Saturday, February 4, 2012

(Retro) WWE Raw Recap - October 6, 2003

WWE Raw Recap - 10/06/03

What's up all! It's your ever-loving favorite degenerate, Doug M. with the RAW recap for 10-06-03. We're live on Spike TV from the Mohegan Sun Casino. The hosts are Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. For tonite, at the end of every segment, I'm going to give a rating of one to five stars depending on how I thought the segment went, along with a few comments. I may keep doing this or I may not, but I wanted to try to make this as entertaining as well as informative to all the fine folks out there who read this. But enough lally-gagging. It's time to get RAW!

We open with a video recap of HHH from last week. He's got money and puts a $100,000 bounty on the head of Goldberg.

Opening Montage and lots of fireworks and RAW is on the air.

Kane versus Rosey (the S.H.I.T.)

Kane attacks as Rosey enters the ring. But Rosey's come to fight with a Samoan drop and some huge fists. Kane nails Rosey with a boot and proceeds to do some clubbering. Kane works over the super-hero in training in the corner and nails a big suplex. Rosey fights back with some elbows - but Kane stuns him with a huge slam. Kane to the top and dives, but Rosey moves. Rosey lands some big splashes in the corners and hits a DDT, followed up by a legdrop. Kane has had enough and hits the chokeslam from hell to pick up the win.

WInner: Kane

After the match, cue the music and here comes the Hurricane. He attacks Kane, but gets nothing but a chokeslam for his troubles. And then more music - here comes the money. It's Shane O'Mac with an attack from behind. He hits and runs up the ramp. Kane follows.

Segment 1 - A really good match considering who was involved. ***1/2

Kane is all over the back, looking for Shane. He terrorizes a few folks and takes a trip through the production truck, looking for Shane. He picks up a metal bar along the way and spies Shane in the parking lot. Shane climbs into a limo and Kane busts open the top and climbs in after him. Shane climbs out the front and wedges a board in the gas. Tells Shane to "have a nice trip" and the limo goes crashing into a truck. JR and King look shocked. The audience is shouting "bullshit"..

Segment 2 - I agree with the live audience on this whole angle. 1/2*

We're back and folks are all over the back - tending to the wreckage. They show the replay several times. Steve Austin is here and the firemen make him back off.

Gail Kim versus Lita

Molly is sitting in on commentary. Lita gets a big pop. Starting off with slaps and Lita lands a suplex for 2. Gail goes for a dropkick, but Lita moves. Big slam by Lita and she goes to the top. Comes off, but lands on Gail's knees. Gail goes towork on the neck of Lita. Lita fights back with kicks and hits a side-sweep suplesx on Gail. Clothesline by Lita. Lita hits the Lita-bomb, but only gets a 2. Gail hits a boot and goes to the top. A messed up dive (probably a neckbreaker but I 'm not sure) and Lita goes for the Twist of Fate. Gail escapes, so Lita nails her with a DDT for the pin.

Winner: LIta

In the back, workers continue to try and free Kane from the wreckage.Eric Bischoff is here and wants to know what's going on as security holds him back. Cut to..

HHH with a pre-recorded promo. He plays with his money and warns Goldberg that, as a famous man once said, "Everybody has a price!".

Segment 3 - Not bad. The match with Lita/Gail was pretty good till the end. Eric looked convincing in his role - and HHH played the arrogant a-hole better than anyone (except maybe Vince) - give it **1/2

Sting of the Night - Mark Henry takes out HBK last Monday night on RAW
HBK goes to talk to Steve Austin. He wants Mark Henry or else he's taking matters into his own hands. Stone Cold plugs Nike and says "do it!"

Scott Steiner and Stacy come to the ring. Stacy looks scared and Steiner looks loke a Big Poppa Pump we haven't seen in a while. He wants an apology from Stacy - on her knees. Eric Bischoff comes out and welcomes the old "Big Bad Booty Daddy" back. He has a special opponent for Steiner. Steiner says bring it on.

Segment 4 - very short -but with HBK, Eric and the return of the real Scott Steiner - give it a ****1/2.

Scott Steiner versus Spike Dudley

It's a total squash as Steiner just dominates over Spike as Stacy looks sadly on from outside the ring. Spike tries to get in some offense, but it's all BPP. So -they cut to the back and we see them load Kane up onto a stretcher and put him into an ambulance. Back to the match as the squash continues. Scotty finally plants Spike and gets the pin.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Steiner goes to stomping on Spike for good measure and here come Bubba RAy & D-Von to rescue their little brother. Test comes out and pulls Steiner out of the ring and grabs Stacy and they head up the ramp.

We see La Resistance and Rob Conway in the back -stalking Goldberg. They smell bounty. They attack and Goldy fights them off -and being the stereotypical French, they retreat. (Just kidding!)

Segment #5 - Mixed segment, but it had the Big Bad Booty Daddy so I'll give it ***

WWE Slam of the Week - RVD with the five star off the ladder onto Christian last week enroute to RVD winning the IC championship.

