly and Olbermann". He was making a simple, honest, point and even though Hank wasn't politicially correct by using the name of "Hitler", I don't see it as a personal attack on the President and anyone who can or does is really stretching. At least that's how I feel.

As Hank Jr. said in a follow-up remark to this craziness, it "makes a whole lot of us angry" when "both sides are high-fiving it on the ninth hole when everybody else is without a job." He says he's "always respected the office of the President," but "the policies have to change." He's telling the truth. It might not be what the Obamaniacs want to hear, but it's true. And the Republicans need to listen to because he's calling them out and taking them to task as well. Hank didn't say it well, but he said it right. And even though it might not be the popular stand to take, I'm glad he said it.

And if anyone doesn't agree. they're probably racist. Oh wait a moment, that's anyone who doesn't agree with the President and his followers and dares to support other ideas or politicians and doesn't believe in socialist policies. And since I disagree with this witchhunt of Bocephus, I guess that means I'm racist too. I just wonder if there would be this kind of criticism if Sean Penn or Michael Moore said the same thing, since they regularly say things just as bad and often worse. Probably not. Never mind.

Bottom line is, since Hank Jr. is a Republican and made a politically incorrect move by using Obama and Hitler in the same sentence, he's punished, slammed, burned at the stake and totally trashed in the media. He loses a job at ESPN and Monday Night Football that he's held for twenty-three years. He was making a very valid point about the ubsurdity of the so-called "Golf Summit" and should be applauded for pointing out just how ridiculous it truly was.

But this is America, land of repression, political correctness and don't rock the boat, especially if it's Obama's boat. And a true American icon gets slammed . It's sad as hell, but that just the way it is these days, constitution and freedom of speech be damned.

It's something to think about.

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