Sunday, October 16, 2011

Twenty Controversial Questions (Survey) - October 16, 2011

20 Controversial Questions

Do you have the guts take this survey?

Well, I'm here and I'm answering the questions so I guess that would not only be a "yes", but a "hell yeah" too.

Would you do meth if it was legalized?

Nope - not a big fan of drugs (any of them). I hate taking aspirin and that's far easier than doing the meth.

Abortion: for or against it?

It's not that simple - I do not think abortion is something I would choose for myself, if it was possible for me to even get pregnant, which it's not. BUT I refuse to comdemn anyone else if that's the choice they feel is best for their particular situation. It's not my place to judge others - I can only speak for myself.

Do you think the world would fail with a female president?

Depends on who she is - the gender of the person in charge doesn't matter - it's the strength, character and leadership skills of the person that counts. I know of several women who I feel would do a good job if elected President.

Do you believe in the death penalty?

An eye for an eye is how the old cliche' goes - and I agree...

Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?

It may as well be - it's less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol and if legalized, the government could tax it and raise massive revenue.

Are you for or against premarital sex?

Well, I'm not married and will probably never be married - and I like sex a whole lot - so I guess that means "for"... lol

Do you believe in God?


Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?

Yes, I do - if two people are in love and want to make a committment, both legally and recognized by their friends, family and community, they should be allowed to. I understand why some people (the more religious people) don't like it, but it's no worse (and is condemned in the bible) far less than adultry, divorce and pre-martial sex - and they don't get too upset when those things happen. Marriage makes communities and families stronger - it shows committment and love - and it shouldn't matter if it's a man and woman, two men or two women - so long as they're legal adults and feel ready to make that committment. Same sex marriage doesn't destroy what marriage is - it enhances it. And to be honest, I would love to one day be able to be legally married to the man I love here in my home state and be able to celebrate our love rather than have to be ashamed of and hide it.

Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the country?

Not really because I can't really blame them. America has always been the land of opportunity for people from all over the world - they leave their homes and come here to find work, build lives and be Americans. If I was Mexican and had the chance, I'd probably be doing it too. Illegal immigration does need to be better controlled and there should be consequences for illegal aliens if they come here and break the laws and cause trouble, but I don't blame them for wanting to come here.

A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?

That depends on the girl, her maturity level, what kind of support and family she has and many other different factors. It's a case by case question that has no absolute right or wrong answer.

Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?

Yes - if you can vote, be drafted, buy a gun and buy cigarettes, you should be able to buy a beer.

Should the war in Iraq be called off?

Yes - our mission there was to kill Saddam Hussein and make sure that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. That mission is accomplished. Now, our troops are there in Iraq (and Afghanistan) doing "nation building". The U.S. is trying to rebuild everything destroyed in the wars and make everything up to OUR standards (or better) - we can't afford that and that's not what our mission was. It's not our place to set up puppet Governments in these countries and foot the bill for everything. That's what the UN is for - so either we just take full control (we invaded - we conquered - we won) and admit that we're taking control or else we get the hell out - our jobs are done and we mind our own business. The U.S. Government seems to want it both ways, but it just doens't work that way.

Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?

I can understand why some people, who are dying and suffering with no chance of recovery might want to die and I think it's there right. I know if I was sick or helpless and had no chance of ever getting better, I might consider suicide as to remove myself as a burden to those I love and to end the suffering. And if I can't do it myself, it might be good to have an option and have someone who can help in my decision, regardless of what that decison might be. With all that in mind, I think it should be legal and available as an option when there is nothing else left.

Do you believe in spanking children?

A swat on the butt is okay. I see nothing wrong with that. But physical abuse that leaves marks or is excessive is another story altogether. Most of the people in my generation were spanked as children and I think most of us would admit we deserved it. It made the impression it was supposed to, with minor damage, but major impact - and we learned what not to do. So in moderation and using proper judgement, I feel spanking can be and is a useful tool in raising children. Sometimes, it's all that works.

Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?

Old and damaged flags are supposed to be burnt. And think about all of the good that could be done wtih that much money. I think the good (using the money to help my family, friends and community) outweighs the bad (burning a flag) - and I love my country, but I don't think, in a situation like this, that anyone would care if I made the decision to go for it and get the money.

Who do you think would be a better president: McCain or Obama?

This is an old survey... lol. McCain was a very weak candidiate for President and that's why he lost. But Obama has been a very weak president for the past three years and our country has suffered greatly for it. Of the two men, I think McCain would have been more successful as President and our country would be in better shape today. He sure as hell couldn't be any worse than the man currently in office.

Do you think Obama will be killed?


Should child predators be forced to wear signs identifying themselves ?

This is a tough question because while I feel that children should be protected, I don't think it's constitutional to make anyone wear signs or special marks identifying themselves in that way. It just makes me think too much of Nazi Germany where the Jews were forced to wear identifying clothing / tags, etc. This is just a very touchy situation and there is no right answer I can give. If parents and families did their jobs in monitering and providing structure for their kids, the chances and risks of being preyed upon by pedophiles would be greatly reduced. My parents spent time with me and taught me to be careful of who I talk to and where I go - if all parents did that, the available victims would be greatly reduced in number and this wouldn't be quite the problem it's become. I can and do support sex offenders who are considered predatory being required to register for a certain amount of time and allowing local law enforcement officials to have their addresses and know their whereabouts, but even with that, there needs to be limits as to what is and what isn't allowed, for everyone involved, both the officials and the offenders.

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?

Honestly, I really don't care. With me, I am who I am and what you see is what you get, period. If someone doesn't agree with my thoughts or opinions on something, that's fine. I don't expect everyone to agree with me on everything. It doesn't hurt my feelings at all. I already get judged for being fat, being a man, being gay, dressing for comfort instead of style, where I live at, who I hang around with, my hobbies, the sports I like, the movies I watch, the books I read, etc. So what's one or two more things. I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be. Nobody is. 'Nuff said!

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