Bischoff is talking to a witness in the back who saw everything. Eric lets him tell what happened and then Eric blames it all on Stone Cold.

It's time for Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel. Jericho makes his way to the ring, followed by Christian, The Coach, and Lance Storm.

In the ring, Jericho launches into an attack on Steve Austin and his abuse of power. Testimonials follow by Coach and Christian who blame Austin for everything but the war in Iraq. But come to think of it.. Lance Storm is up and he likes what Austin did and defends him. He calls Jericho a jackass. It's the long awaited Thrillseeker battle as Jericho and Christian attack Lance Storm.

Here comes Stone Cold. Christian (the Creepy Little Bastard) and Jericho continue to stomp at Lance as they taunt Austin. RVD hits the ring and clears out Vitamin C. Austin says it sucks that he can't beat the hell out of people and the fans respond with a whopping "hell yeah!" A big audience participation spectacle as the birds are a flying. Austin books a match - RVD and Lance Storm versus Christian (the creepy little bastard) and Chris Jericho. and it's right now!

Segment 6 - you had the Highlight Reel and the Peep's champ - a definite *****

Lance Storm and RVD versus Chris Jericho and Christian

The action was fast and furious - too fast to even try and take notes with. Plus, I got too caught up watching the match to even bother with notes. But picking it up towards the end - RVD with a rolling thunder on both Y2J and the CLB who were in a umm.. compromising position. A spinkick for Christian and RVD goes to the top with a five-star. Jericho in and lands a lion-sault on RVD. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho. RVD makes it to the ropes and tags Lance. Lance nails Jericho with a missle dropkick and gets the pin.

Winners: Lance Storm and Rob Van Dam

Segment 7 - ***** - 'nuff said!

We see a shot of the tow truck pulling the limo out from under the truck.
Terri talks to Mark Henry, Rodney Mack, & Teddy Long. They destroyed HBK and tonite, they collect the money. Belee' dat!

Ric Flair and Randy Orton are headed to the ring.

Segement 8 - very short, but it's the Nature Boy and Terri. ***1/2

Ric Flair and Randy Orton versus Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade

A great match as Cade and Jindrak proved they are up and comers and have a great future. Mostly it was the Flair/Orton team in control as Flair was chopping the mess out of everything that moved. In the end, the Cade/JIndrak team (they really need a nickname) set up Flair for the double-team. Cade holds and Jindrak with perfect dropkick. Orton comes in and lands the RKO on JIndrak. Flair drapes his arm across and gets the pin.

Winners: Ric Flair and Randy Orton

We see a quick recap of the Rock and all the hype in promoting his movie all week. This week, it's dropped to #3 at the box office - but it's a great flick so if you get the chance - go see it.

Segment #9 - Flair is still the man! Whoooooooo! ****

Maven and Trish are headed to the ring. They come across Flair and Orton celebrating their victory. Maven is a sarcastic little bastard, and Flair takes offense. He's had more World championships than Maven's had women! Hmmm. I won't even touch that. Next week - it's Ric Flair versus Maven.

Trish Stratus and Maven versus Victoria and Steven Richards.

It's only Monday, but we get a taste of Stevie Night Heat in this mixed tag. Stevie and Maven start off. Maven is in control, but Steive tags in the psycho-lady. Victoria and Trish face off and the slapping begins. It's all Trish till Stevie gets in a cheap shot. Lots of knees and a legdrop by Victoria for a 2 count. And so it goes - back and forth. Maven catches Stevie with a off the top neckkbreaker (kind of like Buff Bagwell's Buff-buster) and gets the pin.

Winners: Maven and Trish

Afterwards, Victoria attacks Trish on the outside and slams her into the steel steps until Maven chases her off.

The Thuggin and Buggin' crew are headed to the ring.

Segment #10 - A good match and it's always a treat to see Stevie and Victoria. ***1/2

Mark Henry w/Theodore Long versus Goldberg

Rodney Mack came out, but Charles Robinson sends him to the back. They lock up, and mostly - it's all Henry. A slow paced match like you'd expect, but much better than I was anticipating, considering who was involved. Goldy shows some offense from time to time, but the power of the World's Strongest Man is too much. Finally Goldy has had enough and hits Henry with a big slam, followed by a clothesline.

He's going for the jackhammer, but here's Rodney Mack with a chair. HBK is in and nails Mack with some Sweet Chin Music. HBK gets in the ring and Henry grabs him in a bearhug. HBK goes to the eyes and Henry releases the hold. Here's Goldy and he spears Shawn Michaels. Goldy hits the jackhammer on Henry. The Thugs bug out and Goldberg glares at HBK as he celebrates his win.

Winner by DQ - Goldberg

Final Segment - #11 - I'll give *** stars because it was much better than I expected. ANd maybe this will be the long-awaited HBK heel turn I've been wanting to see ever since he returned to the WWE.

So that's it. A really good show - with a total rating of 3 1/2 *** for the whole show. It was some really good matches and only the Kane/Shane storyline went over the top a little too much. Well that's it. Have a good night, and see you next week on HEAT!


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