Wednesday, January 18, 2012

(Retro) Some Classic Christmas Rock!! - August 1, 2003

Some Classic Christmas Rock!! - August 1, 2003

Here are a couple of classic little rants by the Great One.. They're Christmas related,and I know it's August, but when it's the Rock speaking - they're funny anytime of the year..

You see, Rocky the People's Reindeer
was very big and very tall
and unlike Kevin Kelly
he actually had a set of balls
all of the other jabroni reindeer
were so jealous
and looked at Rocky in vain
because they couldn't stand the fact
that the people
chanted Rocky's name...
then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Santa was drunk
and full of gas
so Rocky took his bag of toys
and stuck 'em up Santa's candy ass!
-The Rock

(Sung to the '12 Days of Christmas')
"On the night Test faced the Great One
this is what he'll see..
12 Sharpshooters shooting
11 eyebrows raising
10 spines-a-busting
9 noggins knocking
8 kicks-a-kicking
7 punches punching
6 suplexes smashing
5 seconds of the people chanting the Rock's name
4 Rock Bottoms
3 People's Elbows on your
2 buck teeth
And an ass kicking all over New Orleans"

-The Rock to Test - Smackdown - 12/21/01

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